Hemodynamics Flashcards
What are edema and effusionaps
Disorders that perturb cardiovascular, renal, or
hepatic function are often marked by the
accumulation of fluid in tissues (edema) or
body cavities (effusions).
2 types of localized edema
– Combination of increased blood flow due to
arteriolar vasodilation AND increased leakiness of
capillary endothelium
• Mechanical
– Blockage of lymph vessels
• Filariasis (nematode infection)
• Neoplasia
• Chemoterapy/radiotherapy damage to lymphatics
3 types of systemic edema with examples
• Increased hydrostatic pressure
– Gravity
– Congestive Heart Failure
– Venous Obstruction
• DVT, Vena cava obstruction
• Cirrhosis –backs up blood in hepatic portal system
• Constrictive Pericarditis –similar to CHF, heart can’t pump
• Reduced Osmotic Pressure
– Liver failure (not making enough albumin)
– Nephrotic syndrome (losing too much albumin)
• Sodium (and water) retention
– Acute renal failure
Describe hyperemia and congestion
Hyperemia and congestion both stem from increased blood
volumes within tissues, but have different underlying mechanisms
and consequences.
• Hyperemia is an active process in which arteriolar dilation (e.g., at
sites of inflammation or in skeletal muscle during exercise) leads
to increased blood flow. Affected tissues turn red (erythema)
because of increased delivery of oxygenated blood.
• Congestion is a passive process resulting from reduced venous
outflow of blood from a tissue. It can be systemic, as in cardiac
failure, or localized, as in isolated venous obstruction.
• Congested tissues have an abnormal blue-red color (cyanosis) that
stems from the accumulation of deoxygenated haemoglobin in the
affected area.
What is hemorrhage
Hemorrhage generally indicates extravasation of blood due to
vessel rupture
3 types of hemorrhage
Petechiae: Minute 1- to 2-mm hemorrhages into skin, mucous
membranes, or serosal surface
Purpura: Slightly larger (≥3 mm) hemorrhages.
Ecchymoses: Larger (>1 to 2 cm) subcutaneous hematomas
(i.e., bruises).
What is hematoma and give the 4 different types
Hematoma = collection of blood in an organ or tissue:
Hemothorax: in the thorax
Hemoperitoneum: in the peritoneum
Hemopericardium: in the pericardium
Hemarthrosis: in joint
What is hemostasis
Sequence of events following vascular injury that
results in the formation of a clot (stasis)
2 key regulators of hemostasis
endothelial cells and platelets
What is thrombosis
It represents hemostasis in the intact vascular
• It is a process by which a thrombus is formed.
• A thrombus is a solid mass of blood
constituents which develops in artery or vein.
• Is intravascular coagulation of blood often
causing significant interruption to blood flo
Pathogenesis of thrombosis
Three primary influences predispose to
thrombus formation, the so-called Virchow
1. endothelial injury
2. stasis or turbulence of blood flow
3. blood hypercoagulability
In other words it results from interaction
platelets, damaged endothelial cells and the
coagulation cascade.
Describe endothelial injury
Endothelial injury:
• Direct injury
• Depletion of anticoagulants
(e.g. PGI2 by Cox-2 inhibitors)
• Upregulation of procoagulants
(e.g. inflammation)
Describe abnormal blood flow
Aneurismal dilation of
vessels create local stasis
• Hyperviscosity (too many
erythrocytes in blood)
• Sickle cell anemia
• Turbulence at branchpoints
• Hormonal: estrogen increases production of clotting factors and reduces anticoagulant factors
• Prolonged bed rest or immobilization
• Myocardial infarction
• Atrial fibrillation
• Tissue injury (surgery, fracture, burn)
• Cancer
• Prosthetic
The fate of a thrombosis in 4 main points
Dissolution: fibrinolytic activity completely clears thrombus
• Organization and recanalization or incorporation:
thrombi in vessels induce inflammation and fibrosis (organization); these
can recanalize (shown below) or they can become incorporated into the
vessel wall
• Propagation: thrombus stimulates further platelet aggregation and
growth that may eventually occlude vessel lumen
• Embolization: thrombi may break off and plug a distant site
Describe venousthrombosis vs arterial thrombosis
Venous thrombosis
• Superficial (varicosities): cause local edema, pain, and perhaps
ulceration; rarely embolize
• Deep (i.e. “DVT”): rarely cause local pain due to collaterals, but often
embolize with significant consequences
Arterial thrombosis
• Atherosclerosis: rupture of plaques induces clotting and occlusion of
• Mural thrombosis: post-infarction or post-infection damage to lining of
heart induces formation of clots that can break off and plug a distant site.
