Hematology - Misc. Material + Broken Spreadsheets Flashcards
Common Hematology Complaints
(list 9)
- Fatigue
- Weakness
- Lightheadedness
- Pallor
- Shortness of breath
- Easy bruising
- Bleeding problems
- Frequent illness
- Palpitations
Common “Fatigue” Differentials
(list 5)
- Anemia
- Thyroid disorder
- Insufficient sleep
- Depression
- Drug use
Important Historical Questions in Eval Anemia
- Onset of s/sx, duration indicates chronic disease or acute stressor
- Nutrition, **especially vegan or vegetarian
- Sleep patterns
- Signs of bleeding
- Gums
- Rectal (bloody stool, assume colon cancer until proven otherwise)
- Prevoius episodes
- Associated symptoms
Significant Clinical Exam Findings for General Hematologic Disorders
(8 categories, 11 findings)
- General Impression
- Toxic appearance
- Skin
- Petichiae
- Purpura
- Conjunctiva/gums pale or spontaneously bleeding
- Tongue c smooth surface
- Lymphatic
- lymphadopathy
- Cardiac
- tachycardia
- Abdo
- splenomegaly
- hepatomegaly
- bone pain, shaft > joint
- Neuro
- sensory abnormalities, stocking glove
Reasons for total RBC mass decrease
(list 3)
- Decreased production
- Abnormal maturation
- Increased destruction
Decreased Hemoglobin and Hematocrit Values
(male and female, just list lower borders)
•Hgb < 13.5 g/dl
•Hct < 41%
•Hgb < 12 g/dl
•Hct < 37%
*Note: these are ranges from Current. Each lab will send you their own reference values to go off of *
Anemia Etiology
(2 categories, place microcytic and macrotcytic anemias in each category)
- Congenital
- Thalasemia
- Sickle cell disease
- Acquired
- Dietary
- Iron Def anemia
- Vit B12 deficiency anemia
- Folic Acid deficiency
- Dietary
Fill in the blanks
See picture below. These are just supplimentary notes
Production defect – will look different depending on cause. Normally shaped RBC but insufficient amount
•Underlying renal or hepatic disease (EPO deficiency)
•Underlying bone marrow disease (cannot actually produce)
•Blood loss in this category; the RBCs will continue to produce at high levels but it is getting lost
Maturation defect – normal amount but not forming correctly
•Thalasemia is a hemoglobinopathy
•Nuclear – RNA and ribosomes are okay. Therefore they can produce cytoplasm as sluggish nucleus growth until the age of production
Survival Defect
•Cells are produced normally but are destroyed early
•Remember, malaria is a parasite
•Drugs can cause hemolysis
Most Common Anemia S/Sx
(5 symptoms, 6 signs)
- Fatigue
- Headache (decreased oxygen to brain)
- Exertional dyspnea
- Faintness
- Cold extremities
Common signs
- Tachycardia
- Orthostatic hypotension (less blood, less pressure)
- Pallor
- Jaundice (hemolytic origin)
- Smooth tongue (loss of papillae, nutrient deficiency origin)
- Koilonychia (spoon shaped nails, iron deficiency origin)
Microcytic Anemia Disease Acronym
Iron Deficiency Anemia
Anemia of Chronic Disease
Siderobastic Anemia
Define Iron Deficiency Anemia
Inadequate supply of iron for synthesis of hemoglobin
Most common cause of anemia worldwide, 20% of white female Americans have it
Etiology, Iron Deficiency Anemia
(4 general)
Iron absorption >1-1.5 mg/day (after absorption) due to:
- GI tract bleeding (acute or chronic)
- Often colon cancer in elderly
- Pt will usually present late in anemia disease progression
- Chronic asprin or NSAID use
- Think geriatrics taking them for arthritis
- Low iron intake
- Increased Fe demands
- Pregnancy/lactation
- Heavy menstrual bleeding
Pathophysiology, Iron Deficiency Anemia
Heme molecule cannot bind oxygen without sufficient iron
S/Sx, Iron Deficiency Anemia
(6 signs, 5 symptoms)
- Brittle nails
- Koilonychia (spoon shaped nails)
- Pale conjunctiva
- Smooth tongue (typical of all malnutrition anemias)
- Tachycardia
- CHF, if untreated for prolonged period
