Hematology Flashcards
What is Anemia?
lower hgb concentration- fewer RBC in circulation
Male Hgb range
14-18 g/dL
Female Hgb range
12-16 g/dL
Male HCT range
Female HCT range
What is bilirubin?
byproduct of RBC metabolism
What is the most common type of Anemia?
Iron Deficient Anemia
- b/c of diet
Why is iron important for blood?
iron makes hgb and gives RBC the big/puffy shape- important for oxygen carrying and delivering to cells.
What is the MCV lab?
width of an RBC
Anemia with decreased MCV and reticulocytes indicates what treatment?
Iron supplement would be appropriate treatment
What are the 5 causes of anemia?
-hypo-proliferation- not enough production
-hemorrhage- loss of total blood cells
-hemolysis- increased destruction of RBC
-reticulocytes- immature RBCs
-decreased erythropoietin/erythrocyte production- due to lack of nutrients: folic acid, iron, Vitamin B12
What is sickle cell disease?
an autosomal recessive disorder with defective hemoglobin that results in a concave, rigid cell shape- associated with hemolytic anemia
-common in africa due to its ability to resist malaria
complications of sickle cells?
-sickle cells age/decay at a quicker rate due to the repeated oxygen binding/separating- these cells age faster: increase in bilirubin
-easily adhere to vessel walls, and accumulate- decreased blood flow to tissues- risk for infarction
Sickle Cell anemia manifestations:
tachycardia: >100
murmurs: s3 and s4
Cardiomegaly: enlarged heart bc it has to work harder to perfuse
ischemia and infarction: all organs affected
*sickling -> hypoxia -> tissue damage -> necrosis
What is sickle cell crisis?
restricted blood flow that can happen anywhere in the body due to sickle accumulation, manifested as fever >38, pain (neuropathic-dull/stabbing/throbbing/sharp), and swelling in the area.
what triggers sickle cell crisis?
-cold temperatures- vasoconstriction- increased risk for sickle cells to get caught
-dehydration- vasoconstriction
-altitude- hypoxia and tachy
-ETOH- diuretic causes dehydration, inflammatory marker
-Tobacco- vasoconstriction/HTN
-Infection- inflammation
-stress- HTN increased risk for clot getting stuck
-hypovolemia: blood loss
Sickle cell crisis treatment
Acute: O2, rest, fluids, blood transfusions (increase oxygen carrying capacity), abx, pain mgmt: PCA (morphine/hydromorphone), hydroxyurea (chemo Rx)