Heart Failure Flashcards
4 CHF pathophysiology changes or phenomena
1) reduced CO
2) with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF)
3) with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF)
4) Adverse remodeling: chronic stress signals stretching, Angiotensin II, catecholamines–> hypertrophy–> less contractility
HFrEF is associated with
volume overload (systolic dysfunction) stroke volume goes down, LV End Diastolic Volume (LVEDV) goes up
HFpEF is associated with
pressure overload: diastolic dysfunction
both SV and LVEDV go down
Adverse remodeling also includes
a-MHC to B-MHC so heart is less able to contract from hypertrophy
Compensatory Mechanism in CHF
increase CO, so increase preload to increase EDV, and EDPressure
But this is useless, and makes it worse from chronic B1 receptor and Ang. II stimulation. It’s a positive feedback cycle–>increased problem
Tx of systolic CHF
1) Reduce cardiac workload (loose weight, lower activity level, smoking cessation)
2) decrease preload (decrease Na+ intake)
3) Reduce BP, pre- and after-load (ARNI, ACEI, ARB)
4) Once stable (on RAAS agent) reduce myocardial contractility (low dose B-Blocker then work upwards)
5) Decrease pre-load with diuretic
6) For low EF, give aldosterone antagonist to protect against fibrosis
what was that again? (simplified tx of systolic CHF)
1) lifestyle changes (salt, weight smoking) 2) ARNI, ACI, ARB 3) B-blocker 4) Diuretic 5) Alodsterone antagonist
what is contraindicated in systolic CHF
Calcium Channel Blockers
Tx of Diastolic CHF
1) Rate control with carvedilol or metoprolol (beta blockers) to improve filling during diastole.
2) CCB can decrease contractility and let the ventricle fill better, and slow the rate down through the AV node as well.
- seen in ARNI
- degrades ANP and BNP by reducing renin secretion, and increasing NA excretion and vasodilation.
Aldosterone antagonists
Spironolactone’s MOA
blocks aldosterone receptor, so increases Na (less Na reabsorption).
- decreases excretion of K (K-sparing)
- inhibits P-glycoprotein
MOA of Eplerenone
same as Spironolactone but more selective for aldosterone receptors.
effect of concentration of aldosterone antagonist
low concentrations are protective against fibrosis
Contraindications for Spironolactone
renal insufficiency
adverse effects of spironolactone
hyperkalemia (esp with ACEI)
- gynecomastia (block progesterone/ androgen receptors) (may be a good side-effect for trans women)
- sexual dysfunction
Indications for Spironolactone
CHF, low doses protective against myocardial fibrosis
name 2 ACE Inhibitors
blocks conversion of Ang I–> Ang II
- decreases vasoconstriction and after load
- decreases aldosterone secretion so less Na reabsorption, so less water/preload
- Protective against adverse remodeling
what do you have to do with ACEI
monitor K, BUN, creatine because they have renal effects
contraindications for ACEI
pregnancy, renal artery stenosis
adverse effects for ACEI
dry cough (increases bradykinin) hyperkalmeia angioedema renal insufficiency (decreased GFR) hypotension in AA
what are the two ACEI again?
Captopril and
Indications for “Cap’t Prill” and “Ina La’Prill”
Those ACEI nicknames sound SO EUROPEAN right?= memory tool for not to use with AA patients due to worse outcomes
DM nephropathy
ACE Inhibitors
Angiotensin II receptor blockers include:
all the “-artan”s
Shworak showed the Irish Gravedigger with the artan ARBs accent
MOA for ARBs
blocks Angiotensin II from binding to Arg I receptor
- decreased vasoconstriction in smooth muscle of artery (decreases afterload)
-decreases aldosterone secretion: so decreases preload (less Na reabsorption)
_also protective against adverse remodeling
contraindications for ARBs
pregnancy, BL renal artery stenosis (same as ACEI)
adverse effects of ARBs
1) hyperkalemia,
2) renal insufficiency (decreased GFR)
3) hypotension
(note 1,2&3 same as ACEI) 4) reflex tachycardia
5) headaches
indication for ARBs
almost exactly the same as ACEI
CHF, HTN, DM nephropahty
(post-MI not listed)
what is an ARNI?