- Fatigue
- Weakness
- Palpitations
- Pica
Note - Pica is often a board question
Differential Diagnoses, Iron Deficiency Anemia
(3, c differntiating factors from iron deficiency)
- Anemia of chronic disease
- Normal ferritin levels
- Low Serum Fe
- Thallesemia
- Sig. low MCV
- Normal or inc. RBC
- Sideroblastic anemia
- Inc. serum Fe
- Inc. % saturation
Diagnostic Tests c Results, Iron Deficiency Anemia
(5 tests, listed in order in which they become abnormal in disease progression)
- CBC – microcytic hypochromic RBC in late anemia progression
- Serum ferritin – <12 mcg/dl is highly reliable (labs will provide norm. ranges)
- Serum Fe
- Total Iron Binding Capacity (TIBC)
- % Saturation (of Fe in proteins)
Medical Treatment, Iron Deficiency Anemia
Dependent on cause. Ultimately tx underlying reason
- Ferrous sulfate 325 mg po tid
- Expect normal hematocrit within 3 weeks
- Expect baseline within 2 mo
- Continue 6 mo to restore Fe stores in liver and heart
- *If pt resistant to pills, council on dietary habits *
- Parenteral Fe (only if oral fails)
- Must be delivered in the hospital due to high risk for anaphylaxis
Patient Education/Prevention, Iron Deficiency Anemia
Once levels are returned to normal, practice etiology-specific practices to prevent recurrence
Normal Physiology of Iron Ingestion and Transport
Notes -
- only 10% of the 10-20 mg of dietary iron is absorbed
- transferrin carries all of the iron from the GI tract
Regulation of Iron
(4 general principles)
- Iron absorption
- Iron recycling via marcophages
- Iron loss
- Interaction c several transport PRO
- Transferrin
- Major transporter of Fe in palsma
- Ferritin
- Cellular storage of iron (most important testing is for this)
- Ferroportin
- Hepicidin
Serum Ferritin, Serum Fe, TIBC, % Saturation
(define and differentiate)
Serum Ferritin - Amount of stored iron bound to ferritin. This is iron from heart and liver. In iron deficiency anemia this will drop first as a compensatory mechanism
Serum Fe - Concentration of Fe bound to transferrin in plasma. This is the iron immediately availible for use in hemoglobin
TIBC, Total Iron Binding Capacity - Measurement of all proteins availible for Fe binding (empty seats on the bus)
% Saturation - Percentage of proteins saturated c Fe (full seats on the bus)
Define Anemia of Chronic Disease
Anemia from inflammatory disease → impaired marrow response to EPO
Etiology, Anemia of Chronic Disease
Associated c chronic diseases that chronically inflame
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Chronic infection
- Malignancy
- Chronic renal disease (often comorbid c iron and folate deficiency anemias due to RBC loss from hemodialysis; look for ansiocytosis and polychromasia)
Pathophysiology, Anemia of Chronic Disease
Disruption originating from macrophages (still in research)
- Macrophage release of cytokines (interleukins)
- IL-6, IL-1β
- Increased liver production of hepcidin
- Hepcidin decreases iron absorption form GI epithelium
- Hepcidin decreases recycled iron export from macrophages due to inhibited ferroportin
- TNF-α, IL-1β
- Inappropriate EPO production in kidney
- Reduced erythropoiesis in BM
Bone marrow dysfunction due to various causes
- T-cell mediated autoimmune suppression of hematopoiesis (most common)
- Radiation therapy
- Chemotherapy
- Toxins
- Chronic alcohol abuse
- Lead
S/Sx, Anemia of Chronic Disease
(2 signs, 3 symptoms)
- Fatigue
- Weakness
- Symptoms consistent c underlying cause
- Pallor
- Signs consistent c underlying cause
Differential Diagnoses, Anemia of Chronic Disease
Other microcytic anemias
- Iron deficiency anemia
- Thallesemia
- Sideroblastic anemia
Differentiation b/w ACD and Fe Deficiency is often on the boards
Diagnostic Tests, Anemia of Chronic Disease
