Heating and cooling Flashcards
What is temperature
Temprature is how hot or cold something is
What is heat
Heat is the amount of thermal energy generated and the unit is joules.
Expansion from heating is when
The particules start to vibrate faster because they have more energy as they vibrate faster between the particules
What is a thermometer
A thermometer is a special tool that is used to measure the amount of thermal
How does heat travel through space
Through electromagnetic waves or infra-red radiation
Conduction is
The way heat travels through solids
Conductor is
A type of material that let’s energy flow through it easily
Convection is the
Transfer of heat in fluids
Dense is the amount
Of particules in an area of an object
Heat is the
Amount of thermal energy generated
Insulator is a type of
Substance which does not allow energy to flow
Particules are
Tiny things that everthing is made of
Radiation is the
Transfer of heat energy by electromagnetic waves
How 🔥 something is measured in degrees
Thermal is another
Form of heat