Ethics Flashcards
What is autonomy?
respecting individual’s beliefs and decisions as long as they are competent (capacity to understand)
What is the most important ethical rule?
autonomy (honor patient’s wishes)
What is capacity?
ability for patient to understand situation, treatment options, consequences of choice
True or false. you must follow the last known wishes of the patient even if they are verbal and contradict the written proxy
What is the rule of the health care proxy?
person designated by patient to care out patient’s wishes when the patient is no long competent enough to make decisions
When does the health care proxy go into effect?
patient has lost the capacity to make decisions
What is the order of decision making? (7)
- patient
- health care proxy agent
- living will
- persons clearly familiar with pt’s wishes
- family (spouse -> adult kids -> parents -> siblings)
- ethics committee
- court order
When should an ethics committee be obtained?
medical futility (when pt or proxy asking for tests and treatments that may have no benefit)
When should a patient have a psychiatric evaluation in ethical cases?
it is unclear if patient has capacity
When can minors have decision making capacity? (4)
- contraception
- pre-natal care
- STD testing and treatment
- substance abuse treatment
When are minors considered emancipated? (3)
- living outside of home and self-supporting
- in military
- legal emancipated
True or False. If patient is brain dead, you dont need consent to stop therapy such as mechanical ventilation or antibiotics.
True (first discuss, educate, explain and confer with family members before stopping treatment)
What is the first thing you should do before stopping treatment in a patient with brain death?
discuss, educate, explain, and confer with the family
What is the exception for obtaining informed consent before a treatment?
Who should be the one to obtain informed consent from the patient?
person doing procedure (b/c know all complications of procedure, alternatives to procedure, etc)
True or False. Pregnant women can refuse procedures and treatments even though by doing so it may be risky to the unborn child.
What should be done if a patient informs you that he is going to hurt someone?
- detain patient
- call police
- notify and warm potential victim
True or false. Parents can not withhold life or limb saving treatment from their child.
True (give blood transfusion to kid of Jehovah’s witness in case of emergency)
Who should ask a patient or family member for consent for organs for organ transplant?
organ donor network
True or False. Organ donor cards give an indication of patient’s wishes, but family can refuse organ donation even if patient has organ donor card.
When can a patient’s confidentiality be broken? (4)
- reportable diseases (STDs, HIV, TB)
- court order
- going to harm self/ others
- child/ elder abuse
When do you provide health-related protected records to government agencies (law enforcement, etc)?
have valid warrant or subpoena from courts
True or False. HIV-positive healthcare worker does not have to disclose their status to their patients or their employers.
True or false. Small gifts from patients are acceptable as long as they aren’t tied to specific treatment request.