hei Flashcards
The relationship between science and technology is
something that we inevitably come in contact with as
we normally juxtaposed the terms together;
interestingly, the same juxtaposition happens in the
words ____________ When these four terms are
put together, it creates a play between science and
technology, and ethics and values that have
repercussions in our understanding of our humanity
and our role in this physical universe.
“ethics” and “values.”
Heidegger’s Question Concerning Technology
in this interesting and long philosophical essay, the text asserts that
technology, despite its creative roots, is ___________ by
mechanization, and it has pushed us to understand nature as a
standing reserve that is hidden in the nature of things.
In the specific understanding of the world, humans too, are understood
merely as _________. As such, we are only slaves to a process that is
re-creating an appearance of truth rather than manifesting the real. To
overcome this problem, Heidegger questions and confronts
technology by referring us back to its __________ in the arts.
blurred and obscured
forgotten roots
The Thing, Enframing, The Danger,
and the Turning (1949)
In this lecture, Heidegger clarified the question, the
method or way, and the reasons behind the
questioning of technology. He speaks of questioning
as _____________. The way of thinking is
carried over in the ____________. In
relation to this, our question concerns technology in
the hope to open our human existence to what
technology is.
opening the way of thinking
extraordinary use of language
The Thing, Enframing, The Danger,
and the Turning (1949)
Heidegger raises an interesting project. It is to investigate the
___________, which he understands to
be different from the earlier and pre-industrialized versions of
the same.
For him, our relationship with nature is as a steward. This has
radically changed into the modern technological setup when
we seemed to have become enslaved by technology, who
seemed to have ________ us.
essence of “modern” technologies
Two Ways of Understanding Technology
Heidegger further clarifies two ways of understanding
- _________- - where we understand technology as
a means to an end. - _____________ - technology can also be understood as
human activity.
These two ways of understanding technology are interrelated
as instrumental and anthropological definitions of technology.
Instrumental way
Human activity
According to Heidegger, the determination of certain ends and
means can only be done by humans; it is a __________.
“The whole complex of these contrivances is technology.
Technology itself is a contrivance - in Latin, an _____________.”
As is, technology is understood as a means and as a human
activity, constituting the instrumental and the anthropological
understanding of technology.
human activity
Four Aristotelian Causes
The two ways of understanding technology can be understood
when seen in relation to an understanding of causality.
In philosophy, any discourse about causality always brings us
back to the four Aristotelian causes:
- The Material
- The Formal
- The Final
- The Efficient
Four Aristotelian Causes
These four clauses can actually be interpreted as __________ in
making something appear. They show what a thing or object is.
Technology is a way of __________; as such, it operates within the
Aristotelian framework of causes. Technology resides in the very realm
that makes revealing possible. And according to Heidegger, this is the
realm of truth. He explains that technology involves a particular
bringing-forth, which makes these four modes possible. In them, we
recognize _____________
four dimensions
ends, means, and instrumentality
__________ , as we have understood, is the foundation or root of “technology.” It
includes the activities and skills of the craftsman and the arts of the mind and
fine arts. Because of this understanding, it can also be asserted that it does not
only include revealing and reproduction, but also a sense of creation or ________.
_________ or unconcealing, is the Greek word for revealing or
the “truth.” Téchnē is not about constructing or
conceptualizing, but is a revealing involving a bringing-forth.
Heidegger argues that technology can also be understood as
__________ This is quite similar to the way the Greeks
understood téchnē .
It is worth asking Heidegger’s question: “Of what essence is
modern technology that it thinks of putting exact science to use?”
If the relationship between modern science and technology is a
way of revealing too, then how should we understand this different
type of revealing that is involved in modern technology? The
revealing that is involved in modern technology poses a challenge
because of its unreasonable demand for _____________
energy stored and
The modern technological processes involve transformation,
distribution, and the like. Heidegger claims that modern technology
manifests and reveals an energy; this energy is stored and kept as,
according to Heidegger, “__________,” which is also part of the
human resources. We have become a standing reserve unto ourselves.
In this way of understanding nature and human persons, this reduces
everything as an object. Heidegger calls this reduction to objects and this
understanding of nature as a standing reserve as “___________” He
understands it to be the ___________.
a standing reserve
essence of modern technology
Developing on the idea that the essence of technology is ___________,
we are able to understand how the real is ordered and packaged as a
standing reserve. The fact that we are compelled is interesting - how
technology commands us to make possible such enframing. Despite
such command, technology is not our ______.
_______ is to be found in the essence of technology. But ________
can also be continually blocked by this process of the
destining of revealing which obscures the real; this is where
the danger is.
What is the danger?
The danger is when the real is _______ and concealed any may
be misinterpreted. When something is unconcealed, it no
longer concerns us as an object, but, rather, as __________.
Heidegger states, “But enframing does not simply endanger
man in his relationship to himself and to everything that is. As
a destining, it banishes man into the kind of revealing that is
an ordering. Above all, enframing conceals that revealing
which, in the sense of poiesis, lets what presences come forth
into _________.”
standing reserve
Heidegger believes that technology’s essence contains both the _________. We have understood that the essence of modern technology
constitutes enframing: it is this understanding of technology that dominates.
_________ determines the type of revealing, which also poses a challenge to our
It is in the realm of the arts, therefore, that we can
practice the questioning of technology in the hope of
revealing the truth, which modern technology
habitually conceals through the order it imposes on
the world.
danger and its
saving power