Heme - Ewwwww Flashcards
precursor of granulocytes
immediate precursor to neutrophil
band cell
precursor to platelets
kidney shaped nucleus
monocyte (macrophage in blood)
releases major basic protein
WBC where granules cover nucleus
Wright - Giemsa stain stains what?
AT rich segments of DNA
mutation in ankyrin, spectrin, or band 3 - disease and type of hemolysis
hereditary spherocytosis - extravascular
increased osmotic fragility of RBCs (disease and morphological finding)
Hereditary spherocytosis - Howell Jolly body
Heinz bodies (2 diseases stain used)
G6PD Deficiency and alpha thalassemia - supravital (methylene blue or bromocresol green)
Hb values for men and women in anemia
male: < 13.5 female: < 12.5
MCV: microcytic, normal, macrocytic
micro: < 80 normal: 80-100 macro: >100
Name components of Hb and diseases from the deficiencies
Heme (iron + protoporphyrin): iron def. anemia, anemia of chronic disease (Fe stuck in macrophages)
Protoporphyrin: sideroblastic anemia
Globin: thalassemia
most common nutrional deficiency in the world
where is iron absorbed
molecule that transports iron in blood
molecule that stores iron and where?
ferritin in liver and bone marrow macrophages
what is TIBC
total iron-binding capacity, measures transferrin molecules in blood (%saturation tells % of transferrin bound by iron)
always opposite of ferritin
common iron deficiencies by age group: infant/children, adults, elderly
infants/children: diet
adults: peptic ulcer disease (males) and menorrhagia (females)
elderly: colon polyps/carcinoma (developed) hookworms in (developing)
consequences on gastrectomy on iron absorption
decreased acid production, more iron in Fe+3 state, less absorption
signs of iron deficiency
paleness, koilonychia, pica
RDW and what is it called when its high?
red cell distribution width (spectrum of size of RBCs)
wide distribution is called anisocytosis
esophageal web, atrophic glossitis, beefy-red tongue
Plummer-Vinson syndrome - iron deficiency anemia
anemia assoc. with chronic inflammation (disease, type of anemia, and most common population)
anemia of chronic disease - microcytic - hospitalized pts