(4, order dependent on hx)
- CBC – normochromic normocytic anemia or microcytic, hypochromic anemia (90% of time microcytic)
- Serum Fe – decreased, iron sequestered in macrophages
- TIBC – decreased
- Serum ferritin – normal or increased, adequate iron in body but hepcidin prevents uptake. This is the key to differentiating ACD from Fe Deficiency
Medical Tx, Anemia of Chronic Disease
(3 c 1 general plan, cause dependent)
Generally, treat underlying disease and admin EPO injections
- Chronic Renal Insufficiency – hemodialysis + EPO (usually admin. together)
- Malignancy – chemo, radiation, EPO
- Inflammation (RA) – NSAIDs, DMARDs, EPO
(Origin, 2 Functions)
Origin: produced in liver
- Decrease iron absorption from GI tract after diffusion thru epithelial cells
- Decrease iron release from marcophages via pheroportin protein blockage
Plays important role in anemia of chronic disease
(what it stands for, function, 3 examples)
Disease Modifying Antirheumatic Drugs
- Function - *Used in combo c EPO to treat RA
- Examples*
- Methotrexate
- Etanercept (embrel)
- Infliximab (remicade)
Define Thalasemia
Group of hereditary disorders characterized by reduction in synthesis of globin chains (α or β)
Etiology, Thalasemias
- α thal – HBA1 and HBA 2 gene deletion causing reduced α-globin chain synthesis. Severity depends on how many present alleles out of 4
- β thal – gene mutation terminating DNA chain responsible for β-globin prdctn. May be homozygous (major) or homozygous (minor)
Pathopysiology, Thalasemias
(3 steps)
- Reduced globin chain synthesis
- Reduced hemoglobin synthesis
- Hypochromatic mircocytic anemia
S/Sx, Thalasemias
(1 symptom, 5 alpha signs, 2 beta categories c 4 specifics)
Typical anemia symptoms c varying severity depending on etiology
- α Thalasemia, severity depends on number of missing alleles
- 4 alleles – normal hbg
- 3 alleles – silent carrier, asymptomatic
- 2 alleles – “trait” exhibits mild microcytic anemia symptoms
- 1 allele – “Hbg H Disease” variable severity splenomegaly and pallor
- 0 alleles – “hydrops fetalis” stillborn fetus
- β Thalasemia
- Major – symptom development upon unsuccessful Hbg F → Hbg A conversion
- Growth failure
- Bone deformities
- Hepatosplenomegaly
- Jaundice
- Minor –clinically insignificant microcytic anemia (often discovered in routine physical
- Major – symptom development upon unsuccessful Hbg F → Hbg A conversion
Differential Dx, Thalasemias
(1, c differentiating factors)
Iron deficient anemia, due to microcytic hypochromatic cells
- Higher MCV
- Abnormal Fe studies
Diagnostic Tests, Thalasemias
- CBC –
Microcytosis out of proportion to degree of anemia, RBCs also hypochromatic
- MCV 55-70 fl
- Poikilocytosis – abnml RBC shape
- Target cells
- Hgb between 3 and 6 gm/dL
- Serum Fe – normal
- Hemoglobin electrophoresis – definitive dx
Medical Tx, Thalasemias
(severity dependent, 3 txs)
- Mild (α thal trait or β thal minor) – no tx
- Hgb H disease – folic acid supplementation
- β Thalasemia major
- Chelation therapy
- Transfusions
- Folate supplementation
Note - iron supplimentation is contraindicated and dangerous for β Thal patients!
Surgical Tx, Thalasemias
Stem cell/bone marrow transplantation for β Thalasemia major
Pt Education/Prevention, Thalasemias
- Highly inheritable, take a thorough hx
- Patients usually live to 30’s until overcome c heart failure
Avg patient populations
- α thal – SE Asian
- β thal – Mediterranean (Greek, Sicilian)
Define Sideroblastic Anemia
Genetic or acquired defective heme synthesis
Etiology, Sideroblastic Anemia
(3 causes)
- Lead
- EtOH abuse
- Myelodysplasia (umbrella term)
Pathophysiology, Sideroblastic Anemia
Reduced Hgb synthesis due to inability to incorporate heme into protoporhyn. Results in iron accumulation in mitochondria.
