Alternative name for acanthocyte
Spur cell
What does Acantho means?
Associated pathology to Acanthocyte
Liver disease, abethalipoproteinemia states of cholesterol dysregulation)
Which pathologies are associated to Achantocytes?
Anemia of chronic disease
Alchol Abuse
Lead poisoning
This type of cell is associated to G6PD deficiency
Bite cell
When do we see elliptocyte?
Hereditary elliptocytosis
Which atypic cells are seen in Megaloblastic anemia?
Hypersegmented PMNs
Macro- ovalocyte
When are Macro ovalocyte seen?
Megaloblastic anemia and Marrow failure
Which cells are characteristic of Sideroblastic anemia?
Ringed sideroblast
Which is the basis of Sideroblastic anemia?
Excess iron in mitochondria= pathologic
What explains Sideroblastic anemia?
The body has iron available but cannot incorporate it into hemoglobin, which red blood cells need to transport oxygen efficiently
Altenative name for Schistocyte
Helmet cell
When are Schistocytes seen?
DIC, Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (TTP) and Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome (HUS), traumatic hemolysis
Example of Traumatic hemolysis that can cause Schistocytes
Mechanical heart valve prosthesis
Which pathology is associated to Sickle cell?
Sickle cell anemia
When are Spherocyte seen?
Hereditary spherocytosis
Autoimmune hemolysis
When are Tear drop cells seen?
Bone marrow infiltration (eg myelofibrosis)
Target cells are seen in…
HbC disease, Asplenia, Liver disease, Thalassemia
What are Heinz bodies?
Are inclusions within red blood cells composed of denatured hemoglobin
How are Heinz bodies form?
Oxidation of Hemoglobin sulfhydryl group → denatured hemoglobin precipitation and phagocytic damage to RBC membrane → bite cells
Which stain is used to see Heinz bodies?
Crystal violet
When are Heinz bodies seen?
In G6PD deficiency
When are Heinz body-like inclussions seen?
In α thalassemia
What are Howell Jolly bodies?
Basophilic nuclear remnants foun in RBCs
What is the normal process of Howell Jolly bodies?
Howel Jolly bodies are normally removed from RBCs by splenic macrophages
In these situations we could see Howell Jolly bodies
In patients with functional hyposplenia or asplenia
First step to classify an anemia
What detemines Microcytic anemia?
Pathologies associated to Microcytic anemia
Iron deficiency (late)
ACD (Anemia of Chronic Disease)
Lead poisnoning
Which factors may first present as normocytic anemia and the progress to a microcytic anemia?
Iron deficiency
Anemia of Chronic Disease
Which anemia is associated to Cooper deficiency?
Microcytic sideroblastic anemia
When is conseider Normocytic anemia?
MCV (50-100 fL)
How are Normocytic anemia classified?
When is called Nonhemolytic anemia?
Reticulocyte count normal or ↓
Non hemolytic Normocytic Anemias
ACD (Anemia of Chronic Disease)
Aplastic anemia
Chronic kidney disease
Iron deficiency (early)
How is Hemolytic Anemia diagnose?
With Reticulocyte count ↑
How is Hemolytic Normocytic anemia classified?
Intrinsic Hemolytic Normocytic anemias causes
RBC membrane defect (hereditary spherocytosis)
RBC enzyme deficiency (G6PD, pyruvate kinase)
HbC defect
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
Sickle cell anemia
Extrinsic causes of Hemolytic Normocytic anemia
When is diagnose Macrocytic anemia?
MCV (>100 fL)
How are Macrocytic anemia classified?
Megaloblastic and non Megaloblastic
Megaloblastic anemias causes
Folate deficiency
B12 deficiency
Orotic aciduria
Causes of Non megaloblastic anemias
Liver disease
Which kind of anemia does Iron deficiency causes?
Microcytic, hypochromic anemia
Pathophysiology of Iron deficiency anemia
↓ iron due to chronic bleeding, malnutrition/absorption disorders or ↑ demand → ↓ final step in heme synthesis
Causes of iron deficiency due to chronic bleeding
GI loss
Causes of iron deficiency due to increase demand
How are the labs in iron deficiency?
↓ iron
↑ Total iron-binding capacity
↓ ferritin
Clinical findings of iron deficiency
Conjuntival pallor
In microscope what are the findings?
Microcytosis and hypochromia
How can iron deficiency anemia may manifest?
Plummer Vinson syndrome
Characteristic of Plummer Vinson syndrome
Triad of iron deficency anemia, esophageal webs, atrophic glossitis
What is the defect in α Thalassemia?
α globin gene deletions → ↓ α globin synthesis
Types of deletion in α Thalassemia
Cis deletion
Trans deletion
Who suffer more cis deletion in α Thalassemia?
Asian population
In whom is more prevalent trans deletion of α thalassemia?
African population
Charactetistics of 4 allele deletion in α Thalassemia
No α-globin
Excess γ globin forms γ4
What is Hb Barts?
Excess γ globin forms γ4
Which kind of deletion in α Thalassemia is incompatible with life? Why?
4 allele deletion
Causes allele deletion
Which disease is caused by 3 allele α Thalassemia?
HbH disease
Characteristics of 3 allele α Thalassemia
Very little α globin
Excess β globin forms β4
What does Excess β globin causes?
HbH disease
What is the effect of 1-2 allele deletion in α Thalassemia?
No clinically significant anemia
Which kind of Anemia is β Thalassemia?
Microcytic, hypochromic anemia
What happens in β Thalassemia?
Point mutations in splice sites and promoter sequences→ ↓ β globin synthesis
In whom is more prevalent β thalassemia?
In mediterranen populations
Classification of β thalassemia
β thalassemia minor
β thalassemia major
HbS/ β thalassemia heterozygote
How else is β thalassemia minor known?
How is β chain in β thalassemia minor?
Symptoms of β thalassemia minor
Usually asymptomatic
How is β thalassemia minor diagnosis confirmed?
By ↑ HbA2 (>3.5%) on electrophoresis
Alternative name for β thalassemia major
What is affected in β thalassemia major?
β chain is absent
How is anemia consider in β thalassemia major?
Severe anemia
What is required in β thalassemia major?
Blood transfusion
What could be the result of β thalassemia major?
Hemochromatosis due to requiring constant blood transfussions
Findings of β thalassemia major
Marrow expansion → Skeletal deformitis
“Chipmunk” facies
How is marrow expansion seen in β thalassemia major?
