Heart Flashcards
Crista terminalis
the tissue dividing the rough and smooth sections of muscle in right atrium (sinus venarum)
transverse thoracic plane
line from sternal angle to T4-5,
divides mediastinum into superior/inferior
= at level of aortic arch, pulmonary trunk, and tracheal bifurcation
structures in anterior mediastinum
- pericardiosternal ligament
2. internal thoracic vessels
structures in middle mediastinum
- heart, pericadrium
- ascending aorta, pulmonary trunk, pulmonary veins (base)
- superior vena cava (inferior portion)
structures in posterior mediastinum
- trachea,
2. vagus n.
postion of heart in thorax
1/3 right, 2/3 left of center
apex = bottom point of heart, anterior (left 5th intercostal space)
base = superior, at 2nd costal cartilage
ligamentum arteriosum
small ligament connecting arch of aorta to pulmonary trunk,
= vestigial embryonic artery
(ductus arteriosus – to bypass lungs, go to descending aortic arch)
coronary sulcus
groove separating the atria from the ventricles
angled, extends from lower-middle right side to upper left
3 layers of cardiac tissue
- endocardium - epithelial lining, contact w/ blood
- myocardium - cardiac m. w/ intercalated discs
- epicardium (visceral pericardium)
why have intercalated discs in cardiac m?
intercalated discs allow direct communication btwn neighbor cells,
– need only 1 stimulation and heart pumps on own
Right side of heart carries…
DEoxygenated blood on right side!
- IN Inf/superior vena cava,
- OUT pulmonary trunk
left side of heart for…
OXYgenated blood!
- IN pulmonary veins,
- OUT aorta
myocardium thickest where?
Left ventricle (thicker than right!) bc needs more power to pump blood to whole body than to just lungs
pectinate muscle
muscle in anterior wall of right atrium,
posterior = smooth, sinus venarum
right atrium
takes in de-ox. blood, pushes to right ventricle, then to lungs.
* pectinate mm, sinus venarum, R auricle, and fossa ovalis.
3 holes enter:
1, 2. Superior and INferior vena cava
3. coronary sinus