Heart Failure Flashcards
What is the definition of heart failure?
Heart is not meeting the needs of the body
What are the two types of dysfunction that can cause Left sided heart failure?
Systolic dysfunction
Diastolic dysfunction
What is systolic dysfunction?
Impaired contraction
What is diastolic dysfucntion?
Abnormal relaxation, stiffness or filling
(LV not ballooning out to receive the blood. Low compliance in LV. Cardiac output goes down becasue its not filling well enough
What is the main cause of Right-sided heart failure?
Left sided HF
What causes heart failure?
There is some initial insult (MI, chronic HTN causing pressure and volume overload, etc)
Then the body responds to the initial insult to maintain CO using neurohormonal stimulation (RAS or SNS).
This ends up making it worse over time (ventricular dilation, increased impedance)
Now ventricular performance is even more impaired, and the body will try to maintain CO with neurohormonal stim again.
Vicious cycle.
Is an asymptomatic patient usually in heart failure or heart dysfunction ?
What kind of dysfunction causes HFrEF?
Systolic dysfunction
HFrEF is also known as Systolic Heart Failure
What will the EF be in HFrEF?
40% or less
Normal is 50-55%
What happens to the volume of the LV in HFrEF?
What kind of remodeling occurs in HFrEF?
Eccentric remodeling with chamber dilation (volume overload)
The myocytes elongate and get all thin and floppy
What kind of dysfunction causes HFpEF?
Diastolic dysfunction
HFpEF is also known as Diastolic Heart Failure
What is the EF with HFpEF?
Normal. (50% or higher)
What kind of remodeling occurs in HFpEF?
Concentric remodeling or hypertrophy
Walls get very thick=low LV compliance= reduced filling
What is it called when the LV mass is normal and there is concentric geometry?
Concentric remodeling
What is the difference between concentric remodeling and concentric hypertrophy?
In concentric hypertrophy, the LV mass is increased
What is the difference between eccentric remodeling and eccentric hypertrophy?
In eccentric hypertrophy, the LV mass is increased.
Dilated and hypertrophic=floppy, doesn’t contract well
What are the long term effects of HFpEF?
Increased diastolic pressure in the LV causes an increase in pulmonary venous pressure, which then causes SOB and pulmonary congestion/edema.
This can then increase pulmonary arterial pressure, increasing afterload on the RV causing Right sided heart failure
What are the causes of HFrEF?
Impaired contractility (CAD or cardiomyopathy)
High afterload (HTN)
What are the causes of HFpEF?
LV hypertrophy
Sleep apnea
Kidney disease
What things cause HFpEF and HFrEF?
Old age
Patients with HFpEF (vs HFrEF) tend to be:
Have HTN
What causes the peripheral edema and ascites in Right HF?
Elevated pressures in the right atrium (as a resusult of high pressure in the RV)
What are the risk factors for heart failure?
Valvular heart disease
(Obvious shit)
What is the most commmon cause of heart failure?
Coronary artery disease (CAD)
What are the symptoms of heart failure? (There’s a lot)
Fatigue/weakness*** worse on exertion
Dependent edema**
Weight gain**
RUQ discomfort/early satiety (hepatic congestion)
Nocturia (secondary to increased renal perfusion when lying down)
What is the progression of dyspnea as the heart filaure gets worse?
DOE —> orthopnea -> PND —> dyspnea at rest
What is the cough in HF like?
Nocturnal, nonproductive
OR pink frothy sputum
What kinds of things will you find on your physical exam on a pt with HF?
Elevated JVD
Crackles at base of lungs
Displaced PMI (heart is enlarged)
S3/S4 gallop (early decompensation)
Hepatojugular reflux
Right or Left HF:
S3 or S4