“Crew cut” on skull x ray
Complication of β thalassemia major
Extramedullary hematopoiesis (leads to hepatosplenomegaly)
From which microorganism is increased the risk of aplastic crisis in β thalassemia major?
Parvovirus B19 induced aplastic crisis
Structuraly how is HbF composed?
Type of Hb increased in β thalassemia major
Increased HbF
What is the benefict of increased HbF in β thalassemia major?
HbF is protective in tje infant and disease only becomes symptomatic after 6 months
Characterteristics of HbS/ β thalassemia heterozygote
Mild to moderate sickle cell disease depending on amoun of β globin production
What kind of anemia is produced by lead poisoning?
Microcytic, hypochromic anemia
Pathophysiology of Lead poisoning anemia
Lead inhibits ferrochelatase and ALA (Porphobilinogen synthase or ALA dehydratase, or aminolevulinate) → ↓ heme synthesis and ↑ RBC protoporphyrin
What other problem does Lead poisoning causes in RBC?
Also inhibits rRNA degradation, causing RBCs to retain aggregates of rRNA (basophilic stippling)
Risk factor that increases Lead poisoning
In Old houses with chipped paint
Findings of Lead poisoning
Lead lines on gingivae (Burton lines) and on methaphyses of long bones on x-ray
Encephalopathy and Erythrocyte basophilic stippling
Abdominal colic and sideroblastic Anemia
Drops- Wrist and foot drop
First line of treatment related to wrist and foot drop caused by lead poisoning
Dimercaprol and EDTA (Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid)
In Lead poisoning what is the treatment for kids?
Succimer used for chelation for kids
Anemia caused by Sideroblastic anemia
Microcytic anemia, hypochromic
What is the problem of Sideroblastic anemia?
Defect in heme synthesis
Hereditary explanation of Sideroblastic anemia
X linked defect in δ ALA synthase gene
Causes of Sideroblastic anemia
Causes of Acquired Sideroblastic anemia
Myelodysplastic syndromes
Reversible causes of sideroblastic anemia
Alcohol is most common Lead vitamin B6 deficiency Cooper deficiency Isoniazid
Microscopic findings in Sideroblastic anemia
Ringed sideroblasts (with iron laden mitochondria) seen in bone marrow
Labs found ins Sideroblastic anemia
↑ iron, normal TIBC, ↑ ferritin
Treatment for sideroblastic anemia
Why is Pyridoxine administer for sideroblastic anemia?
Because B6 cofactor for δ ALA synthase
Pathophysiology of Megaloblastic anemia
Impaired DNA synthesis → maturation of nucleus of precursor cells in bone marrow delayed relative to maturation of cytoplasm
What could be one of the final results of Megaloblastic anemia?
Abnormal cell division→ pancytopenia
Causes of Folate deficiency causing Megaloblastic anemia
Malnutrition (eg, alcoholics), malapsorption, antifolates, Increased requirements
Antifolates drugs
Situations that increase Folate requirements?
Hemolytic anemia
Findings in Folate deficiency
Hypersegmented neutrophils, glossitis, ↓ folate, ↑ homocysteine but normal methylmalonic acid
What clinical finding distinguish folate deficiency from vitamin B12 deficiency?
No neurologic symptoms in folate deficiency
Alternantive name for vitmain B12
Causes of vitmain B12 deficiency
Insufficient intake (strict vegans), malabsorption (eg. Crohn disease), pernicious anemia, Diphyllobothrium latum (fish tapeworm), proton pump inhibitors
Findings of Vitamin B12 deficiency
Hypersegmented neutrophils, glossitis, ↓ B12, ↑ homocysteine, ↑ methylmalonic acid
Neurologic symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency
Peripheral neuropathy with sensoriomotor disfunction Dorsal columns (vibration/ propioception) Lateral corticospinal (spasticity) Dementia
Characteristics of Neurologic symptoms caused by Cobalamin deficiency
Subacute combined degeneration
What explains Subacute combined degeneration in Vitmain B12 deficiency?
Due to involvement of B12 in fatty acid pathways and myelin sinthesis
What kind of anemia does Orotic aciduria cause?
Megaloblastic anemia
Pathophysiology of Orotic aciduria
Inability to convert orotic acid to UMP because of defect in UMP synthase
In which process do we see the conversion from Orotic acid to UMP?
De novo pyrimidine synthesis pathway
Inheritance mode of Orotic aciduria
Autosomal recessive
In Whom is Orotic aciduria suspected? and how?
presents in children as megaloblastic anemia that canot be cured by folate or B12 with failure to thrive
Which deficiency could be compared with Orotic aciduria?
Orhithine transcarbamylase deficiency
What difference is classic in Orotic aciduria compared to Orhithine transcarbamylase deficiency?
No hyperammonemia in Orotic aciduria
Orhithine transcarbamylase deficiency presents with Increased orotic acid with hyperammonemia
Findings of Orotic Aciduria
Hypersegmented neutrophils, glossitis, orotic acid in urine
Treatment for Orotic Aciduria
Uridine monophosphate to bypass mutated enzyme
Main characteristic of Nonmegaloblastic macrocytic anemias
Macrocytic anemia in which DNA synthesis is unimpaired
Causes of Nonmegaloblastic macrocytic anemias
Liver disease
Drugs that could cause Macrocytic anemias
5 FU
Findings of Intravascular hemolysis in Normocytic, normochromic anemias
↓ haptoglobin, ↑ LDH, schistocytes and ↑ reticulocytes on peripheral blood smear; and urobilinogen in urine
Examples of Intravascular hemolysis in Normocytic, normochromic anemias
Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
Mechanical destruction (aortic stenosis, prothetic valve)
Microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
Findings of extravascular hemolysis in Normocytic, normochromic anemias
Macrophages in spleem clears RBC
Spherocytes in peripheral smear, ↑ LDH plus ↑ unconjugated bilirubin, which causes jaundice (eg. hereditary spherocytosis)
Pathophysiology of Anemia of chronic disease
Inflammation → ↑ Hepcidine → ↓ release of iron from macrophages
What is the effect of Increased Hepcidin? and who releases it?
Released by liver, binds ferroportin on intestinal mucosal cells and macrophages , thus inhibiting iron transport
Lab Findings of Anemia of chronic disease
↓ iron, ↓ TIBC, ↑ ferritin
What could be the final stage of Anemia of chronic disease?
