Heart of Darkness Flashcards
Ascetic (adj)
Complexion brought on by not eating for spiritual/virtual reasons
Diaphanous (adj)
August (adj)
Holds great reverence/wisdom
Immutability (adj)
Sepulcher (n)
Burial ground
Sententiously (adj)
Righteousness; excessive mortality
Imperturbable (adj)
Undisturbed or unphased
Insipid (adj)
Without distinctive or stimulating qualities/ vapid
Lugubrious (adj)
Mournful, gloomy, dismal
Alacrity (n)
Promptness in response
Rapacious (adj)
Given to seizing or satisfaction of greed
Insidious (adj)
Stealthily treacherous or deceitful
Propitiatory (adj)
Serving or intended to make favorably inclined/ to appease
Uncouth (adj)
Awkward, clumsy or unmannerly
Trenchant (adj)
Vigorous or incisive in expression or style
Prevaricator (n)
Speak or act in an evasive way, stray from the truth
Primeval (adj)
Of or resembling the earliest ages in the history of the world
Sagacious (adj)
Wise, foreseeing