Heart Flashcards
What are the first two branches of the ascending aorta?
Right and Left Coronary Arteries
What two arteries come off of the Left Coronary Artery?
Anterior Interventricular and Circumflex
What 4 arteries come off of the Right Coronary Artery?
- Posterior Interventricular Artery
- Right Marginal
- SA Nodal Artery (60% of population)
- NA Nodal Artery (80% of population)
Right Coronary Artery Supplies:
- Right Atrium
- Right Ventricle
- Left Ventricle
- Posterior 1/3 of AV Septum
- SA Node (60%)
- AV Node (80%)
Left Coronary Artery Supplies:
- Left Atrium
- Left Ventricle
- Right Ventricle
- IV Septum and AV Bundle
- SA Node (40% of population)
What artery comes off of the circumflex?
Left Marginal
Right Coronary Artery is dominant what percentage of the time?
What veins drain into the coronary sinus?
- Great Cardiac V.
- Middle Cardiac V.
- Small Cardiac V.
- Left Marginal V.
- Left Posterior Interventricular V.
Where do the Anterior Cardiac Veins drain?
Directly into the Right Atrium.
What are the smallest cardiac veins and what do they drain into?
Vena Cordis Minimi, right atrium
Where is the SA Node located?
Subepicardium near the SVC and the upper crista terminalis
This is the pacemaker of the heart.
AV Node
Fibers that connect to the cardiac muscles causing contraction:
Purjinke Fibers
This node is found in the interatrial wall near the opening of the coronary sinus:
AV Node
Provides Pre-ganglionic parasympathetic, fibers and GVA fibers to the heart:
Vagus Nerve
Provide postganglionic sympathetic fibers to the heart:
Thoracic Splanchnic and Cervical Cardiac Nerves (T1-T4)
Where can the pulmonic sound be heard?
2nd left intercostal space, lateral to the sternum.
Where can the aortic sound be heard?
2nd right intercostal space lateral to the sternum
Where can the tricuspid sound be heard?
over lower portion of the sternum
Where can the Mitral sound be heard?
5th left intercostal space, 1/2 inch medial to the midclavicular line
Where is Erb’s Point and what sound can be heard there?
left sternal border at 3rd ICS where S2 is best heard
What produces the first heart sound?
Closure of the AV Valves
What produces the second heart sound?
Closure of the semilunar valves (pulmonic and aortic, S1-S2)
It is normal to hear a third heart sound in:
Athletic children
The apex of the heart is found in which intercostal space?
How much fluid does the pericardial cavity contain?
Fluid leaking into the cardiac cavity due to rupture of arteries around the heart:
Pericardial Effusion
Blood leaking into the pericardial cavity preventing the heart from expanding (from a stab wound):
Cardiac Tamponade
What makes up the sternocostal surface?
Right Ventricle
What makes up the left pulmonary surface?
Left ventricle and left atrium
What makes up the right pulmonary surface?
Right atrium
What makes up the inferior surface?
Left ventricle and part of right ventricle
What makes up the base of the heart?
Left atrium facing T6-T9
What makes up the right border?
Right atrium
What makes up the left border?
- Left ventricle
- part of left auricle
What makes up the superior border?
Left and Right atria plus auricles
What makes up the inferior border?
- Right Ventricle
- Part of Left Ventricle
What does the coronary sulcus separate?
The atria from the ventricles
What vein lies within the coronary sulcus?
Coronary Sinus
What artery and vein lie withing the posterior interventricular sulcus?
Posterior Interventricular artery and Middle Cardiac vein
What vein runs with the right marginal artery?
Small cardiac vein.
What muscles are in the atrium?
Pectinate Muscles
What does the foramen ovale become after birth and where is it located?
Fossa Ovale, right atrium
Which valve lies in between the right atrium and right ventricle?
Tricuspid Valve
Which valve lies between the left atrium and left ventricle?
Bicuspid (Mitral) Valve
Which heart chamber pumps blood to the lungs?
Right Ventricle
Which heart chamber receives blood from the lungs and through what blood vessels?
Left Atrium, pulmonary veins
What muscles are in the ventricles?
Papillary Muscles
The sinus venarum contains the openings of what blood vessels?
SVC, IVC, and Coronary Sinus
Which heart chamber contains the conus arteriosus?
Right Ventricle
The septomarginal trabeculae is also known as what?
Moderator Band