Heavy Construction Flashcards
The lower part of a bridge is known by what term?
What part of a building is located below the surface of the ground?
What part of the building rises from the foundation to a location above the ground?
Foundation wall
What type of foundation is most often used for small buildings?
What type of foundation is located at grade level around the entire perimeter of the building?
Grade beam
What type of foundation is located under isolated columns or at intervals along a wall?
What total number of rows of posts or piles does a bent contain?
A timber pile bent can support a span of how many feet?
A trestle bent can support a combined span length of what maximum length, in feet?
A pile bent pier Is composed of what minimum number of pile bents?
A trestle bet pier is specifically designed to carry what type of loads?
What type of bracing provide stability at right angles to the centerline of the super structure of a bridge?
Which structure is not a part of the superstructure of a bridge?
Trestle bent
What members of the superstructure of a bridge are the main load carrying members?
What part of the flooring system protects the deck?
For excavations an average soil, 0SHA recommends a slope of what angle, in degrees?
Before beginning an excavation, you must have a digging permit.
Which of the following situation does not require shoring?
When sloping is considered adequate
What two methods are most often used to shore high vertical excavation banks?
Interlocking sheetpiling and soldier piles
What type of pile is H shaped and is driven into the ground with a pile driver?
What type of pile is watertight?
Interlocking sheet
What type of pile is usually a straight tree trunk with the limbs and bark removed?
Timber bearing
What type of pile is usually H pile?
Steel bearing
What type of pile can be either precast or cast in place?
Which is not one of the three main types of pile driving hammers?
For driving heavy piles into hard or dense soil, what pile driving hammer provides the best results?
Pneumatic single action
What type of pile driving hammer is most often used?
What part of a pile driving hammer protects it from damage by receiving and transmitting the blow of the hammer or ram?
The pile driving crew is usually made up of people manning which positions?
Rig operator and signalman
During a pile driving operation, what individual is the boss and normally the only person giving signals to the operator?
A pile supported by skin friction alone is referred to as what type of pile?
A pile supported by bedrock or an extra dense layer of soil at the Tip is known as what type of pile?
End bearing
What type of piling is most often used in military construction?
Steel sheet pile
When a pile changes direction or becomes easier to drive, you should take what corrective action?
Pull the pile
Which condition does not cause bouncing?
Crooked pile
Which is not a pile supported partly by skin friction and partly by a substratum of extra debt soil at the tip?
Substratum fraction
Which action is not a necessary steps for constructing a bent?
When selecting at timber pile to build a bent around, the timber pile should be long enough to leave what minimum amount of space?
2-3 feet
Jetting equipment includes all of these except which one?
Hydraulic pump
In the direct lift method, a crane is used to pull the pile.
The tidal lift method is used to pull piles driven in Tidewater.
A typical crew for bearing piles will not include which personnel?
Hoisting engineer
The time in man days required to drive a pile depends on what two factors?
Type and length of the pile
Waterfront structures are divided into what total number of categories?
A mole is run out from the shoreline to check the alongshore wave action or deflect it away from the shore.
False, groin
A break water that is paved on the top for use as a wharfage structure is known by what term?
Bulkheads are not constructed to fall Into which classification?
Which type of construction is not a type of steel construction used today?
Tilt up
What publication contains drawings for advanced paste piers?
What part of a pier is located between pile bents?
Which attachments prevent Timbers from moving laterally?