S/Sx, Sideroblastic Anemia
(1 symptom, 1 sign)
Both consistent c general anemia, no identifying s/sx
Differential Dx, Sideroblastic Anemia
Other microcytic anemias
- Iron deficiency anemia
- Thallesemia
- Anemia of chronic disease
Diagnostic Tests, Sideroblastic Anemia
(4 c results)
- Normochromatic, micro AND macrocytic anemia
- Basophilic stippling of RBC – rRNA remnants from impaired hgb synth
- Serum Fe – increased
- Lead test - positive in the presence of lead poisoning
Bone marrow biopsy – diagnostic
- Erythroid hyperplasia
- Ringed sideroblasts (iron ring within nucleated RBC)
Medical Tx, Sideroblastic Anemia
Manage offending agent
Basophilic Stippling
Iron accumulations in mitochondria of RBC as a result of siderblastic anemia . Indicates sufficient iron levels but insufficient distribution to hemoglobin molecules
Note - Basophilic stippling occurs in conditions other than sideroblastic anemia. That is why a bone marrow biopsy is necessary for dx
Cooley’s Anemia
Just another name for Beta Thal Major
MCV Parameters
(3 categories, numeric parameters)
- Microcytic < 80 fl
- Normocytic 80-100 fl
- Macrocytic > 100 fl
Fill in the Chart
Macrocytic Anemias
(list 2, alternate name - kind of-, and general MOA)
Name: Megaloblastic Anemias
Included Conditions:
- Vitamin B12 deficiency
- Folic acid deficiency
MOA: Both B12 and folic acid contribute to DNA synthesis. Without these “ingredients” it takes much longer for erythroblasts to reach nuclear maturity. Meanwhile, RNA responsible for cytoplasmic proliferation is functional. While nuclear progression is retarded, cytoplasmic is not. This creates cells with excess cytoplasm, disturbing erythrocytic strength and oxygen carrying capacity.
Define Vitamin B12 (Cobalamine) Deficiency Anemia
Anemia due to inadequate supply of vitamin B12 for erythrocyte DNA synthesis
Etiology, Vitamin B12 (Cobalamine) Deficiency Anemia
(4 causes)
- Pernicious anemia (autoimmunity directed at parietal cells)
- Strict vegan diet (decreased B12 intake)
- Gastric surgery (bypass parietal cells)
- Crohn’s Disease
Pathophysiology, Vitamin B12 (Cobalamine) Deficiency
(2 steps, 3 causes of step 1)
- Inadequate B12 absorption due to
- Lack/dysfunction/bypass of terminal ilium parietal cells responsible for B12 absorption
- Lack of intrinsic factor (IF) in parietal cells
- Lack of B12 intake
- Leads to impaired erythroblast DNA assembly, despite normal cytoplasm proliferation. Results in fragile macrocytic cells c poor oxygen carrying capacity.
S/Sx, Vitamin B12 (Cobalamine) Deficiency Anemia
(1 symptom, 4 signs)
- Typical anemia symptoms
- Glossitis c burning sensation
- Neuro dysfunction
- Stocking glove parathesia
- Loss of sensation in position, fine touch, vibration
- Clumsiness and ataxia
Differential Dx, Vitamin B12 (Cobalamine) Deficiency
Folic Acid Deficiency Anemia
Difference - B12 presence of neurological symptoms
Diagnostic Tests, Vitamin B12 (Cobalamine) Deficiency
(4 tests)
- Severe anemia
- MCV >100 (macrocytic)
- Hypersegmented neutrophils
- Anisocytosis
- Poikilocytosis
- Howell Jolly bodies
- Vitamin B12 assay = decreased
- Folate assay = normal
- Shilling test – antiquated
Medical Tx, Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia
- Vitamin B12 supplimentation
- First month = weekly IM injections
- Remainder of life = monthly IM injections, 1000 mcg
- *Overwhelming the system c B12 will work even in pts lacking IF. This is due to passive diffusion against the B12 concentration gradient in the event of excess B12 *
- Oral cobalamin, 0.5-2 mg/day
- Only if pt is lacking B12 intake due to necessity of functional parietal cells to absorb
- OTC SQ tablet, not as effective
- Nightly nasal spray, not as effective and expensive
Pt Education/Prevention, Vitamin B12 (Cobalamine) Deficiency Anemia
- Hemostalogic correction usually occurs within 6 weeks
- Neurologic improvement may take up to 18 months, if at all
- Reactivity to tx depends on how long neuro symptoms have been present. Usually, < 6 mo has positive prognosis
Provider Pearls, Vitamin B12 (Cobalamine) Deficiency Anemia
- Patients may try to self-treat the glossitis c oral rinses. Since this is a neuro sign the rinces will not work but the bacteria in the mouth will be eliminated, often resulting in Candida
- Cells may never appear macrocytic. In suspicion of B12 anemia, the most reliable test is the B12 assay
Define Folic Acid Deficiency Anemia
Inadequate supply of vitamin B12 for erythrocyte DNA synthesis
Etiology, Folic Acid Deficiency Anemia
(4 causes)
- Poor dietary intake
- Alcoholics
- Anorexia (psychological or secondary to comorbidity like cancer)
- Diet low in citrus fruits and dark leafy greens
- Malabsorption (celiac, Crohn’s)
- Pregnancy
- Hemolytic anemia
Pathophysiology, Folic Acid Deficiency Anemia
Inadequate folic acid absorption leads to impaired erythroblast DNA assembly, despite normal cytoplasm proliferation. Results in fragile macrocytic cells c poor oxygen carrying capacity.
