Heart Failure Flashcards
Definition of heart failure
A clinical syndrome comprising of dyspnoea, fatigue or fluid retention due to cardiac dysfunction, either at rest or on exertion, with accompanying neurohormonal activation
A state in which the heart is unable to pump blood at a rate commensurate with the requirements of the tissues or can only do so from high pressures
What does HF stand for?
Heart failure
Types of HF
Heart failure due to LVSD due to IHD
Heart failure due to severe aortic stenosis
What does LVSD stand for?
Left ventricular systolic dysfunction
Examples of myocardial injury in the pathology of HF
Coronary artery disease HTN DM Cardiomyopathy Valvular disease
What does myocardial injury lead to?
Neurohormonal stimulation
Myocardial toxicity
What is involved in ventricular remodelling?
Fibrosis and scarring and myocytes healing
Pathology of systolic dysfunction
If failing or damaged heart - as circulatory volume increases, the heart dilates, the force of contraction weakens and CO drops further.
Decreased CO then activates RAAS further (which increases salt and water retention)
This is then viscous cycle of RAAS activation, circulatory volume increases and cardiac performance deteriorates further.
As heart starts to dilate, the cardiac myocytes undergo hypertrophy and then fibrosis and thus the heart is further weakened
When does HF usually occur?
Following sustained HTN (diastolic dysfunction/preserved ejection fraction HF)
Following myocardial damage i.e. an MI (i.e. systolic dysfunction)
What happens when CO falls?
Body registers this as loss in circulatory volume - vasoconstrictor system activation (sympathetic systems)
Salt and water retaining system (RAAS)
What does RAAS stand for?
Renin Angiotensin Aldosterone system
What does RAAS cause the release of?
Angiotensin II
What does RAAS result in?
Salt and water retention
Hypertrophy and fibrosis of cardiac myocytes
What does activation of the sympathetic system cause activation of?
What does the release of noradrenaline and adrenaline result in?
Stimulates renin release which feeds into RAAS system
Myocyte hypertrophy
What causes salt and water excretion and vasodilation?
Natriuretic peptide system ANP/BNP (weaker than RAAS)
What do ANP and BNP stand for?
Atrial natriuretic peptide
Brain natriuretic peptide
What do ANP and BNP do?
Potent vasodilators and natriuretic peptides
Does the body have a weak or strong system to excrete and retain salt and water?
Retain - very strong
Excrete - weak
Risk factors for HF
Age HTN (LVH) Chronic heart disease Obesity DM Hyperlipidaemia Coronary artery disease Valvular heart disease Alcoholism Infection (viral) Congenital heart defects Smoking High or low haematocrit level OSA
What does OSA stand for?
Obstructive sleep apnoea
What is the number 1 risk factor for heart failure?
If sufficiently severe, almost any structural cardiac abnormality will cause HF; e.g.
Valvular heart disease
Pericardial constriction or effusion
LV diastolic dysfunction/HF with preserved systolic dysfunction/HF with normal ejection fraction
Cardiac arrythmias; tachy or brady
Myocardial ischaemia/infarction (usually with LVSD)
Restrictive cardiomyopathy e.g. amyloid
Right ventricular failure; primary or secondary to pulmonary HTN
Causes of LVSD
Ischaemic heart disease (usually MI)
Dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM)
Severe aortic valve disease or mitral regurg
Explain DCM further
An umbrella term - means LVSD not due to IHD or secondary to another lesion i.e. valves/VSD
Causes of DCM
Toxins e.g. alcohol, catecholamines (pheochromocytoma or stress cardiomyopathy)
Viral; acute myocarditis or chronic DCM
HIV, Lyme’s disease, Chagas disease
Sarcoidosis, hemochromatosis, SLE, mitochondrial disease
Muscular dystrophies
Peri partum cardiomyopathy
Isolated non compaction
Tachycardia related cardiomyopathy
Right ventricular pacing induced cardiomyopathy
End stage hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
End stage arrhythmogenicity RV cardiomyopathy
How does HF affect neurohormonal factors?
RAAS - salt and water retention - adverse haemodynamics - LV hypertrophy / remodelling and fibrosis - hypokalaemia and hypomagnesia SNS - arrhythmogenic - adverse haemodynamics - increases renin etc
Overall effects of neurohormonal activation
Endothelial dysfunction
Renal sodium retention
Mean age for HF
74 y/o
What is a potent predictor of death in HF?
Left ventricular systolic dysfunction
Presentation of HF
Breathlessness Fatigue Oedema Reduced exercise capacity Tachycardia Raised JVP Chest crepitations or effusions 3rd heart sound Displaced or abnormal apex beat
What classification is used for HF?
New York Association (NYHA) classification
What does NYHA look at in HF?
Exercise tolerance
NYHA class I
No limitation of exercise, no symptoms during usual activity
NYHA class II
Mild limitation of exercise, Comfortable with rest or symptoms with mild exertion
Moderate limitation, comfortable only at rest
Severe limitation, any physical activity brings on discomfort and symptoms occur at rest
Investigations for LVSD
Antibodies / viral serology Ferritin FBC RFTs, TFTs Consider causes and exclude them ECG CXR ECHO Coronary angiography Cardiac MRI
What would a cardiac MRI show?
What is needed to diagnose HF?
