heme Flashcards
Fetal erythropoiesis
Fetal Erythropoiesis occurs in : Yolk sac (3-8 weeks) Liver (6 weeks to birth) Spleen (10-28 weeks) Bone marrow (18 weeks to adults)
Young liver synthesizes Blood
Hemoglobin development
Embryonic globins (zeta and epsilon) Fetal hemoglobin (HbF)= a2y2 Adult hemoglobin (HbA2)= a2B2 Adult hemoglobin (HbA2)= a2d2 (rare) HbF has a higher affinity for O2 due to less avid binding of 2-3BPG (2-3 BPG tells hemoglobin to release O2), so having less 2-3BPG makes fetal Hgb hold on to O2 more
At birth Hgb is about 50/50 HbF and HbA
ABO and Rh classification
A group has the Anti B antibody (IgM) to B Ag, has the A antigen on it
B group has the Anti A antibody (IgM)
AB group has no antibodies
O group has both antibodies, and they are in IgM and IgG
Rh classification
+ (has the Ag)
Rh - no Ag, so has Anti D antibody (an IgG) (give moms IgG during and after each pregnancy)
Hemolytic disease of the newborn AKA erythroblastosis fetalis
An Rh - mom with an Rh+ baby
First pregnancy: mom exposed to fetal blood (dutring delivery)-> formation of maternal anti-D IgG. Subsequent pregnancy- antiD IgG crosses the placenta and attacks the Fetal RBCs–> hemolysis in the fetus. Hydrops fetalis, jaundice, kernicterius. Prevent by administrating antiD IgG to Rh - moms during third trimenster and peripartum if fetus turns our +. Prevents maternal anti-D IgG production
ABO hemolytic disease of the newborn- Type O mom type A or B fetus, pre exisiting maternal anti-A or anti B cross IgG antibodies cross placenta–> hemolysis in the fetus. Mild jaundice in the neonate in 24 hours, can occur in the first born, Treatment: phototherapy or exchange transfusion
Multipotent stem cell
Myeloid stem cell: Erythroblasts, megakaryocytes, Granulocytes (Eosinophils, Basophils, Bands->PMNs), Monocytes–> Macrophage
Lymphoid cells–> B cells, T cells (Th cells, T cytotoxic ) NK cells
Acute inflammatory response cells. Numbers increase in bacterial infections Phagocytic. Multilobed nucleus Specific granules contain leukocyte alk phos, collagenase, lysozyme, and lactoferrin
Azurophilic granules (lysosomes) contain proteinases, acid phosphastase, myeloperoxidase, B- glucurondase
increased bands= CML or bacterial infections
chemotactics: c5a, IL8 LtB4, bacterial products, kallikirein, platelet activating facotr
Lifespan 120 days
Source of energy is glucose (90% used in glycolysis, 10% used in HMP shunt)
Membranes contain CL/HCO3- antiporter, which allow RBCs to export HCO3 and transport CO2 from the periphery to the lungs for elimination
Anisocytosis- varying sizes
Poikilocytosis = varying shapes
Blue color= RNA
lifespan 8-10 days
When activated by endothelial injury, aggregate with other platelets and interact with fibrinogen to form platelt plug
Contain dense granules (Ca++, ADP, Serotonin, Histamine CASH) and a granules (vWF, Fibrinogen, fibronectin, platelt factor 4)
Approximately 1/2 of platet pool is stored in the spleen
Long life in tissues, differentiate from monocytes
Activated by y-inferon
Important cellular component of granulomas
CD14 receptor is what initiates septic shock
Defend against helminths via MBPs
Bilobed nucleus, Packed with large eosinophilic granules of uniform size
produse histaminases, MBP, eosinophil peroxidase, eosinophil cationic protein
PACCMAN causes of eosinophilia Parasites Asthma Eosinophilic granulomatosis with polyaniitis (churg Strauss syndrome) Chronic adrenal insufficiency Myeloproliferative disorders Allergic processes Neoplasia (hodgkin lymphoma)
Mediate allergic reaction
Densely basophilic granuls
Mast cells
Can bind the Fc portion of IgE to membrane
Activated by tissue trauma, C3a and C5a, Surface IgE (cross linking by Ag)
release of histamine, heparin, tryptase, and eosinophil chemotactic factors
Involved in type 1 HS reactions, cromolyn sodium prevents mast cell degranulation, used for asthma prophylaxis
Vancomycin, opioids and radiocontrast dye elicit IgE independent mast cell degranulation
Natural killer cells
important in innate immunity, especially against intracellular pathogens, larger than B and T cells, with distinctive cytoplasmic lytic granules (containing perforin and granzyme) act on target cells to induce apoptosis
Contain CD56, and CD16
B cells
