Hematology Flashcards
What medication is used to prevent recurrences of sickle cell crisis in a patient with sickle cell disease?
What is the best initial treatment for parvovirus B 19 (causing aplastic anemia)?
What is a common manifestation of sickle cell trait?
isosthenuria (defect in the ability to concentrate urine)
A patient presents with recurrent episodes of hemolysis and jaundice and has a family history of anemia/ hemolysis most likely suffers from ….
Hereditary Spherocytosis
What is the most accurate test for Hereditary Spherocytosis?
Osmotic fragility
How can you distinguish microcytic anemia due to iron deficiency form anemia due to thalassemia?
1) RDW (increased in iron; normal in thal)
2) iron studies (abnormal in iron; normal in thal)
What is the initial best test in a patient with macrocytic anemia?
peripheral blood smear (hypersegmented neutrophils)
What is the next best test in a patient with macrocytic anemia and hypersegemented neutrophils?
folate and B12 levels
What medication can cause folate deficiency?
1) phenytoin
2) sulfa drugs
3) Methotrexate
What are common causes of vitamin B12 deficiency? (5)
1) pernicious anemia
2) pancreatic insufficiency
3) inflammation of bowel (crohns, celiac, etc)
4) diphyllohothrium latum
5) blind loop syndrome (gastric bypass)
What is the most common neurologic symptoms in patient with vitamin B 12 deficiency?
Peripheral neuropathy
What is the best test to differentiate macrocytic anemia due to vitamin B12 deficiency versus folate deficiency?
methylmalonic acid level (elevated in B12; normal in folate)
used if B12 equivocal b/s transcobolamin is acute phase reactant
What is the confirmatory test for pernicious anemia?
1) Anti-intrinsic factor
2) anti-parietal cell antibodies
What electrolyte disturbance is a complication of vitamin B12 and folate replacement?
hypokalemia (K pushed into new cells)
What are common non-hematology manifestations in sickle cell disease? (5)
1) bilirubin gallstones (due to increased indirect bilirubin)
2) increased infections (encapsulated due to autosplenectomy)
3) osteomyelitis (Salmonella)
4) retinopathy
5) stroke
What is the most common cause of osteomyelitis in sickle cell disease?
What is the best initial test for sickle cell disease?
peripheral smear (Howell- Jolly bodies)
What is the most accurate test for sickle cell disease?
hemoglobin electrophoresis
What cells are found on blood smear in sickle cell disease?
Howell- Jolly bodies (precipitated remnants of nuclear material in RBC)
What cells are found in blood smear in G6PD deficiency?
Bite cells
What is the treatment for hereditary spherocytosis?
- chronic folic acid replacement (support RBC production)
2) splenectomy (stops hemolysis)
A patient presents with hemolytic anemia, spherocytosis on blood smear and a positive Coombs test most likely suffers from …
Autoimmune (Warm or IgG) hemolysis
What is the most accurate diagnostic test for Autoimmune (Warm or IgG) hemolysis?
Coombs test (detects antibodies)
What distinguishes hereditary spherocytosis from autoimmune (warm or IgG) hemolysis?
- Coombs test (negative in HS; postive in IgG)
2. Family hx of anemia (positive in HS; negative in IgG)