Crime and Punishment Flashcards
Garret (n)
Small retched attic
Axiom (n)
Self evident truth that needs no proof
Grandiloquent (adj)
Speaking or expressed in a lofty style ???
Bedlam (n)
A state of extreme confusion or disorder
Ignominy (n)
A state of dishonor
Concubine (n)
A woman who cohabits with an important man
Abscess (n)
Collection of pus surrounded by inflamed tissue
Casuistry (n)
Dishonest application of general principles
Malice (n)
Desire to inflict injury or harm
Filigree (n)
Anything really delicate or fanciful
Hapless (adj)
Affront (v)
To make ashamed or confused
Surmise (v)
To think or infer without strong evidence
Revulsion (n)
A strong feeling of dislike
Melodramatic (adj)
Exaggerated and emotional
Uncouth (adj)
Awkward or clumsy
Ransack (v)
To search thoroughly and vigorously through
Copse (n)
A dense growth of trees shrubs or bushes
Semblance (n)
An outward appearance that is deliberately misleading ???
Brooding (adj)
Preoccupied with depressing thoughts