Can become microcytic, hypochromic
At the begining what type of anemia is Anemia of chronic disease
Nonhemolytic, normocytic anemia
What kind of anemia is Aplastic anemia?
Nonhemolytic, normocytic anemia
What causes Aplastic anemia?
By failure or destruction of myeloid stem cells
What causes destructuin of myeloid stem cells?
Radiation and drugs
Viral agents
Fanconi anemia
Idiopathic; may follow acute hepatitis
Drugs that can cause aplastic anemia
Alkylating agents
Viral agents related to Aplastic anemia
Parvovirus B19
What is the defect in Fanconi anemia?
DNA repair defect
What is the cause of idiopathic aplastic anemia?
Immune mediated, primary stem cell defect
Findings in Aplastic anemia
Pancytopenia, characterized by sever anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia
Normal cell morphology, but hypocellular bone marrow with fatty infiltration (dry bone marrow tap)
Symptoms of Aplastic anemia
Fatigue, malaise, pallor, purpura, mucosal bleeding, petechiae, infection
Possible treatment fot Aplastic anemia
Withdrawal of offending agent, immunosuppressive regimens, allogeneic bone marrow transplantation, RBC and platelet transfusion, G-CSF, or GM-CSF
Immunosuppressive regimens used in Aplastic anemia
Antithymocyte globulin
How does Chronic Kidney disease causes Nonhemolytic, normocytic anemia?
↓ EPO → ↓ hematopoiesis
Types of Intrinsic normocytic anemias
What kind of anemia is Hereditary spherocytosis?
Intrinsic normocytic anemias, Extravascular
What is the defect in Hereditary spherocytosis?
Defect in proteins interacting with RBC membrane skeleton and plasma membrane
Types of defects in proteins intertacting with RBC membrane skeleton and plasma membrane in Hereditary spherocytosis
Ankyrin, band 5, protein 4.2, spectrin
In hereditary spherocytosis, what happens if RBC has less memebrane?
Causes small and round RBCs with no central pallor → premature removal of RBCs by spleen
Which labs are identifiy in small and round RBCs?
↑ MHCH, ↑ red cell distribution width
Clinical findings of Hereditary spherocytosis
Splenomegaly, aplastic crisis (parvovirus B19 infection)
Labs found in Hereditary spherocytosis
Osmotic fragility test +
Normal to ↓ MCV with abundance of cells; masks microcytia
What screening test is useful for Hereditary spherocytosis?
Eosin 5 maleimide binding test
Treatment for Hereditary spherocytosis
What kind of anemia is G6PD deficiency?
Intrinsic normocytic anemias, Intravascular/Extravascular
Most common enzymatic disorder of RBCs
G6PD deficiency
Inheritance mode of G6PD deficiency
X linked recessive
Pathophysiology of G6PD deficiency
Defect in G6PD → ↓ glutathione → ↑ RBC susceptibility to oxidant stress
Classic causes of Hemolityc anemia following oxidant stress
Sulfa drugs, antimalarials, infections, fava beans
Clinical findings of G6PD deficiency
Back pain, hemoglobinuria a few days after oxidant stress
Labs found in G6PD deficiency
blood smear shows RBCs with Heinz bodies and bite cells
How is Pyruvate kinase deficiency classified?
Intrinsic hemolytic normocytic anemia, Extravascular
Inheritance mode of pyruvate kinase deficiency
Autosomal recessive
Pathophysiology of pyruvate kinase deficiency
Defecct in pyruvate kinase → ↓ ATP → rigid RBCs
How is pyruvate kinase deficiency diagnose?
Hemolytic anemia in a newborn
What kind of anemia is HbC defect?
Intrinsic hemolytic normocytic anemia, Extravascular
Pathophysiology of HbC defect
Glutamic acid to lysine mutation at residue 6 in β globin
Which has milder disease between HbSC and HbSS patients?
Patients with HbSC (1 of each mutant gene) have milder disease than have HbSS patients
What type of anemia is Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria?
Intrinsic hemolytic normocytic anemia, Intravascular
Pathophysiology of Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
↑ complement- mediated RBC lysis
What is happens when ↑ complement- mediated RBC lysis during Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria?
Impaired synthesis of GPI (glycosylphosphatidylinositol) anchor from decay accelerating factor that protects RBC membrane form complement
How is Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria acquired?
Acquired mutation oin a hematopoietic stem cell
What risk is increased with Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria ?
Increased incidence of acute leukemias
Triad of Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
Coombs - hemolytic anemia
Venous thrombosis
Labs found in Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
CD55/59 - RBCs on flow cytometry
Treatment for Paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria
How is Sickle cell anemia classify?
Intrinsic hemolytic normocytic anemia, Extravascular
Causes a single amino acid replacement in β chain at position 6
HbS point mutation
What is subtitute in HbS point mutation?
Glutamic acid with valine
Pathogenesis of Sickle cell anemia
Low O2, dehydration, or acidosis precipitates sickling (deoxygenated HbS polymerizes), which results in anemia and vaso- occlusive disease
Why are Newborns are asymptomatic with sickle cell anemia?
Because of ↑HbF and ↓ HbS
From which infection do sickle cell anemia patients have resistance?
Heterozygotes (sickle cell trait) have resistance to malaria
Who carry HbS trait in Sickle cell anemia?
8% of African Americans carry the HbS trait
Which form do Sickle cell anemia have?
Sickle cells are crescent shaped RBCs
What is seen on X ray in sickle cell anemia?
“Crew cut” on skull x ray due to marrow expansion from ↑ erythropoiesis
Which pathologies present with “Crew cut” on skull x ray?
Sickle cell anemia and Thalasemias
Complications of Sickle cell anemia?
Aplastic crisis (due to Parvovirus B19) Autosplenectomy Splenic sequestration crisis Salmonella osteomyelitis Painful crisis Renal papilary necrosis and Microhematuria
What is seen in Autosplenectomy caused by sickle cell anemia?
Howell Jolly bodies
What could be the results of Autosplenectomy in sickle cell anemia?
↑ risk of infection with encapsilated organisms
What happens in childhood in patients with sickle cell anemia?
Early splenic dysfunction
What causes painful crisis in Sickle cell anemia?
Vaso-occlusive Painful hand swelling Acute chest syndrome Avascular necrosis Stroke
What happens when vaso occlusive is present in sickle cell anemia?
Most common cause of death in adult related to Sickle cell anemia
Acute chest syndrome
What is the cause of Renal papillary necrosis?