S/Sx, Folic Acid Deficiency Anemia
(1 symptom, 3 main signs - 1 has 4 aspects)
- Glossitis
- Vague GI complaints
- Anorexia
- Nausea
- Abd Pn
- Constipation/diarrhea
- No neurologic s/sx
Symptoms Typical to general anemia
Differential Dx, Folic Acid Deficiency Anemia
B12 (Cobalamine) deficiency anemia
*It is likely folic acid if there are no neuro s/sx and the pt is an alcoholic *
Diagnositc Tests, Folic Acid Deficiency Anemia
- Severe anemia
- MCV >100 (macrocytic)
- Macro-ovalocytes
- Hypersegmented neutrophils
- Howell Jolly bodies
- Vitamin B12 assay = normal
- Folate assay = decreased
Medical Tx, Folic Acid Deficiency Anemia
- Folic acid 1 mg po daily
- Avoid alcohol
- Avoid folic acid antagonists, or prophylactically supplement if avoidance is unreasonable
- Methotrexate
- Trimethoprim sulfate (antibiotic)
- Phenytoin (dilantin)
Pt Education/Prevention, Folic Acid Deficiency Anemia
Pregnant women c folic acid anemia may lead to fetuses c neural tube defects. Recommendation: start folic acid tx 3 mo before conceiving
Vitamin B12 (Cobalamine) Sources
Animal products
- Red meat
- Poultry
- Dairy
The body also produces some B12 and stores amounts to last for months (2-6) before s/sx of B12 deficiency anemia present
Define Pernicious Anemia
Anemia resulting from lack of intrinsic factor production in the stomach. This decreases Vitamin B12 (cobalamine) absorption in the ilium, eventually causing Vitamin B12 Deficiency Anemia
Stocking Glove Deformity
(define, 2 associated conditions)
Neurologic condition demonstrated by parasthesia on the hands and feet in the shape of a glove or stocking.
Associated Conditions
- Vitamin B12 (Cobalamine) Deficiency
- Diabetic Neuropathy
Hypersegmented Neutrophil
Neutrophil c > 8 nuclear lobuoles, present in megaloblastic anemias.
Exact MOA for this finding is up for debate but it is the landmark for this group of anemias.
Howell Jolly Bodies
(define, significance in hemotology)
Definition: RBC inclusion bodies representing DNA fragments of dysfunctional nucleus. Cells with Howell Jolly Bodies in the presence of megaloblastic anemia may also be macrocytic
Signif: Identifying factor for megaloblastic anemias
Dietary Folic Acid Sources
- Dark, leafy greens
- Citrus fruits
Hemolytic Anemia Classifications
(2, 3 disorders per category)
- Intrinsic
- Cell membrane disorders (spirocytosis)
- Enzyme system disorders (for cell membrane formation)
- Hgb disorders
- Extrinsic
- Autoimmune disorders (commonly RA, lupus)
- Microangiopathic hemolytic disorders (shows RBC fragments)
- Malaria
What do greasy stools indicate?
