hearing assessment Flashcards
Electronic device that generates pure tones to determine thresholds across a range of frequencies
Pure tone audiometer
Two types of pure tone tests
AC and BC
Threshold testing environment
Sound treated environment
Patient: raising a hand, pressing a response button, dropping a block in a bucket
Patient response modes
Patient fails to respond when tone is presented
False negative
Patient responds when no tone is presented
False positive
Provide clear and concise instructions; minimize visual cues
Clinician’s role in pure tone audiometry
Used to determine the degree of hearing sensitivity in both ears- only degree, not type
AC audiometry
AC frequency order
1k, 2k, 4k, 8k, 500, 250 Hz
Avg of thresholds at 500, 1k, 2k Hz used to determine degree of HL thru AC
16-25 dB
Slight HL
56-70 dB
Moderately-severe HL
> 90dB
Profound HL
Used to determine sensorineural sensitivity
BC audiometry
Skull vibrates>shearing of hair cells> VIII nerve
Distortional bone conduction
Skull vibrates> column of air in the EAC vibrates> some sound waves escape while others strike TM
Osseotympanic BC
While skull vibrates>ossicular chain vibrates> strapes moves in and out of oval window
Inertial BC
Frequencies tested for BC
500, 1k, 2k, 4k Hz
Softest level an individual can detect the presence of a tone 50% of the time
Determine HL by AC; determine HL by BC; determine air bone gap
Audiogram interpretation
Abnormal bone; abnormal air; gap 10dB/less
Sensorineural HL
Abnormal bone; abnormal air; gap +10dB
Mixed HL
Normal bone; gap +10 dB
Conductive HL
Normal air; normal bone; gap 10dB/less
Normal hearing
Any hearing threshold +15 dB
Air conduction can never be better than BC
Vibrotactile response during BC testing in low frequencies
Tactile responses
Non-test ear picks up tone being presented to test ear when there is a 40 dB difference in thresholds between L and R ears
Cross hearing in AC
Loss of energy as the sound travels from one side of the head to the other
Interaural (between) attenuation
Interaural attenuation is 0dB/ gap is more than 10 dB
Cross hearing in BC
Solution to possible cross hearing
Purpose of masking
Determine the true auditory threshold in the ear being tested
Masking using a critical bandwidth around frequency being tested; maximum masking w/ minimum intensity
Narrowband noise
Technique used for applying masking
Plateau method
Dr. Holguin: “It’s not just about the _.”
Chief complaint in hearing impaired patients
Not understanding speech
Oral reply; identification of a picture; written reply
Patient’s role
Provide concise, accurate instructions; make sure patient cannot see clinician’s face during examination
Clinician’s role
Softest level an individual can BARELY detect the presence of speech 50% of the time
Speech-detection threshold SDT/SAT
Softest level an individual can correctly identify spondaic/spondee 50% of the time
Speech recognition threshold SRT
Use _ dB steps to obtain SRT and record on audiogram
Cross hearing in speech reception threshold testing occurs when there is a _dB difference or greater between SRTs of each ear
Masking for SRT
Speech noise which is more broad band of frequencies
Speech recognition test
WRS, Word Recognition Score
In WRS, words are presented at or dB above SRT sensation level (SL)
WIPI (young children)
Word Intelligibility by Picture Identification
Cross hearing when intensity level is _ dB/greater than SRT of non test ear
WRS > 90
Normal; conductive HL