Due to low O2 in papilla, also seen in heterozygotes
In Sickle cell anemia patients, what causes microhematuria?
Medulalry infarcts
How is Sickle cell anemia diagnose?
Hemoglobin electrophoresis
Treatment of Sickle cell anemia?
Hydroxyurea and bone marrow transplantation
What happens when administer hydroxyurea in sickle cell anemia?
↑ HbF
Autoimmune hemolytic anemia is consider…
Extrinsic hemolytic normocytic anemia
How is Autoimmune hemolytic anemia classify?
Warm agglutinin
Cold aglutinin
What is the most common cause of warm and cold algutinin Autoimmune hemolytic anemia?
Idiopathic in etiology
Which immunoglobulin represents Warm agglutinin Autoimmune hemolytic anemia?
What pathologies are related to Warm agglutinin Autoimmune hemolytic anemia?
Chronic anemia seen in SLE, CLL, or with certain drugs
Example of drug that can cause Warm agglutinin Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
α methyldopa
Immunoglobulin that represents Cold agglutinin Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
What is the factor related to Cold agglutinin Autoimmune hemolytic anemia?
Acute anemia triggered by cold
Pathologies related to Cold agglutinin Autoimmune hemolytic anemia
Mycoplasma pneumonia infections, or infectious mononucleosis
Which lab test is usually positive in Autoimmune hemolytic anemia?
Coombs +
Characteristics of Direct Coombs test
Anti Ig antibody (Coombs reagent) added to patient’s blood
When is Direct Coombs test positive?
RBCs agglutinate if RBCs are coated with Ig
What happens in Indirect Coombs test?
Normal RBCs added to patients serum. If serum has anti Ig antibodies (Coombs reagent) added
What kind of anemia is Microangiopathic anemia?
Extrinsic hemolytic normocytic anemia
Pathogenesis of Microangiopathic anemia
RBCs are damaged when passing through obstructed or narrowed vessel lumina
When is Microangiopathic anemia seen?
In DIC, TTP-HUS, SLE amd malignant hypertension
Which cells are seen in Microangiopathic anemia?
Schistocytes (helmet cells) are seen on blood smear due to mechanical destruction of RBCs
How is Macroangiopathic anemia consider?
Extrinsic hemolytic normocytic anemia
Prosthetic heart valves and aortic stenosis may cause these types of anemia
Macroangiopathic anemia
Hemolytic anemia secondary to mechanical destruction
Cells seen in Macroangiopathic anemia
Schostocytes on peripheral blood smear
Which anemia is cause by infections?
Extrinsic hemolytic normocytic anemia
Examples of agents that cause infectious anemia
What happens in Infectious anemia?
↑ destruction of RBCs
Importance of ferritin
Primary iron storage protein of body
Transport iron in blood
In which situation is Serum iron decrease?
Iron deficiency (primarily) Chronic disease
In this disease Serum iron is increased
Hemochromatosis (primarily)
Which lab indirectly measures Transferrin?
TIBC (Total iron-binding capacity)
Situation in which Transferrin is increase
Iron deficiency
Pregnancy/ OCP use (primarily)
Situations when Transferrin production is increased
Pregnancy/ OCP use
When is Transferrin decreased?
Chronic disease
In which pathologies is ferritin increased?
Chronic disease (primarily) Hemocromatosis
When is ferritin decreased?
Iron Deficiency
How is % transferrin saturation in Iron deficiency?
How is % transferrin saturation in Hemochromatosis?
How is % transferrin saturation in prenancy and OCP use?
How is % transferrin saturation calculated?
Serum iron/ Total iron-binding capacity (TIBC)
Types of Leukopenias
When is consider Neutropenia?
Absolute neutrophil count
Causes of Neutropenia
Sepsis/ postinfection, drugs (including chemotherapy), aplastic anemia, SLE, radiation
How is Lymphopenia consider
Absolute lymphocyte count
Which Lymphocyte count are require in children to be classified as lymphopenia?
Absolute lymphocyte count
Pathologies that cause lymphopenia
DiGeorge syndrome, SCID (severe combined immunodeficiency), SLE, corticosteroids, radiation , sepsis, postoperative
Causes of Eosinopenia
Cushing syndrome, corticosteroids
How do Corticosteroids affect Leukocytes?
Cause neutrophilia, but eosinopenia and lymphopenia
What is the effect of Corticosteroids to Neutrophils?
↓ activation of neutrophil adhesion molecules, imparing migration out of the vasculature to sites of inflammation
What is the effect of corticosteroids to Eosinophils?
Sequester eosinophils in lymph nodes
What is the effect of corticosteroids to Lymphocytes?
Cause apoptosis
What are porphyrias?
Are hereditary or acquired conditions of defective heme synthesis that lead to the accumulation of heme precursors
What happens in lead poisoning?
Lead inhibits specific enzynes needed in heme synthesis, leading to similar conditions to Porphyrias
Which is the affected enzyme in lead poisoning?
Ferrochelatase and ALA dehydrate
What is the accumulated substrate in Lead posisoning?
Protoporphyrin, δ ALA (blood)
Presenting symptoms of Lead poisoning
Microcytic anemia, GI and kidney disease
How do children get Lead poisoning?
Exposure to lead paint
Clinical manifestation of Lead poisoning in children
Mental deterioration
How do Adults acquired Lead poisoning?
Enviromental expossure (battery/ ammunition/ radiator factory)
Clinical pressentation of Lead poisoning in adults
Headache, memory loss, demyelination
Porphobilinogen deaminase is the affected enzyme in this pathology
Acute intermittent deaminase
Which enzyme is affected in Acute intermittent deaminase?
Porphobilinogen deaminase
Accumulated substrate in Acute intermittent deaminase
Porphobilinogen, δ ALA, coporphobilinogen (urine)
Symptoms of Acute intermittent deaminase
5 P's: Painful abdomen Port wine-colored urine Polyneuropathy Psychological disturbances Precipitated by drugs, alcohol, and starvation
Treatment for Acute intermittent deaminase
Glucose and heme, which inhibit ALA synthase
Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase is the affected enzyme in this pathology
Porphyria cutanea tarda
What enzyme is affected in Porphyria cutanea tarda?
Uroporphyrinogen decarboxylase
Accumulated substrate in Porphyria cutanea tarda
Uroporphyrin (tea- colored urine)
Presenting symptom of Porphyria cutanea tarda
Blistering cutaneous photosensitivity
Most common porphyria
Porphyria cutanea tarda
When is ALA synthase activity increased?