Follicles of lymph nodes, white pulp of spleen, unencapsulated lymphoid tissue
Contain Cd19, Cd20 and CD 21
T cells
CD28 necessary for T cells (Treg, CD4 and CD8)
Plasma cells
Large amounts of antibody
Clock face chromatin distribution with nucleas off to the side, RER and Golgi for secratory white part next to nucleus
mostly found in the bone marrow
Multiple myeloma is a plasma cell dyscrasia
Primary hemostasis
Formation of a platelet plug (endothelial cells contain in the Wieble Palade bodies- vWF and Pselectin with factor 8) they also contain thromboplastin and tPA and PGI2
- Injury to the endothelium–> transient vasoconstriction via neural stimulation reflex and endothelin (from damaged cell)
- Exposure: vWf binds to exposed collagen
- Adhesion: platlets bind vWF bia Gp1b receptor at site of injury–> platelets undergo confirmational change–> Platelets release ADP(allows for exposure of Gp2b3a), TXA2 ( via COX chemotactic for platelets) and Ca+ (needed for coagulation cascade)
- Activation ADP binding to P2Y12 receptor induces Gp2b/3a expression on platelet surface
- Aggregation: Fibrinogen binds Gp2b3a receptos and links platelets
Pro vs anti aggregation factors
PRO coag: TXA2 (released by platelets), decreased blood flow, increased platelet aggregation
Anti coag: PgI2, NO (from endothelial cell) increased blood flow, decreased platelet aggregation
Temporary plug stop bleeding, unstableunstable and easily dislodged–> coag cascade is secondary
formation of insoluble fibrin mesh
ASA irreversibly inhibits COX 1 and 2, thereby inhibiting TXA2 synthesis (no chemotactic)
Clopidorgrel, prasugrel, ticlodipine inhibit ADP induced expression of Gp2b 3a by irreversible blocking of the P2y12 receptor
Abciximab, Eptifibatide, and tirofiban inhibit Gp2b3a (so no fibrinogen binding, FIB or CIX)
Ristocetin is an assay activates vWF to bind Gp1b, failure of aggregation with ristocetin occurs in vWdisease, and Bernard Soulier syndrome
vWF carries/protects factor 8
Bernard soulier syndrome
deficiency in Gp1b receptor (no VwF ability to bind)
Kinin cascade
Kaikrein activates bradykinin
increases vasodilation, increase permeability, increase in pain
Intrinsic pathway
12-12a, 11-11a, 9-9a
vWF activates 8– 8a
then 10- 10a
C1 esterase inhibits kalikrein and 12 and 11
C1 esterase inhbitiro dificeincy - hereditary angioedema
Extrinsic path
Tissue factor activates factor 10
Combined pathway
10- 10a via extrinsic and intrinsic path
5a-2-2a (thrombin)
2a- 1 -1a (fibrinogen)- fibrin monomers stabiliizes fibrin between platelets
Fibrinolytic system
tissue Plasminogen activator activates Plasmin which degrades fibrin (D-dimer)
Vitamin K
Factors 2, 7 9 and 10 C and S
Epoxide reductase activates Vitamin K which yCarboxylates 2 7 9 10 C S
Warfarin and liver failure inhibits the epoxide reductase
Factor 7 has the shortes half life, factor 2 has the longest
inhibits thrombin factor 2a and factors 7 9 10
heparin induces antithrombin (inhbitition of factor 2 and 10)
Factor 5 leidin
produces factor 5 that is resistent to inhibition by activated protein C
Microcytic anemia
hemoglobin issues (TAIL)
Defective globin production: Thalessemias
Defective heme synthesis: Anemia of chronic disease, iron deficiency (late), Lead poisoning
Reticulocyte index
the corrected reticulocyte count
reticulocyte percent x actual Hct/normal Hct (45%)
Iron deficiency anemia
low iron due to chronic bleeding (GI loss, menorrhagia), malnutrition, absorption disorders, GI surgery, or increased demand (pregnancy) decreased final step in heme synthesis (Ferrochelatase cant add iron to protoporphyrin in the mitochondira)
labs: decreased iron, increased TIBC, decreased ferritin (stores), increesed free erythrocyte protoporphyrin, increased RDW ( you have some small and some normal size), decreased Index
Symptoms: fatigue, pallor, pica, spoon nails
low hemoglobin->low myoglobin
May manifest as glottitis, cheilosis, Plummer vinson syndrome (triad of iron deficiency anemia, esophageal webs and dysphagia- you dont eat steak bc of webs, then low iron)
Iron transport
iron is consumed, absorption occurs in duodenum via DMT1 transporters, the heme form is more readily absorbed from animals
Enterocytes transport the iron across the cell membrane into blood via ferroportin