Describe embolism and 3 ways it occurs
Embolus = detached mass that is carried to a site distant
from its origin, for example:
Fat: bone marrow or soft tissue trauma releases adipocytes into blood that can plug
distant sites
Air: rapid depressurization causes gas to bubble out of solution; these gas bubbles within the
circulation can obstruct vascular flow (and cause distal ischemic injury) acting as thrombotic masses.
Bubbles may coalesce to form frothy masses sufficiently large to occlude major vessels.
Amniotic fluid: trauma during childbirth may allow amniotic fluid (and its non-fluid
contents such as dead skin cells, mucus, etc.) to enter maternal circulation and cause remote
Describe Thromembolism
Embolism causing blockage is derived from a
The emboli ultimately lodge in vessels too small
to permit further passage, resulting in partial or
complete vascular occlusion leading to ischemic
necrosis of distal tissue, (infarction). Depending
on the site of origin, emboli may lodge in the
pulmonary or systemic circulations.
2 types of thromboembolism
Pulmonary thromboembolism: thrombus (usually from a
DVT) breaks off and goes to right ventricle. From there it
is pumped out to the lungs and blocks pulmonary
arteries. The problem at first is not the ischemia per se,
but instead that this blood is not oxygenated and does
not return to the heart (thus eventually causing systemic
Systemic thromboembolism: thrombus originates in left
ventricular wall or wall of aorta breaks off and causes
infarction at a distant site (brain, kidney, spleen).
What is infarction
Area of ischemic necrosis caused by occlusion of
arterial supply or venous drainage.
The nature and
extent of damage is influenced by:
3 points
Nature of blood supply: tissues with dual or collateral blood
supply (e.g. lungs, liver, and limbs) are less affected compared to end
organs (muscles, brain, kidney, spleen)
Rate of development: slowly progressing occlusion tolerated
because of development of collateral routes
Tissue vulnerability: neurons can withstand only 3-4 minutes
of hypoxia, myocytes ~30 minutes, fibroblasts can survive many hours
in low oxygen.
What is shock
Systemic hypoperfusion caused by reduced cardiac output or reduced
blood volume, resulting in 1) hypotension, 2) impaired tissue
perfusion, and 3) cellular hypoxia.
Categories of shock
Cardiogenic: reduced cardiac output
Hypovolemic: reduced blood volume
Hemorrhagic: blood loss
Neurogenic: vasodilation following nerve cord injury
Anaphylactic: systemic vasodilation and respiratory insufficiency
Septic: over-reactive inflammatory response caused by systemic
microbial infection. Most commonly due to gram-negative infections (
endotoxic shock), but it can also occur with gram-positive and fungal
Describe septic shock
Cytokine storm of TNF, IL-1, and IL-6 in response to
bacterial antigens (usu. lipopolysaccharides from
gram-negative bacilli) resulting in:
1) Systemic vasodilation
2) Reduced cardiac contractility
3) Widespread endothelial injury and activation
4) Systemic activation of clotting cascade (Disseminated
Intravascular Coagulation or “DIC”)
Describe 3 stages of shock
• Nonprogressive stage: reflex compensatory mechanisms (tachycardia,
peripheral vasoconstriction, renal fluid retention) compensate for
– Causes common symptoms associated with shock: weak, rapid pulse; shallow, rapid
breathing; and cool, clammy skin (the exception is septic shock that may present with
flushing due to widespread inflammatory response).
• Progressive stage: metabolic lactic acidosis blunts vasomotor response and
blood starts to pool in peripheral tissues (increasing hypercoagulative risk),
vital organs perfused less and begin to fail.
– Clinical symptoms associated with this phase are reduced urine output, acidosis, and
electrolyte imbalances
• Irreversible stage: widespread tissue necrosis induces systemic
inflammatory response (vasodilation, etc.), reduced cardiac function, and
acute renal failure.