Hematology Flashcards
anemia - morphologic approach
microcytic (MCV<80)
- iron deficiency
- thalassemia, sickle cell
normocytic (MCV 80-100)
- anemia of chronic dz
- anemia of chronic renal failure
- multifactorial (micro and macro balance out)
- sickle cell
macrocytic (MCV>100)
- Folic acid and Vit. B12 deficiency
- alcoholics, liver dz
- myelodysplastic syndrome
anemia and reticulocyte counts
reticulocytes are erythrocytes newly released from marrow (1-2 days)
- still have small amount of RNA in them
- can use to determine if anemia is decreased production (low retic count) vs. increased destruction (high retic count) since marrow is trying to pump out RBC to compensate
causes of anemia from:
- decreased production
- increased destruction
dec. production:
- lack of nutrients (iron, it B12, folate)
- bone marrow suppression (aplastic anemia,chemo)
- low trophic factors (CKD - low expo, low thyroid, testosterone)
- anemia of chronic dz (low sensitivity to expo)
inc destruction:
- blood loss (chronic)
- hemolytic: either inherited (sickle cell, thalassemia) to acquired (autoimmune, drug induced)
iron tests
serum iron
transferrin: binds iron in circulation
- % saturation = serum iron/TIBC
- Ferritin: iron stores
iron deficiency anemia: causes, s/sx, labs, tx
- increased requirements: bleeding (GI, menses), growth periods (pregnancy, lactation)
- inadequate supply: intestinal malabsorption, gastric bypass surgery, Ca+ inhibits absoprtion
- microcytic anemia
- koilonychia (spoon nails)
- glottitis/esophageal webs (Plummer-Vinson syndrome)
- restless legs
- Pica
- hair loss
- low serum iron
- low ferritin
- TIBC is high (trying to bind iron) but % saturation low
- reticulocytes high
- oral iron therapy (ferrous sulfate 325 BID)
- recheck ferritin 6-8wks
- vit C helps
hemoglobinopathies - 2 types
sickle cell disease
- heterozygous (trait)
- homozygous (SC anemia)
- alpha: 4 subtypes
- beta has 2 subtypes
normal adult hemoglobin - results of electrophoresis
HgB A: 95-98%
HgB A2: 1.5-3.5%
Hgb F (fetal): 0.5-1%
sickle cell hemoglobinopathy
Due to presence of abnormal HgB S, on deoxygenation, cells sickle and cause damage to vessels and trapping of dense sickle cells
- splenic infarction with hypoxia (altitude)
- hematuria common
- presence of HgB S on electrophoresis
sickle cell trait (heterozygous)
usually asymptomatic
only develop crises at high altitudes (hypoxia triggers), or high stress situations (illness)
over time, can develop micro infarcts resulting in kidney damage and cardiac damage
sickle cell anemia (homozygous): definition, clinical findings
chronic hemolysis and pain crises
- anemia
- rectioculocytosis (high b/c trying to compensate for destruction)
- hyperbilirubinemia
- cardiac sxs from chronic overload (CHF) and micro infarcts/fibrosis
- infections (strep pneuma and H. Flu) that spleen socially takes care of
- gallstones
- renal failure
- painful crisis in hands and feet (from micro thrombi)
- osteomyelitis (salmonelli typhi)
sickle cell pain crisis: cause, tx
can last days to weeks
- dehydration
- infection
- stress
caution (these require transfusion):
- acute chest syndrome
- splenic necrosis
- hydration +/- bicarb
- oxygen
- pain meds
- folate to support hemolysis
- tx infection
- dec. or absent HbGA, increased HbGF and A2
- Mediterranean descent
b-thal minor (trait)
- homozygous
- chronic anemia (not symptomatic)
- dx: HgB electrophoresis: HbA w/ raised HbF and HbA2
- tx: usually no tx needed
b-thal major (Colley anemia)
- homozygous
- severe anemia
- sx: liver and spleen enlargement, stunted growth, bony deformities (chipmunk facies), hepatosplenomegaly, jaundice, cirrhosis, and thrombophilia.
- dx: HgB electrophoresis: no beta chains synthesized; only HbF and HbA2
- tx: bone marrow transplant; supportive care
alpha thalassemia syndromes
HgB chain affected: alpha globin chain pathology
Two alpha chain deletion:
- common in Asians (alpha-th-1) or blacks (alpha-th-2)
- typically mild.
Presence of one alpha chain: Hemoglobin H disease
- patients manifest a variant of chronic hemolytic anemia.
Absence of all four alpha chains = hydrops
- results in stillbirth
anemia of chronic disease (anemia of inflammation) - basics, causes, dx, tx
induced by inflammatory cytokines and hepcidin
- results in normocytic anemia
- reduction in RBC production in bone marrow
causes: MANY
- low serum iron
- HIGH ferritin
- TIBC is low and % saturation low
- reticulocytes low
- erythropoietin (EPO)
hemolytic anemia
caused by premature breakdown of RBCs
- hereditary spherocytosis (RBC membrane defects): see spherocytes that get chopped up by spleen; tx: remove spleen
- autoimmune processes (+ COOMBs)
- tx with prednisone - G6PD deficiency: usually drugs or FAVA BEANS stimulate hemoysis; see bite cells and Heinz bodies
- Drugs: antimalarials, analgesics (acetyl salicylic acid), chemo
- high reticulocyte count
- inc. serum LDH
- high indirect jaundice
- positive COOMBS (if autoimmune)
- reduced serum heptoglobin