HEENT Flashcards
Conductive Phase of Hearing
External ear through middle ear
Conductive loss: Cerumen (wax), Otitis External, squamous cell carcinoma, performation of eardrum, cholesteatoma
Sensorineural Phase of Hearing
Involves cochlea and cochlear nerve
Sensorineural loss: Viruses, drugs, trauma, Meneire’s disease, tumors
Paranasal Sinuses for Auscultation
Frontal and maxillary sinuses accessible to exam
Adult: 32
Deciduous (children): 20
Visual Acuity
Snellen Eye Chart
distance of pt from chart / distance a normal eye can read line of letters
Visual fields
Tests peripheral vision
Extraocular Muscles
6 cardinal directions of gaze
looking for conjugate movement
Nystagmus: rhythmic oscillations of eyes
Test for convergence
Mallampati Class I
Full view of tonsils, uvula, and soft palate
Mallampati Class II
Hard and soft palates, upper portion of uvula and tonsils
Mallampati Class III
Hard and soft palates, base of uvula
Mallampati Class IV
Only hard palate
Thyromental Distance
Normal 6.5 - 6.0 cm
Indication of difficult DL:
Mouth Opening
Normal >/= 4 cm
Indication of difficult DL:
Cushing’s Syndrome Abnormal Face
“moon” face with red cheeks
Nephrotic Syndrom Abnormal Face
face is edematous and pale
Parotid Gland Enlargement
Swelling anterior to earlobes and above angle of jaw
Head is elongated with enlargement of bones and soft tissue
Parkinson’s Disease Abnormal Face
Stare and decreased facial mobility
Drooping of upper lid (Myasthenia gravis, Horner’s syndrom)
Protruding eyeball (Grave’s disease)
Opacities of the lenses
Ear Abnormality
Firm, nodular, hypertrophic mass of scar tissue
Ear Abnormality
uric acid deposits (gout)
Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome
Small brown pigment spots in dermal layer of lips
Hereditary Hemorrhagic Telangectasia
(Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome)
small red spots on lips
Thrush of Pharynx
Yeast infection forming whitish plaques from Candida
Hairy Leukoplakia
Raised whitish areas affecting side of the tongue (HIV/AIDS)
Can’t be scraped off like with Candida