Hematology Flashcards
Parovirus B19
- also called fifth disease, or erythema infectiosum
- characterized by slapped cheeks
- transient asymptotic reticulocytopenia
- can cause pure red blood cell aplasia (giant proerythroblast in the bone marrow biopsy) > IV Ig if immunocompromised
CKD on dialysis, Anemic, when to start ESA as treatment for their anemia?
HG <10
Stop or reduce dose once HG >11 to avoid CVs risk
Hereditary Spherocytosis mode of inheritance
Autosomal Dominant
Hereditary Spherocytosis test of choice
Osmotic fragility test
Hereditary spherocytosis picute
- Jaundice
- Splenomegaly
- Anemia
- can be distinguished from Autoimmune spherocytosis by coomb test
Spherocytosis treatment
- Splenectomy can cure chromic hemolytic anemia due to hereditary Spherocytosis
- usually delayed as possible specially in childrens to avoid risk of sepsis
- Chronic hyperbilirubinemia due to hemolysis usually cause gallstones
Transfusion indication in cancer patient
1- Symptomatic: HG <10
2- Asymptomatic: HG 7-8
ESA avoided in cancer due to concerns of tumor growth and thrombosis, it also doesn’t immediately raise HG making them less effective for symptoms relieve
IDA in early stage
IDA after iron replacement and reticulctyes
Reticulocytes response in 5-7 days
5 vaccinces in SCA patients?
1- Pneumococcal
2- Meningococcal
3- HiB
4- Infleunza
5- Hepatitis B
Pencillin v prophylaxis if SCA patients age?
3 months to 5 years
- 3m to 3y: 125mg BID
- 3y to 5y: 250mg BID