Hemodynamic monitoring Flashcards
Describe the set-up for invasive arterial blood pressure monitoring
- arterial catheter
- non-compliant tubing with 3-way stopcock
- transducer (at the level of right atrium) connected to monitor
- bag of 0.9%NaCl with heparin 1 unit/mL kept pressurized at 300 mHg and running at 3 mL/h connected to circuit to prevent backflow and maintain patency
- all lines primed / flushed with the heparinized saline before connection
Need to level and zero the circuit
Name complications of invasive blood pressure monitoring
- Hemorrhage
- Infection
- Distal limb necrosis
- Thrombosis
- Excessive heparinization
How to assess damping with invasive arterial pressure monitoring
Dynamic response / square wave test: open fast flush and count oscillations after square wave before return to baseline.
Optimal damping = 1-2 oscillations after square wave, amplitude of each oscillation no greater than 1/3 of previous one and interval between oscillations < 30 msec
Overdamping = no oscillations after square wave
Underdamping = multiple oscillations
How does overdamping influence the arterial waveform? Underdamping?
Overdamping -> lower SBP, higher DBP, loss of dicrotic notch
Underdamping -> higher SBP, lower DBP, artifacts on waveform
What are causes of overdamping / underdamping in invasive blood pressure monitoring
Overdamping: clot in catheter, catheter agains vessel wall, kinked catheter / tubing, air bubbles in system, compliant tubing
Underdamping: excessively long tubing, multiple 3-way stopcocks
How to calculate pulse pressure variation? What value is associated with fluid responsiveness?
PPV (%) = 100*(PPmax-PPmin)/[(PPmax + PPmin)/2]
Values >10% associated with fluid responsiveness, values >13% correlate with hypotension and fluid responsiveness
Explain why peripheral PPV overestimates central PPV
- Forward (or incident) wave travels from the left ventricle to the periphery – its amplitude is based on ventricular contraction and pulse wave velocity
- Backward (or reflected) wave travels in the opposite direction – generated by reflexion of forward wave
- Both waves superimpose in order to create the pressure waveform
- In the aorta, rise of systolic pressure is determined by aortic compliance and SV
- As the arterial pressure waveform moves into the periphery (more compliant, smaller conduit), the pulse pressure is amplified
- MAP remains unchanged to mildly decreased
Where should the transducer or the bottom of the manometer be placed for CVP monitoring
At the level of the right atrium ->manubrium in lateral recumbency / point of shoulder in sternal recumbency
Draw and explain a CVP waveform
a wave = right atrial contraction
c wave = bulging of tricuspid valve
v wave = blood flowing into right atrium
x descent = ventricular contraction / ejection
y descent = emptying of right atrium after opening of tricuspid valve
What is a normal CVP
0-5 cmH2O
(/!\ measured in cmH2O)
What do changes in CVP indicate
High > 10 cmH2O: volume overload, right sided heart failure, pericardial disease, pulmonic stenosis, marked pleural effusion / pneumothorax
Low < 10 cmH2O: hypovolemia or vasodilation
How will CVP change following a fluid challenge in a hypovolemic patient? Euvolemic? Hypervolemic?
Hypovolemic: no change in CVP or mild transient increase
Euvolemic: increase of 2-4 cmH2O and return to baseline within 15 min
Hypervolemic: increase > 4 cmH2O and return to baseline > 30 min
What is the normal CO for dogs and cats
Dogs: 125-200 ml/kg/min
Cats: 120 ml/kg/min
What values can be measured or calculated with a Swan-Ganz catheter
- Pulmonary artery pressure
- Pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (= pulmonary wedge pressure) -> indicates preload to left heart
- Right atrial pressure (= central venous pressure)
- CO with thermodilution
- SvO2 (central venous and mixed venous)
- Cardiac index (= CO/body surface area)
- Stroke volume (= CO/HR)
- Stroke volume index (= SV/body surface area)
- Systemic vascular resistance (= (MAP-RAP)/cardiac index)
- DO2, O2 consumption, O2 extraction
Label this waveform from a Swan-Ganz catheter being inserted and indicate what are the pressures
See picture