Folic Acid Deficiency Anemia, when in conjunction c other anemia s/sx
Common Dx Tests and Results for Hemolytic Anemias
Note - these results are often encountered after obtaining a fairly normal CBC
- Decreased haptoglobin, usually
- Hemoglobin carrier. If you have RBC destruction then more of these are full so the levels are low
- Increased indirect bilirubin
- Bliiverdin is precursor for blilrubin. This is free bilirubin in the blood, unbound
- Increased total bilirubin
- Includes indirect bilirubin and direct bilirubin – bound bilirubin
- Increased LDH
- Lactate dehydradinase – released from broken RBC
Intrinsic Hemolytic Anemias
(define, list 3)
Definition: RBC destruction is due to decrease in the RBC itself
Intrinsic Hemolytic Anemias:
- Hereditary Spherocytosis
- G6PD Deficiency
- Sickle Cell Disease
Define Hereditary Spherocytosis
Genetic hemolytic anemia due to fragile spherical erythrocytes
Etiology, Hereditary Spherocytosis
Autosomal dominant disorder
Pathophysiology, Hereditary Spherocytosis
(3 steps)
- RBCs produce deficient number of membrane PRO
- RBC form c decreased surface:volume ratio and fragile spherical shape (spherocytes)
- Decreased flexibility causes hemolysis when passing through spleen
S/Sx, Hereditary Spherocytosis
(2 symptoms, 3 signs)
- RUQ Pain
- Family history
- Jaundice noted by scleral icterus
- Gallstones c predominating bilirubin crystal composition
- Palpable spleen
Differential Dx, Hereditary Spherocytosis
Other hemolytic anemias
- G6PD deficiency
- Sickle cell disease
- Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
- Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
- Aplastic anemia
Diagnostic Tests, Hereditary Spherocytosis
(4 tests)
- Variable anemia c aplastic crises concurrent c BM stress
- Dimorphic population including spherocytes
- Microcytosis c increased MCHC (>36 g/dl)
- Reticulocyte count increased
- Indirect bilirubin increased
- **Osmotic fragility test – positive **
Medical Tx, Hereditary Spherocytosis
Folic acid x 1 mg/d
*Explaination - *
- Folic acid helps inc RBC count by quickening nuclear maturation
- Usually these pts live c a dimorphic cell population. Folic acid helps to push dimorphism to favor normal RBCs
Surgical Tx, Hereditary Spherocytosis
(definition, conditions creating spherocytes)
Fragile, extra round RBC that is formed due to a decreased SA; lacking cell membrane to make bionclave disk. These cells are very fragile and often lyse with very little physical stress (ex - entering the spleen). Due to the decrease in SA, spherocytes posess deficient oxygen carrying capacity
Present in:
- Hereditary spherocytosis
- Following a blood transfusion
Bilirubin and Hemolytic Anemias
(2 signs, their MOAs)
- Scleral icterus (jaundice seen in the eyes)
- Excess hemolysis
- Increased bilirubin secretion to aid in RBC byproduct excretion
- Excessive bilirubin circulation in bloodstream
- Jaundice
- Scleral icterus
- Cholelithiasis
- Excess hemolysis
- Increased bilirubin secretion to aid in RBC byproduct excretion
- Excessive bilirubin traveling from bile duct
- Occlusion of bile ducts
- Gallstones
Osmotic Fragility Test
(Indication, Procedure)
Indication: suspected presence of spherocytes
Procedure: Place RBC in hypotonic soln
•Normally, cell membranes can withstand this and swell
•Spherocytes cannot stand the swelling and they burst
Splenectomy in Hemolytic Anemia
(explain this tx)
The spleen is usually the site of hemolysis of fragile cells associated c hemolytic anemia. Splenic elimination allows for these cells to persist and carry O2, even if their carrying capacity is less than healthy RBCs
Liver can compensate and filter blood in the absence of the spleen
Define G6PD Deficiency
Episodic hemolytic anemia due to glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency
Etiology, G6PD Deficiency
(1 cause, 3 stressors - 1 c 4 specifics)
Y-linked disorder, common among 10-15% of African black men who encounter an oxidative stress:
- Infection (viral or bacterial)
- Hypoxia (often from pneumonia)
- Drugs
- Quinidine
- Sulfa drugs (trimethoprim sulfa)
- Nitofurantoin (macrodantin)
- Asprin
- Many other drugs, but you will usually have the ability to look these up in clinic. These are just the most commonly used ones
Board Question - sulfa drugs and G6PD crisis
Pathophysiology, G6PD Deficiency
(5 steps)
