Ch 40 (ulcers) & Ch 41 (intestine/rectal disorders) Flashcards
Pt education for gastritis
modify diet: refrain from alcohol and irritating foods, avoid NSAIDs
recommend pharm. therapy: PPI (omeprazole), antacid (tums) etc.
chronic: promote rest, reduce stress
inflammation of the stomach mucosa (common)
- acute: erosive vs. non erosive
- chronic
Erosive gastritis
form of acute gastritis usually caused by local irritants (ex: aspirin, NSAIDS, alcohol)
Non-erosive gastritis
Acute form of gastritis that is caused by infection from H. Pylori
Chronic gastritis
prolonged inflammation due to irritants or H. Pylori
-may be associated with some AI diseases, diet, medications, substance (alcohol, smoking), or chronic reflux of pancreatic secretions
Chronic gastritis manifestations
fatigue, heartburn (pyrosis), belching, sour taste, halitosis, food intolerance (caffeine, spicy or fatty foods)
-may have vitamin deficiency due to malabsorption of B12
Acute gastritis manifestations
- rapid onset of abdominal pain/discomfort, indigestion (dyspepsia), anorexia, nausea, vomiting, hiccups
-may cause bleeding: vomit, stool (melena- black/tarry stools, or hematochezia- bright red, bloody stools)
H. Pylori mgmt
If untreated, could lead to PUD and cancer.
- combo of drugs: PPI, abx, and sometimes bismuth salts
Peptic Ulcer Disease
Erosion of mucous membrane forms excavation in the stomach, pylorus, duodenum or esophagus
causes: NSAIDS, H. Pylori
PUD manifestations
dull, gnawing pain or burning in the mid-epigastrium or back, sometimes heartburn (pyrosis), bleeding, sour burps
Gastric ulcer pain
pain occurs immediately after eating, 30-40% awake with pain at night
Duodenal ulcer pain
pain relieved by eating but reoccurs 2-3 hours after; 50-80% awake with pain at night
PUD complications
Gastric outlet syndrome
hemorrhage: if large (2000-300mL) usually vomited, if small its usually passed in the stool
Gastric outlet obstruction syndrome
any condition that mechanically impeded normal gastric emptying
Gastric outlet syndrome symptoms
n/v, constipation, epigastric fullness, anorexia and later weight loss
Gastric outlet syndrome mgmt
NG tube to decompress the stomach (output >400 mL indicates obstruction), IV fluids and e-, balloon dilation or surgery
GI bleed manifestation
vomit, pain, stool (melena or hematochezia)
Perforation manifestations
sudden/severe upper abdominal pain that may be referred to the right shoulder, vomiting and collapse, tender board-like abdomen, symptoms of shock or impending doom
erosion of ulcer through gastric serosa into peritoneal cavity
erosion of ulcer through gastric serosa into adjacent structures (back and epigastric pain not relieved by medication)
Abdominal emergency perforation/penetration mgmt
monitor NG tube, I/O, electrolytes, infection, peritonitis, abdominal pain, bowel tones, distention
Pharmacology for constipation
- Softeners: pull water into colon (ex: docusate- colace)
- osmotic agent: cleanses colon rapidly (ex: goLYTELY, or polyethylene glycol- PEG)
- Stimulants: increase peristalsis (ex: senekot or bisacodyl- dulcolax)
- Bulk forming/fiber: diarrhea and constipation (citrucel- methylcellulose, metamucil- psyllium)
- saline agent: milk of magnesia
- Enemas/lubricant (glycerin suppository)
constipation complications
<3 BM/week
- decreased cardiac output, fecal impaction, hemorrhoids, fissures, rectal prolapse, megacolon