Heme/Onc - Week 3 Review - Part 1 Flashcards
Aniscytosis - Definition
RBC with range of sizes (High RDW)
Poikilocytosis - Definition
RBCs with different shapes (e.g. spherocytes or sickle cells)
Red Cell Chromasia (MCHC) - Definition
How red is a cell (based on Hb)
What is this shown in the picture? + Key Points (3)
Iron Deficiency Anemia with INcreased RDW
What is shown in the picture? What disease is shown? What other diseases have these cells?
Thalassemia - Target Cells
Also HALT - Hemoglobin C + Asplenia + Liver Disease + Thalasemia + Low Fe (Lecture)
What is shown on this image (2) + Common Disease Causing (2)
Hyper-segmented Neutrophils + Macrocytic RBCs
B12 + Folate Deficiency
What findings are shown on the image? (2) + What diseases cause the findings? (1)
Bite Cells + Heinz Bodies
What findings are shown on the image? (1) + What diseases cause the findings? (1)
Sickle Cells
Sickle Cell Anemia
What findings are shown on the image? (1) + What diseases cause the findings? (4)
Schistocytes - Microthrombi Damage
TTP + HUS + DIC + Mechanical Heart Valves
What findings are shown on the image? (2) + What diseases cause the findings? (2)
Spherocytes - HIgh MCHC
Herditary Spherocytosis (Spectrin/Ankyin/Band 3,1)
Warm Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia (Extravascular Hemolysis - IgG)
What findings are shown on the image? (2) + What diseases cause the findings? (2)
Acanthocytes (Spur Cells)
Liver Disease + Abetapoproteinuria
What findings are shown on the image? (1) + What diseases cause the findings? (1)
Rouleux Formation
Multiple Myeloma
What findings are shown on the image? (1) + What diseases cause the findings? (2)
Cold Agglutinin
IgM Mediatated Immune Hemolytic Anemia (Compliment) + Mycoplasma Pneuomina
What findings are shown on the image? (1)
What findings are shown on the image? (2) + What diseases cause the findings? (1)
Howell Jolly Bodies - Don’t need special stain vs. Heinz Does