Helminths - Nematodes (roundworms) Flashcards
w/ little pink granules
& bilobed nuclei

Enterobius vermicularis (pinworms)
Intestinal nematode (round worms)
source / signs and symptoms
Super Worms!!! (In Nematode City)
Female pinworms migrate to the anus and lay eggs → causes itching → fecal oral transmission can reinfect if touch mouth after scratching anus.

Enterobius vermicularis (pinworms)
Intestinal nematode (round worms)
lab tests / tx
Super Worms!!! (In Nematode City)
Scotch tape test on anus → eggs will stick to tape → visible on microscope.
tx with Pyrantel pamoate and Albendazole

Ancyclostoma duodenale and Necator americanus (hookworms)
Intestinal nematode (round worms)
source / signs and symptoms
Super Worms!!! (In Nematode City)
- Hookworms found in rural southern US
- Walk barefoot** → Enter _blood_stream** → Larvae go to lungs → ascend bronchiole tree → get coughed up → swallowed, then enter and mature in the intestine. (feet→blood→lungs→GI)
- Pt can develop severe iron deficiency anemia.

Ancyclostoma duodenale and Necator americanus (hookworms)
Intestinal nematode (round worms)
lab tests / tx
Super Worms!!! (In Nematode City)
- Look for eggs in stool.
- High eosinophil count (eosinophilia).
- tx with Pyrantel pamoate and Albendazole

Ascaris lumbricoides (Giant large worm)
Intestinal nematode (round worms)
source / signs and symptoms
Super Worms!!! (In Nematode City)
- Ingest eggs from contaminated food or water → migrate to lungs through gut wall and bloodstream → come back to gut to become adults → go into feces (GI→blood→lungs→GI)
- Malnutrition and respiratory symptoms (most likely intestinal nematode to cause resp. sympt.)
- Intestinal obstruction at ileocecal valve (major complication!)

Ascaris lumbricoides (Giant large worm)
Intestinal nematode (round worms)
lab tests / tx
Super Worms!!! (In Nematode City)
- Look for eggs in stool
- High eosinophil count (eosinophilia).
- tx with Albendazole*
*(Albendazole causes microtubule dysfunction to make worms immobile. Dont give microtubule inhibitors to pregnant women. If pregnant give Pyrantel pamoate)

Strondyloides stercoralis (Thread worm)
Intestinal nematode (round worms)
source / signs and symptoms
Super Worms!!! (In Nematode City)
- Penetrate skin on bottom of feet → then goes to lungs → then GI tract → AUTOINFECTION of host by laying eggs** on **intestinal wall! (feet→blood→lungs→GI→GI→GI...)
- If immunocompromised can lead to hyper infection.

Strondyloides stercoralis (Thread worm)
Intestinal nematode (round worms)
lab tests / tx
Super Worms!!! (In Nematode City)
- Eggs DONT get passed to stool so only find larvae in stools.
- High eosinophil count (eosinophilia).
- tx with Albendazole* and Ivermectin
*(Albendazole causes microtubule dysfunction to make worms immobile. Dont give microtubule inhibitors to pregnant women. If pregnant give Pyrantel pamoate)

Trichinella spiralis (Trichina worm)
Intestinal nematode (round worms)
source / signs and symptoms
Super Worms!!! (In Nematode City)
- Found in undercooked meat, commonly pork or bear.
- Larvae get into blood → go systemic → form cysts in striated muscle cells (GI→blood→systemic→striated muscle cells)
- Periorbital edema
- Vomiting and fever
- Inflammation of muscle → severe myalgia

Trichinella spiralis (Trichina worm)
Intestinal nematode (round worms)
lab tests / tx
Super Worms!!! (In Nematode City)
- Most often diagnosed by a Trichinella antibody test. In some cases a muscle biopsy may be performed.
- High eosinophil count (eosinophilia).
- tx with Albendazole*
*(Albendazole causes microtubule dysfunction to make worms immobile. Dont give microtubule inhibitors to pregnant women. If pregnant give Pyrantel pamoate)

Dracunculus medinesis (Guinea worm)
Tissue nematode (round worms)
source / signs and symptoms
Screamatodes III: Return of the flesh eaters
- Transmitted by ingesting water contaminated with copepods (small crustaceans) containing larvae
- Painful skin ulcer
- Worms (adult female) coming out of the skin!

Dracunculus medinesis (Guinea worm)
Tissue nematode (round worms)
lab tests / tx
Screamatodes III: Return of the flesh eaters
- Diagnosed via worms (adult female) coming out of the skin!
- Peripheral eosinophilia
- Pull out by spinning matchsticks or pencil slowly over several days.
- Metronidazole will help speed up the process (but not cure it)

Onchocerca volvulus (Filaria worm)
Tissue nematode (round worms)
source / signs and symptoms
Screamatodes III: Return of the flesh eaters
- Found around rivers in Africa, C. america and S. America
- Black fly bites human host → larvae burrow down into the hosts skin → make micro filarial that come back out, starting as scattered puritic papules → making hyper and hypo pigmented spots. (Hypo usually on shins of older patients)
- River blindness!!! 2nd leading cause of blindness after Trachoma (Chlamydia)

Onchocerca volvulus (Filaria worm)
Tissue nematode (round worms)
lab tests / tx
Screamatodes III: Return of the flesh eaters
- Eosinophilia
- Microfilaria on skin biopsy under microscope.
- Tx with Ivermectin

Wucheria bancrofti (Thread worm)
Tissue nematode (round worms)
source / signs and symptoms
Screamatodes III: Return of the flesh eaters
- Mosquitos are intermediate host → bite human and deposit larvae on skin → which enter the lymph system → lymphadenopathy
- Elephantiasis (From long standing lower extremity lymphodema)
- Microfilaria travel to the lungs and cause hypersensitivity rxn

Wucheria bancrofti (Thread worm)
Tissue nematode (round worms)
lab tests / tx
Screamatodes III: Return of the flesh eaters
- Organisms can be seen on thick blood smear
- Eosinophilia
- Tx with Diethylcarbamazine

Toxicara canis (Dog roundworm)
Tissue nematode (round worms)
source / signs and symptoms
Screamatodes III: Return of the flesh eaters
- Transmitted by ingestion of food contaminated with dog or cat feces containing the eggs.
- Parasitic larvae never mature out of larvae stage.
- AKA Visceral larvae migrans
- AKA Ocular larvae migrans if it gets into the eye → can cause blindness

Toxicara canis (Dog roundworm)
Tissue nematode (round worms)
lab tests / tx
Screamatodes III: Return of the flesh eaters
- Blood tests to detect antibodies to toxocara
- Eosinophilia
- Tx with Albendozole

Loa Loa (Filaria worm)
Tissue nematode (round worms)
source / signs and symptoms
Screamatodes III: Return of the flesh eaters
- Bite from deer fly → adult Loa Loa worm migrates throughout the subcutaneous tissues of humans
- Transient angioedema, localized subcutaneous swellings (AKA Calabar swellings; red and itchy)
- AKA “African Eye Worm“ (occasionally crosses into subconjunctival tissues of the eye where it can be easily observed!)

Loa Loa (Filaria worm)
Tissue nematode (round worms)
lab tests / tx
Screamatodes III: Return of the flesh eaters
- Diagnosed with a blood smear.
- Eosinophilia
- Tx with diethylcarbamazine and albendozole