Transferrin transports the iron in the blood and delivers it to liver and bone marrow for macrophage storage
Storred intracellular iron is bound to ferritin, preventing iron from producing free radicals
Serum iron is iron in the blood
TIBC- measure of transferrin (when iron stores are depleted- you send out more scavengers)
percent saturation- normal=33%
Serum ferritin- reflects iron stores in macrophages and the liver
alpha thalessemia
a-globin gene deletion, there are 4 alpha genes on chromosome 16–> decreased alpha globin synethesis. cis deletio (same chromosome, happens in asians)
Trans on different chromosomes (pravelent in africans
normal is aa/aa
aa/a- athal minor, no anemia
a-/a- (trans) , or aa/- - (cis) a thal minor, mild microcytic, hypochromic anemia, cis deletion my worsen outcome for carriers offspring)
a-/ - - hemoglobin H disease (HbH) ecess B globin, forms tetraterms, moderate to severe microcytic hypochromic anemia
- -/ - - (hemoglobin barts disease, excess y globin gene, hedrops fetalis
Point mutations in splice sites and promoter sequences on chromosome 11–> B globin synthesis
Pravelent in meditteraneans
B-thal minor (heterozygote): b chain is underproduced, usually asymptomatic, diagnosed by increased Hgb A2 on electrophoresis
Major (homozygoete- B chain is absent, severe microcytic hypochromic anemia with target cells and increased anisopoikilocytosis (increased RDW) require blood transfusion – 2’ hemochromatosis), marrow expansion (crew cut on x ray, skeletal deformaties, chipmunk facies, extramedularry hepatopoiesis–> hepatosplenomagaly
increased risk of parvovirus
HbS/B thal heterozygote
Lead poisoning
lead inhibits ferrochelatase and ALAD–> decreased heme synthesis and increased RBC protoporphoryn, also inhibits rRNA degradation –> RBCs retain aggregates of rRNA (basophilic stippling), encephalopathy and erythrocyte basophiling abdominal colic and sideroblastic anemia, drops, wrist and foot drop
Dimercaprol and EDTA are 1st line of treatment
Succicmer used for chelation in kids
Lead lines on gingivae and on metaphysis of long bones
Sideroblastic anemia
genetic(X linked) defect in ALAS, acquired (myelodysplastic syndromes, and reversible alcohol is the most common lead poisoning, vitamin B6 deficiency, copper deficiency , drugs, linezolid isoniazid
Labs will show: increased iron, normal/low TIBC, increased ferritin, ringed sideroblasts, basophilic stippling of RBCs,
Treatment: pyridoxine (B6 cofactor for ALAS)
MEgaloblastic anemia
Impaired DNA synthesis–> malnutrition of nucleus of precursor cells in bone marrow delayer relatice to maturation of cytoplasm
Causes: vitB12 deficiency, folate deficiency, meds (hydroxyurea, phenytoin, methotrexate, sulfa drugs
RBC macrocytosis, hypersegmented neutrophils
Folate deficiency
causes: malnutrition (alcoholic), malabsorption, drugs (methotrexate, TMP phyenytoin) increased requirement (hemolytic anemia, pregnancy)
increased homocystein, normal methylmalonic acid–> no neuro symptoms (vs B12 deficiency
folate metabolism
Folate circulates in the serum as methyl-THF, you need to remove methyl group to have DNA synthesis
Vit B12 takes the methyl group, homocysteine takes the methyl group from B12–>methionin
To make homocysteine you need methylmalonic acid
Vit B12 deficiency
causes pernicious anemia, malabsorption (Crohns disease), pancreatic insufficiency gastrectomy, insufficient intake (vegans), Diphyllobothrium latum (fish tapeworm)
increased homocysteine (cant take the methyl group), increased methylmalonic acid
Neuro symptoms- reversible dementia, subacute combined degeneration (due to involvement of B12 in FA pathways and myelin synthesis)
Spinocerebellar tract, lateral corticospinal tract, dorsal column dysfunction
Folate supplementation when really a B12 deficiency can correct the anemia, but neuro symptoms worsen
Liver can store B12 for yearns
Orotic aciduria
Inability to convert orotic acid to UMP (denovo pyrimidine syntheis)
Autosomal recessive Presents as failure to thrive, dev delay, and megaloblastic anemia refractory to folate and B12 No hyperammonemia (vs ornithine transcarbomylase deficiency where increased orotic acid with hyper ammonemia)
Give UMP or uridine triacetate to bypass mutated enzyme
Orotic acid will accumulate in urine