↓ heme
When is ALA synthase activity decreased?
↑ heme
What does PT test?
Test function of common and extrinsic pathway
Test function of common and extrinsic pathway
PT test
Which factors are part of extrinsic pathway?
I, II, V, VII and X
Test function of common and intrisic pathway
What does PTT evaluates?
Test function of common and intrinsic pathway
Which factors are part of intrinsic pathway?
All factors except VII and XIII
When extrinsic and common pathway have a defect, how is manifested?
↑ PT
When is PT increased?
In extrinsic and common pathway defects
When intrinsic and common pathway have a defect, how is manifested?
When is PTT increased?
In intrinsic and common pathway defects
Which coagulation times are alterated in hemophilia A or B?
How is hemophilia A or B classified?
Intrinsic pathway coagulation defect
What is deficient in hemophilia A?
Deficiency of factor VIII
Which labs are abnormal in Hemophilia A?
What is deficient in hemophilia B?
Deficiency of factor IX
Which labs are abnormal in Hemophilia B?
Clinical presentation of Hemophilia A or B
Macrohemorrhage in hemophilia- hemarthroses, easy bruising, ↑ PTT
What is hemarthroses?
Bleeding into joints
Treatment for Hemophili A
Recombinant factor VIII
Which labs are abnormal in Vitamin K deficiency?
↑ PTT, ↑ PT
How is Vitamin K consider?
General coagulation defect
How is the bleeding time in Vitamin K deficiency?
What is affected in Vitamin K deficiency?
↓ synthesis of factors II, VII, IX, X, protein C, protein S
How is defect in platelet plug formation manifested?
↑ bleeding time
How is platelet abnormalitie manifested?
Microhemorrhage: mucous membrane bleeding, epistaxis, petechiae purpura, ↑ bleeding time, possible ↓ platelet count
How is Platelet count and Bleeding time in Bernard Soulier syndrome?
PC ↓ and BT ↑
Platelet disorders
Bernard Soulier syndrome
Glanzmann thrombasthenia
Immune thrombocytopenia
Thrombotic thrombocytopenia purpura
What is the problem in Bernard Soulier syndrome?
Defect in platelet plug formation
This syndrome is characterized by ↓ GpIb
Bernard Soulier syndrome
What is the consequence of ↓ GpIb?
Defect in platelet to vWF adhesion
What is seen in Bernard Soulier syndrome?
Defect in platelet to vWF adhesion
What is the main point in Glanzmann thrombasthenia?
Defect in platelet plug formation
Which lab is affected in Glanzmann thrombasthenia?
Increased bleeding time, normal platelet count
Syndrome Characterized by ↓ GpIIb / IIIa
Glanzmann thrombasthenia
What is affected with ↓ GpIIb / IIIa?
Defect in platelet to platelet aggregation
What is seen in Glanzmann thrombasthenia blood smear?
Shows no platelet clumping
Labs found in Immune thrombocytopenia
↓ Platelet count
↑ Bleeding time
What is the defect in immune thrombocytopenia?
Anti GpIIb/IIIa antibodies
What is the result of Anti GpIIb/IIIa antibodies?
Splenic macrophage consumption of platelet/antibody complex
What may triggers immune thrombocytopenia?
By viral illness
What is the effect of immune thrombocytopenia in platelets?
Decreased platelet survival
Finding of immune thrombocytopenia
Increased megakaryocytes on bone marrow biopsy
Lab findings in thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
↓ Platelet count
↑ Bleeding time
What is the explanation of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura?
Inhibition or deficiency of ADAMTS 13 (vWF metalloprotease)
What is the result of Inhibition or deficiency of ADAMTS 13 (vWF metalloprotease)?
↓ Degradation of vWF multimers
Pathogenesis of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
↑ large vWF multimers →↑ platelet adhesion → ↑ platelet aggregation and thrombosis
What is the final result of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura?
↓ Platelet survival
Labs found in thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Schistocytes, ↑ LDH
Symptoms of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Pentad of neurologic and renal symptoms, fever, thrombocytopenia, and microangiopathic hemolytic anemia
Treatment for thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
Exchange transfusion and steroids
Labs affected in von Willebrand disease
Increase bleeding time
Normal or increased PTT
Defects in von Willebrand disease
Intrinsic pathway coagulation defect
Defect in platelet plug formation
What is the result of ↓ vWF in Intrinsic pathway coagulation defect?
Normal or ↑ PTT (depends on severity; vWF acts to carry/ protect factor VIII)
What explains decrased of vWF lead to increased PTT?
vWF acts to carry/ protect factor VIII
What is the result of ↓ vWF in Defect in platelet plug formation?
Defect in platelet to vWF adhesion
How is von Willebrand disease consider?
Mild but most common inherited bleeding disorder
Inheritance mode of von Willebrand disease
Autosomal dominant
How is von Willebrand disease diagnose?
In most cases by ristocetin cofactor assay (↓ agglutination is diagnositic)
Treatment for von Willebrand disease
DDAVP (Desmopressin), which releases vWF stored in endothelium
Mixed platelet and coagulation disorders
von Willebrand disease
Labs found in Disseminated intravascular coagulation
↓ Platelet Count
↑ Bleeding time
↑ PT
Pathophysiology of Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)
Widespread activation of clotting lead to a deficiency in clotting factors, which creates a bleeding state
Causes of DIC
STOP Making New Thrombi Sepsis Trauma Obstetric complications acute Pancreatitis Malignancy Nephrotic syndrome Transfussion
Findings of Disseminated intravascular coagulation
Schistocytes, ↑ fibrin split products (D- dimers), ↓ fibrinogen, ↓ Factor V and VIII
Hereditary thrombosis syndromes leading to hypercoagulability
Factor V Leiden
Prothrombin gene mutation
Antitbrombin deficiency
Protein C or S deficiency
Most common cause of inherited hypercoagulability in whites
Factor V Leiden
What is the Factor V Leiden?
Production of mutant factor V that is resistant to degradation by activated protein C
Pathophysiology of Prothrombin gene mutation
Mutation in 3’ untranslated region→ ↑ production of prothrombin ↑ plasma levels and venous clots
How is Antithrombin deficiency gotten?
Inherited deficicency of antithrombin
And Acquired
What effect does antithrombin deficiency has on PT, PTT, or thrombin time?
