Heart Anatomy Flashcards
What does angle of louie align with?
2nd rib and 4th/5th thoracic vertebra
What does xiphoid align with?
T7 dermatome
What are two layers of pericardium?
parietal and visceral (tunica adventitia)
Innervation of pericardium
phrenic nerve
Where is transverse and oblique sinuses located?
Transverse= Posterior to pulmonary trunk and ascending aorta
Anterior to Superior vena cava
Oblique = Posterior to heart
What are parts of the right atrium?
Right Ventricle
tricuspid AV valve.
Left atrium
Left ventricle
Aortic valve
has 3 cusps
Where is right coronary artery?
lateral to right ventricle and apex, posterior to ventricles, branch to SA and AV nodes
Where is left coronary artery?
anterior the ventricles and ventricular septum
Where are cardiac veins?
great cardiac is over left coronary circumflex, small is on right side, and middle is posterior
What are functions of heart skeleton?
keeps valves from over distention, attachment for valves, and insulate atria
What innervates the heart?
cardiac plexus located anterior to bifurcation of trachea and posterior the ascending aorta. Sympathetic increases heart rate, originates at T1-T6 and terminates in cervical ganglia. Parasympathetic is vagus and ends at atrial wall
parts of aorta