Hearing screening Flashcards
2 important aspects of a child if there’s impairment in hearing?
Stage of speech development; before age of 2, when the child can’t make complete sentences
most common cause of
congenital hearing loss
Stage of speech development; after being able to talk
Hearing milestones:
reacts to loud sounds with startle reflex
birth- 3 months
HM: looks or turns to new sound
3-6 mo
Hm: responds to “no”
3-6 mo
respond to own name, tel ringing, someone’ voice
6-10 mo
HM: make babbling sounds even when alone
6-10 mo
plays with own voice
10- 15 mo
Enjoys games like peek-a-boo and pat-a-cake
10-15 mo
Follows simple directions, such as “give me the ball”
without being shown
15-18 mo
Used 2 to 3 word sentences to talk about and ask for
15-18 mo
Understands simple phrases
18-24 mo
Understands “not now” and “no more
24-36 mo
Follows two steps commands, such as “get your
shoes and come here
24-36 mo
screening tests
Otoacoustic emissions
brainstem evoked auditory response
confirmatory tests
auditory braintem response
auditory steady state response
A computerized hearing test used to measure the
brain waves the ear produces when it hears sound
Brainstem Evoked Auditory Response (BERA
Test the neural integrity of the auditory nerve
Brainstem Evoked Auditory Response (BERA
detect small lesions and brain tumor
Brainstem Evoked Auditory Response (BERA
use to test for conductive hearing loss
Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR)
Test for newborns, use to grade the hearing loss and
adjust hearing aids
•Auditory Steady State Response (ASSR)
can hear spoken voice at a distance of 18 feet
no loss of hearing exceeing 20 dB
cannot hear beyond a distance of 12 feet
a loss between 20-40 dB
Mild Hearing Loss
cannot hear beyond 3 feet
a loss of up to 60 dB
Moderate Hearing Loss
cannot hear a conversational voice but is able to
understand spoken voice if amplified (person uses a
hearing aid)
a loss of 60-80 dB
Severe Hearing Loss
unable to hear spoken voice/loud sounds but maybe
improved by amplification (cochlear implant);a loss of >80 dB
Profound Hearing Loss
Types of hearing los
blockage to the external ear to the middle ear, normal
bone conduction but abnormal air conduction, both
has a distance of more than 10 dB from each other
type of hearing loss that affects inner ear, cochlear nerve and auditory pathway
type of hearing lo that affects outer ear to mid ear
usually seen in congenital hearing loss, abnormal
bone and air conduction with a distance of less than
10 db.
abnormal bone and air conduction with a distance of
more than 10 dB in patients with chronic otitis media
in which infection extend into the inner ear
Results from an abnormality of the outer or middle
ear/ usually temporary and treatable with medications
or surgery
Intervention for hearing loss
hearing aid
speech and OT counselling
RA 9709
Universal Newborn Hearing Screeing and Intervetion
Act of of 2009
when i the right time to screen
on or after 24 hrs after birth
not more than 3 mo
if home delivered: 2 mo