- RBC lose G6PD as they age
- Lack of G6PD decreases RBC’s ability to deal c oxidative stress (crisis)
- Oxidized hgb denatures to form Heinz bodies
- Heinz bodies formation damages the membrane
- Damaged RBCs removed by spleen
S/Sx, G6PD Deficiency
(2 symptoms, 3 signs)
Asymptomatic until oxidative stress. Stress induces
- Organ specific hypoxia complaints
Without signs until oxidative stress. Stress induces
- Hypoxia
- Cyanosis
- Jaundice noted by scleral icterus
- Organ specific s/sx related to hypoxia
Differential Dx, G6PD Deficiency
Other hemolytic anemias
- Hereditary spherocytosis
- Sickle cell disease
- Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
- Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
- Aplastic anemia
Diagnostic Tests, G6PD Deficiency
- CBC and blood smear
- **Heinz bodies **abnl RBC shape from hemoglobin denaturation in crisis/age
- **Bite cells **Heinz bodies with the inefficient proteins removed (by the spleen)
- Reticulocyte count increased
- Indirect bilirubin increased
- G6PD assay
- **During crisis – non revealing **(crisis stimulates RBC production. When first formed, cells have greater [G6PD])
- Weeks after crisis – deficient (this is when the cells age and rapidly lose G6PD)
Medical Tx, G6PD Deficiency
Remove source of hypoxia
*This could be emergent depending on crisis serverity *
Define Sickle Cell Disease
Chronic illness resulting in anemia from abnormal hemoglobin
Etiology, Sickle Cell Disease
Autosomal recessive genetic disorder where valine substitutes for glutamine on beta chain. Most common in Africans (1/400 are homozygous)
Hemoglobinopathy Variations:
- Hgb SS – sickle cell disease
- Hgb AS – sickle cell trait
Pathophysiology, Sickle Cell Disease
(4 steps)
- Infants are born normally c predominating Hgb F levels
- S/sx appear as Hgb f is replaced by abnormal Hgb S
- Underlying anemia due to splenic attempt to clear abnormal cells
- Crises – Upon oxidative stress Hgb S crystallizes and sickles RBC shape. These get caught throughout system causing pain and potential organ swelling, dysfunction, and infarction
Symptoms, Sickle Cell Disease
(3, 3 common sites)
Asymptomatic unless in crisis. Crisis symptoms may occur in varying frequency/duration and are characterized as acute pain due to vaso-occlusive episodes:
- Hypoxia
- Infarction
- Dehydration (manifested in stomach pn)
Common pain sites
- Spine
- Long bones (esp distal portions c smaller BV)
- Chest
Signs, Sickle Cell Disease
(include 6 signs c 8 consequence)
Asymptomatic unless in crisis. Crisis signs may occur in varying frequency/duration and are characterized as
- Jaundice
- Pigment gallstones
- Splenohepatomegaly (esp in peds)
- Blood pooling in extremities – edema/ecchymosis/ulcer
- +/- low grade fever
- Vaso-occlusive crisis may lead to
- Priapism
- MI
- PE
- Ischemic necrosis
- Liver
- Bone – Staph related osteomyelitis
Permanent anatomic changes due to repeated crises
- Poorly healing ulcers overlying distal tibia
- Scull “towering” and “bosses”
Associated Mortality
- Infections
- Pulmonary emboli
- Occlusion of vital vessel
- Renal failure
*Crisis stimulation for sickle cell trait is much more extreme – ie rigorous exercise at high altitude *
Differential Dx, Sicle Cell Disease
Other hemolytic anemias
- Hereditary spherocytosis
- G6PD deficiency
- Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
- Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
- Aplastic anemia
Diagnostic Tests, Sickle Cell Disease
(5 tests)
- Hct increased
WBC count increased – 12,000-15,000/mcl
- Due to inc physiologic or pathologic stress
- Peripheral blood smear
- 5-50% RBC are sickled
- **Nucleated RBC’s **(polychromasia)
- Howell Jolly bodies (export immature RBC to compensate for hemolysis)
- Target cells (underlying hypochromic anemia)
- Reticulocyte count increased
- Bilirubin assays – both total and indirect increased
- Hbg electrophoresis –confirmatory test
- Sickle Cell Disease
- Hgb S 85-98%
- Hgb F 5-15%
- Hgb A2 1-3%
- Hgb A 0%
- Sickle Cell Trait
- Hgb A 60%
- Hgb S 40%
- Sickle Cell Disease
Medical Tx, Sickle Cell Disease
- Folic acid supplementation
- Pneumococcal vaccine (prevent strep pneumo, a common cause for crisis)
- Transfusions as needed
- Hydroxyurea to inc. Hgb F levels
Surgical Tx, Sickle Cell Disease
Allogenic hematopoietic stem cell transplant from sibling donor