Sacubitril and Valsartan combo
blocks both neprilysin and angiotensin I receptors enhancing ARB effects
decrease: BP, sympathetic tone, aldosterone secretion, fibrosis, hypertrophy.
increases: natriuresis and diuresis.
with ARNIs
have to check K+, BUN, creatine
indication for ARNI
better morbidity and mortality than ACEI for CHF
contraindications for ARNI
pregnancy, ACEI use, hepatic disease/imparement
adverse effects of ARNI
hypotension (more than ACEI) angioedema (esp. with ACEI) hyperkalemia (less than with ACEI) cough (less than with ACEI) renal insufficiency (less than ACEI)
2 popular Betablockers
MOA for Carvedilol
nonselective B1/B2, a1 decreases renin/AngII, vasoconstriction and after load down decreased BP from CNS effect SA node: decrease HR, decreased conduction velocity at AV node myocardium: decreased contractility blocks adrenergic adverse remodeling
MOA for metorpolol
cardioselective B1
BetaBlockers contraindicated for..
asthma, COPD
Pts with poor heart function (decompensated CHF, sick sinus syndrome, 2nd and 3rd degree heart block)
Bad side effects for Beta Blockers
severe angina with abrupt withdrawal
B. Blockers indicated for
CHF, given with ACEI, diuretic +/- digitoxin
HTN, post MI
Funny channel blocker
Funny cuz “Eva dines in her bra…”
MOA of Ivabradine
inhibits pacemaker cell funny current to reduce SA node rate…
no effect on contractility/conduction
contraindications for funny channel blocker ivabradine
sick sinus syndrome
3rd degree heart block
liver impairment
Contraindications for ivabradine
A. fib
Indications for ivabradine
stable sympathetic CHF with poor LVEF maxed on B lockers and HR>70
no decrease in mortality
Isosorbide dinitrate
MOA of isosorbide dinitrate
releases NO (it's a prodrug) NO increases cGMP to decrease phosphylation of MLC so vasodilation: and decreased preload from veins opening more, and decrease after load from arteries opening more
contraindications of isosorbide dinitrate
Viagra could kill them with this drug combo
side effects for isosorbide dinitrate
indications for isosorbide dinitrate
vasodilator combination
isosorbide denitrate & hydralazine (BiDil)
MOA for isosorbide denitrate and hydralazine (ISDN-Hydro
unclear but dilates arterioles so decreases afterload
ISDN-Hydralazine contraindication
enhases Betablocker
SE (Brady cardia, fatigue, broncho spasm)
side effects of combo vasodilator
agina, edema, palpitations, tachycardia, N/V/D for GI effects
indications for combo vasodilator
CHF refractory ACEI/ARB
Essential or pregnancy HTN
BiDil for AA with CHF
*improves mortality and morbidity
Phosphodiesterase inhibitor
MOA of milrinone
blocks cAMP destruction so increases cAMP in heart.
increased calcium so more contractility and cardiac output
increases cAMP in artery sec so increases vasodilation and decreases afterload
contraindications fo milrinone
hypersensitivity reactions
bad side effects of milrinone
indications of milrinone
acute decompensated HF (short term <2 days)
cardio glycoside
Digoxin= digitox= fox glove= digitoxin
MOA of digoxin
inhibits Na/K/ATPase so more extracellular Na.
Increases Ca intracellularly so increases contractility and cardiac output
decreases intracellular K so increases automaticity f ventricular pacemakers and increases arrhythmias.
Increases baroreceptor reflex (icncreases vagal tone), decreasing HR via SA node, and conduction velocity (AV node)
Also improves CO by decreasing sympathetic and RAA tone.
contraindications for digoxin
V-fib, older than 65 acute MI partial AV block sick sinus syndrome renal failure
bad side effects of digoxin
low Ti, hyperkalemia, AV-block hypotension, bradycardia, arrhythmias, N/V/D
increases Abx availability, spirnonolactore toxicity
diuretics have K effects
Digoxin indicated for
CHF, symptomatic relief and reduces hospitalizations,
a fib