HEENT Exam - Findings and Significance Flashcards
AC twice as long as BC
AC/BC are both decreased in one ear
Nerve conduction disease
BC > AC with Rinne test
Serous otitis media
Bilateral dilated pupils
Cocaine, barbiturate or amphetamine abuse
Bilateral pinpoint pupils
Heroin use
Bilateral swollen optic discs (papilledema)
Raised intracranial pressure; brain tumor
Blue sclera in infant with many fractures
Osteogensis imperfecta
Blurred margins of macula or pigmentation
Macular degeneration
Copper or silver wiring of retinal arterioles
Hypertensive retinopathy
Cupped optic disc
Chronic glaucoma
Enlarged tongue (macroglossia)
Hypothyroidism in infants
Hyperthyroidism or orbital tumor
Flame hemorrhages and dots (microaneurysms)
Diabetic retinopathy
Foul purulent unilateral nasal discharge
Sinusitis or foreign body in nose
Goiter with brittle dry course hair
myxedema (hypothyroidism)
Goiter with exophthalmos or tachycardia
Graves disease
Gray ring around cornea (arcus senilis)
Hears better in one ear with Weber test
Problem with one of the ears
Large head in child with open fontanelles
Lid lag
Loss of red pupil light reflex
Cataract or neuroblastoma
Loss of outer third of eyebrow
hypothyroidism or leprosy
Midline neck mass moves with tongue
thyroglossal cyst