Has no direct effect on them
Hois PTT affected by Antithrombin deficiency?
No direct effect on it, but diminishes the increase in PTT following heparin administration
How can antithrombin deficiency be acquired?
Renal failure/ nephrotic syndrome → antithrombin loss in urine → ↑ factors II and X
What is the result of Protein C or S deficiency?
↓ ability to inactivate factors V and VIII
What risk is increased with Protein C or S deficiency?`
For Thrombotic skin necrosis with hemorrhage following administration of warfarin
Components of Blood transfusion therapy
Packed RBCs
Fresh frozen plasma
What is the dosage effect of Packed RBCs?
↑ Hb and O2 carrying capacity
Clinical use for Packed RBCs
Acute blood loss, severe anemia
Dosage effect of Platelets
↑ Platelet count (↑ 5000/mm3/ unit)
Which is the clinical use for Platelets as blood transfusion therapy?
Stop significant bleeding (thrombocytopenia, qualitive platelet defects)
What is the purpose to administer fresh frozen plasma?
↑ coagulation factor levels
Clinical use for Fresh frozen plasma
DIC, cirrhosis, warfarin overdose, exchange transfusion in TTP/HUS
Contains fibrinogen, factor VIII, factor XIII, vWF, and fibronectin
Clinical use for Cryoprecipitate
Treat coagulation factor deficiencies involving fibrinogen and factor VIII
What is the dosage effect of Cryoprecipitate?
Contains fibrinogen, factor VIII, factor XIII, vWF, and fibronectin
Which are the blood transfussion risks?
Infection transmission (low)
Transfusion reactions
Iron overload
Hypocalcemia (citrate is a calcium chelator)
Hyperkalemia (RBCs may lyse in blood units)
What is Leukemia?
Lymphoid or myeloid neoplasms with widespread involvement of bone marrow
Where are tumor cells ussually found in Leukemia?
In peripheral blood
What is Lymphoma?
Discrete tumor masses arising from lymph nodes
How is lymphoma often presented?
Blur definitions
What is leukemoid reaction?
Acute inflammatory response to infection
Labs in Leukemoid reaction
↑ WBC count with ↑ neutrophils and neutrophil precursors such as band cells (left shift)
↑ Leukocyte ALP
Contrast of Leukemoid reaction with CML
Both have ↑ WBC count with left shift, but ↓ Leukocyte ALP
Characteristics of Hodgkin lymphoma
Localized, single group of nodes; extranodal rarecontigous spread
Which is the stronger predictor of prognosis in Hodgkin lymphoma?
Contigous spread
Who has better prognosis between non Hodgkin and Hodgkin lymphoma?
Hogdkin lymphoma has better prognosis
Which cells are characteristic of Hodgkin lymphoma?
Reed Sternberg cells
Groups of age that present more Hodgkin lymphoma?
Bimodal distribution- young adulthood and > 55 years
Which sex is at higher risk of Hodgkin lymphoma?
More common in men except Nodular sclerosing type
What factor is associated to Hodgkin lymphoma?
50 % of cases associated with EBV
Clinical findings of Hodgkin lymphoma
Constitutional (“B”) signs/ symptoms -low- grade fever, night sweats, weight loss
Characteristics of Non Hodgkin lymphoma
Multiple, peripheral nodes; extranodal involvement common; non contigous spread
Which cells are characterisitic of Non Hodgkin lymphoma?
Majority involve B cells (except those of lymphoblastic T cell origin)
Group of age for Non Hodgkin lymphoma
Peak incidence for certain subtypes at 20-40 years old
Factors associated to Non Hodgkin lymphoma
May be associated with HIV and immunosuppresion
Clinical findings of Non Hodgkin lymphoma
Fewer constitutional sign/ symptoms
What are the Reed-Sternberg cells?
Distinctictive tumor giant cell seen in Hodgkin disease
Characteristics of Reed-Sternberg cells
Binucleate or bilobed with the 2 halves as mirror images (“owl eyes”)
Which CD do Reed Sternberg cells have?
Cell origin of Reed-Sternberg cells
B cell
Are Reed-Sternberg cells necessary for diagnosing Hodgkin disease?
Necessary but not sufficient for a diagnosis of Hodgkin disese
Which microscopic characteristics have better prognosis for Hodgkin disease?
Strong stromal or lymphocytic reaction against RS cells
Most common form of Hodgkin lymphoma
Nodular sclerosing
Which sex group is more affected by Nodular Sclerosing Hodgkin lymphoma?
Women and men equally
Which type of Hodgkin lymphoma has better prognosis?
Lymphocyte rich form
Which types of Hodgkin lymphoma have poor prognosis?
Lymphocyte mixed or depleted forms have poor prognosis
How are Non Hodgkin lymphoma classified?
Neoplasm of Mature B cells
Neoplasm of mature T cells
Non Hodgkin lymphoma of mature B cells
Burkitt lymphoma
Diffuse large B cell lymphoma
Mantle cell lymphoma
Follicular lymphoma
In whom is more common Burkitt lymphoma?
Adolescents or young adults
Which gene is affected in Burkitt lymphoma?
t (8; 14)- translocation of c-myc (8) and heavy chain Ig (14)
Microscope characteristics of Burkitt lymphoma
“Starry sky” apperacne, sheets of lymphocytes with interpersed macrophages
What is associted to Burkitt lymphoma?
Clinical manifestations of Burkitt lymphoma
Jaw lession in endemic form in Africa
Pelvis or abdomen in sporadic form
Usual group of age of presentation of Diffuse large B cell lymphoma
Usually Older adults, but 20% in children
Gen affected in Diffuse large B cell lymphoma
t (14:18)
Most common type of non Hodgkin lymphoma in adults
Diffuse large B cell lymphoma
Who are more affected by Mantle cell lymphoma?
Older males
Gen affected in Mantle cell lymphoma
t (11; 14)- translocation of cyclin D1 (11) and heavy chain Ig (14)
CD found in Mantle cell lymphoma
Who are at higher risk for Follicular lymphoma?
Gen affected in Follicular lymphoma?
t (14; 18)- translocation of heavy chain Ig (14) and bcl-2
How is the course of Follicular lymphom?
What is the effect of bcl2?
Inhibits apoptosis
How is Follicular lymphom presentation?
