Hematopoiesis Flashcards
- Pre natal (0-3 months)? 2-7 months?
- Post natal? Child? Adult?
- Myeloid cells? (4)
- Lymphoid cells?
- Stem cell: can give rise to? pluripotent? multipotent?
- Progenitor: Committed stem cell to?
- Precursor: Recognizable maturing cell? Renewal?
- Self renewal prevents?
- Majority of hematopoietic cells?
- yolk sac; Liver/spleen
- Bone marrow; axial; vertebrae, pelvis, sternum, ribs
- Granulocytes, RBCs, ptts, mono
- B, T, NK
- Any myeloid; M or L lineage; mother of all
- One or two lineages
- Yes, No
- Bone marrow depletion
- Precursor or mature
- Maturation dictated by?
- Differentiation?
- Hemato GF’s? (5)
- Myoblast goes to?
- Monocyte goes to?
- Large granular?
- Small?
- Cellular bone marrow 50-50%?
- Decreases with?
- M:E ratio?
- gene expression; protein accumulation
- Genes on or off
- EPO; IL3; G-CSF (Inc n’s), GMSH (inc. macs); MCSF
- B,E,N and mono
- Macro/denrdritic
- NK
- TH and B
- Hematopoeitcally active and bone
- Age
- Granulo: Erythro = 3:1