Heart and Circulatory System Flashcards
Electric Excitation
Sinus node
AV node
Bulde of His
Purkinje Fibers
Formation of the ECG signal
Representation of the excitation front as a function of time
–> 1D projection of 3D excitation
ECG signal components
1) P-wave: contraction of atria
2) QRS complex: contraction of the ventricles
3) T-wave: relaxation of the ventricles
Ejection Phase (early & late) --> Systole
Early ejection phase: Contraction of the atria
Late ejection Phase: Contraction of the ventricles
Values (SV, HR, CO)
Stroke Volume SV = 70ml
Heart rate HR = 70/min
Cardiac output CO = SV * HR = 5 l/min
Frank Starling Mechanism
1) Increased Preload: what arrives is immediately pumped away
- increase in stroke volume
2) increased afterload: adaption after a heart beat
- increase in pressure
–> ANS shifts whole pV diagram
Hydraulic Properties
- largest hydraulic resistance: arterioles
- -> arterioles are resistive vessels
- largest volume reservoir: veins
- lowest flow velocity at the capillaries
Blood Functions
- transport of O2, CO2, nourishment, heat hormons
- pH value buffering
- wound closure and coagulation
- defense
viscosity(plasma) < viscosity(whole blood) = 3
Fahraeus-Lindqvist effect
cell concentration in the capillary centre
–> formation of rouleaux –> reduction of strain on the cell membrane at higher shear forces
1st Fick’s Law: describes steady state
2nd Fick’s Law: describes instationary diffusion processes –> partial differential equation
- diffusion is very important
- it’s very fast for small distances
- it’s very slow for larger distances
Osmotic Pressure
special case of diffusion for semipermeable membranes
minimum pressure which needs to be applied to a solution to prevent the inward flow of its pure solvent across a semipermeable membrane
- cells in highly concentrated solutions shrink
- cells in aqua dest rupture
Fluid Exchange
2 types of pressure
1) Hydrostatic pressure = static pressure in the plasma
2) oncotic pressure = osmotic effect of the plasma proteins
Fluid Exchange Equilibrium & Edema
Arterioles –>Filtration –> goes into interstitium
Resorption (90%) –> goes back into Venules
–> Filtration / Resorption form certain equilibrium (pressure decrease)
If equilibrium is disturbed–> Edema
Mechanisms of Blood Pressure Regulation
1) Local autoregulation
2) Baroreflex (for fast changes –> reacts to pressure variations)
3) Renal blood volume regulation (slow reaction but then high effect)
4) ANS
5) Hormonal control loop
Why do so many mechanisms for blood pressure regulation exist?
- fast nervous mechanisms maintain the pressure for sudden initiations of power delivery, position change, temperature changes & blood loss
- slower hormonal mechanisms support the nervous mechanisms
- short term mechanisms adapt after some time and don’t play any role for the long-term blood pressure regulation
What happens in the heart if an increase of preload takes place?
Increase in Stroke Volume
What happens in the heart if an increase of afterload takes place?
Increase in pressure. Adaptation after a heart beat
Heart Work in a pV diagram
hatched area
Where does the incisure come from?
The aortic valve closes and therefore, a pressure drop over the valve can be recognised
Is the diameter of the erythrocytes bigger than that of the capillaries?
If more blood is resorbed than is filtrated, can an edema arise?
Which stimulation time ensures a minimal energy consumption?
t_stim = t_chronax