With painless “waxing and waning” lymphadenopathy
Non Hodgkin Lymphoma of mature T cells
Adult T cell lymphoma
Mycosis fungoides
In which patients os more often seen Adult T cell lymphoma?
What causes Adult T cell lymphoma? with what is associated?
associated with IV drgu abuse
Who are mainly affected by Adult T cell lymphoma?
Populations of Japan, West Africa, and the Caribean
How is Adult T cell lymphoma manifested?
Adult present with cutaneois lesions
How are bones affected by Adult T cell lymphoma?
Lytic bone lesions, hypercalcemia
How else is Mycosis Fungoide known?
Sézary syndrorme
Group of age affected by Mycosis Fungoide
How is Mycosis Fungoide presented?
Adults present with cutaneous patches plaques/ tumors with potential to spread to lymph nodes and viscera
What is seen in Sézary syndrome?
Circulating malignant cells seen in Sézary syndrome
How is the course of Sézary syndrome?
What CD is seen in Mycosis Fungoides?
Origin Cells from Multiple Myeloma
Monoclonal plasma cell
What apperance do monoclonal plasma cell have?
“fried egg” apperance
From where does Multiple Myeloma arise?
In the marrow
What does Multiple Myeloma produce?
Large amounts of IgG (55%) or IgA (25%)
Most common primary tumor arising within bone in the eldery
Multiple myeloma
Main Group of age affected by Multiple myeloma
> 40-50 years old
Which factors are associated to Multiple myeloma?
↑ susceptibility to infection Primary amyloidosis (AL)
What is seen in imaging studies in Multiple myeloma?
Punched out lytic bone lesions on x ray
What in seen in serum protein electrophoresis in Multiple Myeloma?
M spike
What is seen in urine in Multiple Myeloma?
Ig light chains in urine (Bence Jones protein)
Protein found as Ig light chains in urine
Bence Jones protein
What is seen in smear in Multiple Myeloma?
Rouleaux formation
What is Rouleaux formation?
RBCs staked like poker chips in blood smear
Characteristics of plasma cells seen in Multiple Myeloma
Numerous plasma cells with “clock face” chromatin and intracytoplasmic inclusions containing immunoglobulin
What difference does Multiple Myeloma has with Waldenstrom macroglobulinemia?
M spike= IgM (→ hyperviscocity symptoms)
No lytic bone lesions
With which disease is Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance related to?
Asymmptomatic precursor to Multiple myeloma
What is Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance?
Monoclonal expansion of plasma cells with serum monoclonal protein
How much patients with Monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance develop Multiple Myeloma?
1-2% per year
Findings of Multiple myeloma
CRAB hyperCalcemia Renal insufficiency Anemia Bone lytic lesions/ Back pain
What are Myelodysplastic syndromes?
Stem cell disorders involving inneffective hematopoiesis → defects in cell maturation of all non lymphoid lineages
What causes Myelodysplastic syndromes?
Caused by de novo mutations or environmental exposure
Which environmental exposure cause Myelodysplastic syndromes?
Radiation, Benzene, chemotherapy
What risk do Myelodysplastic syndromes have?
Risk of transformation to AML
What is Pseudo Pelger Huet anomaly?
Neutrophils with bilobed nuclei (two nuclear masses connected with a thin filament of chromatin) typically seen after chemotherapy
Pseudo Pelger Huet anomaly is associated to this disease
Myelodysplastic syndrome
Pathophysiology of Leukemias
Unregulated growth of leukocytes in bone marrow → ↑ or ↓ number of circulating leukocytes in blood and marrow failure
What is the result of Leukemias?
Anemia (↓ RBCs), infections (↓ mature WBCs) and hemorrhage (↓ platelets)
Which structures could be infiltrated by Leukemic cells?
Liver, Spleen and lymph nodes
Types of Leukemias
Lymphoid neoplasms
Myeloid neoplasms
Who are lymphoid neoplasms?
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia/ lymphoma (ALL)
Small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL)/ Chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL)
Hairy Cell leukemia
At which age does Acute Lymphoblastic leukemia commonly appears?
How is T cell ALL presented?
Mediastinal mass (leukemic infiltration of the thymus)
Which disease is associated to ALL?
Down syndrome
Findings of ALL
Peripheral bloof and bone marrow have ↑↑↑ lymphoblasts
Special biomarkers for ALL
What is the use for TdT+?
Marker of pre-T and pre-B cells
What does CD10 identifies?
pre-B cells only
Which Lymphoid neoplasm is the most responsive to therapy?
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia/ lymphoma (ALL)
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia/ lymphoma (ALL) may spread to…
CNS and testes
Mutations presented in Acute lymphoblastic leukemia/ lymphoma (ALL)
t (12; 21)
Prognosis of t (12;21) mutation
Better prognosis
How else is Chronic lymphocytic leukemia known?
Small lymphocytic lymphoma (SLL)
At what age does CLL commonly appears?
> 60 years
What CD are seen in CLL?
CD20+, CD5+ B cell neoplasm
How is the progression of SLL?
Progresses Slowly
Symptoms of SLL
Often asymptomatic
What is seen in peripheral blood smear in CLL?
Smudge cells
What else is found in CLL?
Hemolytic anemia
What is the difference between CLL and SLL?
SLL same as CLL except CLL has increasedperipheral blood lymphocytosis or bone marrow involvement
Who are at higher risk for Hairy cell leukemia?
How is Hairy cell leukemia consider?
Mature B cell tumor in the elderly
Characteristic of cells in Hairy cell leukemia?
Cells have filamentous, hairy like projections
Which stain is positive in Hairy cell leukemia ?
TRAP (tartrate resistant acid phosphate)
By which method is TRAP replaced inthe study of Hairy cell leukemia?
With flow cytometry
What do Hairy cell leukemia causes?
Marrow fibrosis→ dry tap on aspiration
Treatment for Hairy cell leukemia
Cladribine (2-CDA), an adenosine analog (inhibits adenosine deaminase)
Who are Myeloid neoplasms?
Acute myelogenous leukemia (AML)
Chronic Myelogenous leukemia (CML)
Age of onset of Acute myelogenous leukemia?
Median onset 65 year
In which disease are Auer rods seen?
Acute myelogenous leukemia
What are Auer rods?
Peroxidase + cytoplasmic inclusions seen mostly in M3 AML
What is seen in blood smear in Acute myelogenous leukemia?