Emergency Tx, Sicke Cell Diseaes
Crisis Tx
- Vigorous oral or IV hydration
- Analgesics (morphine)
- Narcotics
- Treat precipitating factor – Oxygenate for hypoxia
- Blood transfusions
- If Hgb < 5mg/dl
- Cardiac failure
Pt Education/Prevention, Sickle Cell Disease
Life expectancy for disease = 40-50 years
Behavior change to avoid crises if possible
Prevelence, Sickle Cell Disease
1/400 African black people
Age of Presentaion - Sickle Cell Disease
(5 ages, % of diagnosed pts)
- Six months of age — 6 percent
- Twelve months of age — 32 percent
- Two years of age — 61 percent
- Six years of age — 92 percent
- Eight years of age — 96 percent
Extrinsic Hemolytic Anemias
(Define, List 4)
Definition: Hemolytic anemia characterized by destruction of normal RBC by another source (it isn’t the RBC’s problem, it is the body’s problem)
Extrinsic Anemias:
- Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
- Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia
- Malaria
- Drugs
- Nitrofurantoin (uti antibiotic)
- Sulfonamide (uti antibiotic)
- Chloramphenicol (anticancer)
- Primaquine (anti-malarial)
Define Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
Aquired anemia caused by IgG autoantibody attack on normal RBC
Etiology, Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
- 50% are idiopathic
- Other cases associated c
- SLE (lupus)
- Lymphomas
Pathophysiology, Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
(5 steps)
- IgG binds to RBC
- Antigen/antibody complex interacts c splenic macrophages
- Macrophages remove only that portion of the RBC membraine
- RBC leaves spleen as spherocyte
- Spherocyte fragile either spontaneously lyse or are removed by spleen
S/Sx, Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
(2 symptoms, 4 signs)
- Acute onset
- Fatigue
- Jaundice
- Pallor
- Gallstones
- Splenomegaly
Diagnostic Tests, Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
- Variable anemia
- Spherocytes
- Reticulocyte count increased
- Indirect bilirubin increased
Coombs test (direct antiglobulin) positive
- Indirect Coombs is + or -
Medical Tx, Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
(3, in order of progression)
Do not move on until tx fails
Prednisone (divided doses totaling 1-2 mg/kg/day)
- Retards immune response
- Blood transfusion if Hct <30%
- Immunosuppressive agents
- Rituxamib - antibody againt B cell antigen
- Cyclosporine - *suppress cell mediated immune response *
Common PANCE question - Prednisone is drug of choice
Surgical Tx, Autoimmune Hemolytic Anemia
- Splenectomy if pt is refractory to prednisone
- Plasmapheresis in pts c rapid hemolysis
Direct and Indirect Coombs Tests
(definitions, use)
- Coombs Test - mix RBC c Coombs reagent (IgG) to test for agglutination
- Indirect Coombs - evaluate plasma or serum for abnormal antibodies
- Coombs Test - diagnose autoimmune hemolytic anemia
- Indirect Coombs - not for diagnosing autoimmune hemolytic anemia
(def, function)
Definition: Replace all of the plasma in a person’s body. Requires a special machine, reserved for highly severe cases
Use: Tx autoimmune hemolytic anemia for pts c rapid hemolysis
Define Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia
Group of disorders characterized by RBC fragmentation
Etiology, Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia
- Disseminated intravascular coagulopathy
- Thrombotic thrombocytic purpura
- Hemolytic uremic syndrome
- Malfunctioning cardiac valve prosthesis
- Malaria
- Nitrofurantoin
- Sulfonamide
- Chloramphenicol
- Primaquine
Pathophysiology, Microangiopathic Hemolytic Anemia
Variable source of fragmentation; most popular is RBC interaction c abnormal intravascular fibrin strands. RBC fragments are not useful and are disposed of in spleen. Paired c coagulopathy and thrombocytopenia.
S/Sx, Microangipathic Hemolytic Anemia
(1 sign, 1 symptom)
Both signs and symptoms depend on underlying cause. Heart-valve related cases may resemble iron deficiency
Differential Dx, Microangioplastic Hemolytic Anemia
- Iron deficiency anemia
- Other hemolytic anemias
- Hereditary spherocytosis
- G6PD deficiency
- Sickle cell disease
- Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
- Aplastic anemia
Diagnostic Tests, Microangioplastic Hemolytic Anemia
- Peripheral Smear indicates fragmented RBCs
- CBC may reveal decreased Hct and Hgb