Symptoms and signs of HF (rest or exercise)
Objective evidence of cardiac dysfunction
Response to therapy i.e. diuretics (in doubtful cases)
What are ways of obtaining objective evidence of cardiac dysfunction?
Radionucleotide ventriculography (RNVG/MUGA)
Left ventriculography
Potential screening tests for HF
Elevated in heart failure
What does BNP stand for?
Brain (b-type) natriuretic peptide
What is BNP and where is it found?
Amino acid peptide
Low BNP does what?
Excludes HF
Is BNP produced in a healthy heart?
Yes at low levels
When the heart is stressed it produces more
How long is BNP stable for?
Up to 72 hours
What can BNP predict in HF?
What can ECHO identify?
LVSD Valvular dysfunction Pericardial effusion/tamponade Diastolic dysfunction LVH Atrial/ventricular shunts/complex congenital heart defects Pulmonary HTN/ Right heart dysfunction Atrial dilatation
What may ECHO not identify?
Different stages of LV ejection fraction dysfunction
Normal 50-80%
Mild 40-50%
Moderate 30-40%
Severe <30%
Treatment of HF (due to LVSD)
Aldosterone receptor blockers
What characterises HF?
Progressive cardiac dysfunction SOB Tiredness Neurohormonal disturbances Sudden death
Types of HF
Systolic HF
Diastolic (or relaxation) HF
Chronic HF
What happens in systolic HF?
Heart failure reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF)
Decreased pumping function of the heart, which results in fluid back up in the lungs and HF
What happens in diastolic HF?
Involves a thickened and stiff heart muscle
As a result, the heart does not fill with blood properly
This results in fluid back up in the lungs and HF
What % of the population has chronic HF?
2 - 10%
Prognosis of chronic HF
5 year mortality 50% - poor
Which gender has more HF?
Aims of treatment of HF and how they do so
To improve symptoms - Diuretics - digoxin To improve symptoms and survival - ACEIs/ARBs - spironolactone - valsartan-sacubitril To improve survival - BBs - Ivabradine
What does spironolactone do?
Special type of diuretic which antagonises aldosterone
What is the mainstay of symptomatic treatment for HF?
Loop diuretics
- furosemide or
- bumetanide
What are used to block the detrimental hormone changes in HF?
Carvedilol, bisoprolol, metoprolol
Beta blockers
What does angiotensin II do?
Potent vasoconstrictor - salt and water retention
What drugs block the effects of angiotensin II?
Angiotensin antagonists
Example of an ACEI
Example of angiotensin antagonists
Valsartan, losartan
What drug blocks effects of aldosterone?
What drugs can enhance cardiac function?
Positive inotropes
Example of a positive inotrope
How do positive inotropes work?
Improve the ability of the heart to pump and so can improve cardiac status
How do vasodilators work?
Reduce preload and improve after load which improves cardiac function
Examples of vasodilators
Isosorbide mono or dinitrate
How do loop diuretics work?
Remove excess salt and water
Induce profound diuresis
Inhibit Na-K-Cl transporter in the ascending loop of henle
If the patient is diuretic resistant, what can it be used in combination with?
Thiazide diuretics
S/Es of thiazide diuretics
Dehydration Hypotension Hypokalaemia Hyponatraemia Gout Impaired glucose tolerance, DM
What drugs interact with furosemide
Aminoglycosides (aural and renal toxicity) Lithium (renal toxicity) NSAIDs (renal toxicity) Anti-HTNs (profound HTN) Vancomycin (renal toxicity)
What drugs reduce mortality in HF?
Angiotensin blockage
Beta receptor blockade
Aldosterone blockade
ANP/BNP enhancement
S/Es of ACEIs
First dose hypotension COUGH Angioedema Renal impairment Renal failure Hyperkalaemia
What drugs do ACEIs interact with?
NSAIDs (acute renal failure)
Potassium supplements and potassium sparing diruetics (hyperkalaemia)
What is spironolactone?
Potassium sparing diuretic
How does spironolactone work?
Inhibits actions of aldosterone
Acts in distal tubule
Used in combination with loop diuretics
When is spironolactone particularly useful?
Resistant oedema
What is ivabradine?
Specific inhibitor of the If current in the sinoatrial node
How does digoxin work?
Increases availability of calcium in the myocyte
S/Es of digoxin
Narrow therapeutic index - digoxin toxicity
In UK, digoxin is only used if the patient has what?
What do beta blockers block the action of?
Sympathetic system
Therapeutic regime summary for HF
- furosemide (and possibly thiazide)
- furosemide (and possibly pulsed metolazone)
- ARBs
- BBs
- MRA-spironolactone
- Digoxin
- Warfarin
What should be monitored regularly in HF?
What is the possible feature to be heard on auscultation of the chest in left sided HF?
Third heart sound
What may be a S/E of loop diuretics?
NICE guidelines for the management of HF due to LVSD
- If symptoms persist consider
- Aldosterone antagonist
- Hydralazine and nitrate - If symptoms persist consider
- Cardiac resynchronisation therapy
- Digoxin
What should all patients with HF be taking?
Name a drug contraindicated in HF
What can verapamil not be taken with and why?
Risk of complete heart block
1st line treatment of a patient with HF with reduced LVEF
Signs of left sided HF
SOB on exertion Orthopnoea Paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnoea Wheeze Cough
Signs of right sided HF
Raised JVP
Ankle oedema