↑↑↑ circulating myeloblasts on peripheral smear
Risk factor for Acute myelogenous leukemia
Prior exposure to alkylating chemotherapy, radiation, myeloproliferative disordes, Down syndrome
Type of mutation seen in Acute myelogenous leukemia
t(15; 17)→ M3 AML subtype
M3 AML subtype responds to…
responds to all-trans retinoic acid (vitamin A)
What do trans retinoic acid (vitamin A) causes in M3 AML subtype?
Inducing differentiation of myeloblasts
What pathology could be present in M3 AML subtype?
What induces DIC in M3 AML subtype?
Chemotherapy due to release of Auer rods
Peak incidence of Chronic Myelogenous leukemia (CML)
45-85 years
Median age of diagnosing Chronic Myelogenous leukemia (CML)
64 years
Which chromosome is related to Chronic Myelogenous leukemia (CML)?
Philadelphia chromosome
Philadelphia chromosome
t (9;22), bcr-abl
What does Philadelphia chromosome define?
Myeloid stem cell proliferation
How is Chronic Myelogenous leukemia (CML) presented?
↑ neutrophils, metamylocytes, basophils
Clinical finging of Chronic Myelogenous leukemia (CML)
What could be the probable evolution of Chronic Myelogenous leukemia (CML) ?
May accelerate and transform to AML or ALL (“blast crisis”)
What is a blast crisis?
When Chronic Myelogenous leukemia transforms to AML or ALL
Other characteristic of Chronic Myelogenous Leukemia
Very low leukocyte alkaline phosphatase (LAP) as a result of low activity in mature granulocytes
What difference does Chronic myelogenous leukemia has with Leukomoid reaction
CML has ↓ Leukocyte Alkaline phosphatase
Leukemoid reaction presents with ↑ Leukocyte Alkaline phosphatase
Which is the treatment for Chronic myelogenous leukemia?
Responds to imatinib
What is imatinib?
A small molecule inhibitor of the bcr-abl tyrosine kynase
Which translocation is Philadelphia chromosome?
t (9; 22)
Associated disorder to Philadelphia chromosome
CML (bcr-abl hybrid)
Pathology associated to t(8:14)
Burkitt lymphoma
What is activated in Burkitt lymphoma?
c-myc activation
Translocation of Mantle cell lymphoma
t (11:14)
Associated disorder to cyclin D1 activation
Mantle cell lymphoma
Disorder associated to t(14; 18)
Follicular lymphomas
What is activated in Follucular lymphomas?
bcl-2 activation
Pathology associated to t(15; 17)
M3 type pf AML (responsive to all trnas retinoic acid)
Proliferative disorders of dendritic cells from nonocyte lineage
Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Alternative name for dendritic cells
Langerhans cell
How is Langerhans cell histiocytosis presented?
Presents in child as lytic bone lesions and skin rash or as recurrent otitis media with mass involving the mastoid bone
What is the problem with dendritic cells in Langerhans cell histiocytosis?
Cells are functionally immature and do not efficiently stimulate primary T lymphocytes via antigen presentation
What is expressed by cells in Langerhans cell histiocytosis?
S-100 (mesodermal origin) and CD1a
Histologic characteristic of Langerhans cell histiocytosis
Birbeck granules (“tennis rackets”)
Chronic myeloproliferative disorders
Polycythemia vera
Essential thrombocytosis
Non-receptor tyrosine kinase mutated in Chronic myeloproliferative disorders
What is the function of JAK2?
Is involved in hematopoietic growth factor signaling
Which myeloproliferative disorder in not implicated in mutations of JAK2?
Main characteristics of Polycythemia vera
Hematocrit > 55%, somatic (non heraditary) mutation in JAK2 gene
How is Polycythemia often presented?
As intense itching after hot shower
Rare but classic symptom of Polycythemia vera
What is Erythromegalia?
Severe, burning pain and reddish or bluish coloration
What causes Erythromegalia in Polycythemia vera?
Episodic blood clots in vessels of the extremities
What induces a secondary polycythemia?
Via natural or artificial ↑ in EPO levels
Which pathology is similar to Essential thrombocytosis?
Polycythemia vera
What is the main problem of Essential thrombocytosis?
Specific for overproduction of abnormal platelets
What is the result of Overproduction pf abnormal platelets?
Bleeding, thrombosis
What does Bone marrow contains in Essential thrombocytosis?
Enlarged megakaryocytes
Main characteristic of Myelofibrosis
Fibrotic obliteration of bone marrow
Cell characteristics on Myelofibrosis
Teardrop RBCs and immature forms of the myeloid line
In this chronic myeloproliferative disorder we see bcr-abl transformation
What does bcr-abl transformation leads to in CML?
↑ cell division and inhibition of apoptosis
Imatinib is the drug of choice in this myeloproliferative disorder
Comercial name for Imantinib
In blood counts how are cell affected in Polycythemia vera?
↑ RBCs
↑ WBCs
↑ Platelets
What mutation is seen in Polycythemia vera?
What cells are affected in Essential thrombocytosis?
↑ Platelets
Is JAK2 mutated in Essential thrombocytosis?
Yes, in 30-50%
How are blood counts in Myelofibrosis?
↓ RBCs
Variable WBCs and Platelets
Is JAK2 mutated in Myelofibrosis?
Yes, in 30-50%
How are blood count in CML?
↓ RBCs
↑ WBCs
↑ Platelets
Is JAK2 mutated in CML?
Which gene is mutated in CML?
Philadelphia chromosome
Types of Polycythemias
Appropriate absolute
Inappropriate absolute
Polycythemia vera
In relative polycythemia what is the problem?
↓ plasma volume
What leads to relative polycythemia?
↓ plasma volume (dehydration, burns)
What is the result of appropriate absolute polycythemia?
↑ RBC mass
↑ EPO levels
What is the main cause of appropriate absolute polycythemia?
↓ O2 saturation
What pathologies are associated to appropriate absolute polycythemia?
Lung disease, congenital heart disease, high altitude
What is seen in inappropriate absolute polycythemia?
↑ RBC mass
↑ EPO levels
Main causes of inappropriate absolute polycythemia
Renal Carcinoma Wilms tumor Cyst Hepatocellular carcinoam Hydronephrosis
Main cause of inappropriate absolute polycythemia
Due to ectopic EPO
What are the alterations seen in Polycythemia vera?
↑ Plasma volume
↑↑ RBC mass
↓ EPO levels
Why is EPO decreased in Polycythemia vera?
Due to negative feedback