Healthcare in Scotland Flashcards
Where does primary prevention occur?
Reducing risk factors and exposure to illness
Secondaty prevention?
(screening) - finding biological markers and first signs of patholigical change (asymptomatic)
Tertiary prevention
Dealing with symptoms and clinical features
What arehte social determinants of health?
Rainbow diagram thing, core to outside:
-individual (age, sex, genetics)
-social and commmunity
-living and working conditions (education, food production, work, water and sanitastion, housing and HEALTHCARE)
- socio-economic, cultural and environmental
What is the river of prevention?
Many of th ecauses of illness and diseases could be prevented if intervened upstream.
downstream vs upstream
downstream = docs dealining with the aftermath,
upstream = preventative methods etc eg chang ni diet
What is the spectrum of symptoms or clinical iceerg?
the fact that many illnesses/symptoms occur below the point at which the healthcare system views them
incidence vs prevelance
Incidence = no. new cases (think tap dripping into bath tub) eg within a year
Prevelance = total no, cases overall (amount of water in the bathtub)
John snow -
Cholera - determined source and removed key water pump handle
Edward Jenner
if deveop cowpox, have immunity to small pox
Wghat is iaiatrogenesis?
harm from health care
What is clinical iatrogenesis?
direct harm eg wrong prescription
What is cultral iatrogenesis?
the idea that healthcare can solve all the problems - destruction of traditional ways of dealining with death, pain and illness
What is social iatrogenesis?
“medicalisation of life”
How many health boards ion scotland?
How is healthcare provided in scotland? Publically or privatly?
Publically funded and publically supplied
What happend in 4th july 1948?
Formation of NHS
Scotland peeled off in 1999
NHS Scotland vs NHS ENgland
NHS Scotland has 14 health boards looking after the different regions. England is a lot more complex with different trusts
Examples of national health bodies that work with the health boards?
NHS24, Scottish Ambulance services
WHat do Integrate Joint Boards look afrer?
Health and Social care partnerships (adult social care, community health care and some acute adult services, basically everything except hospices, hospitals and clinics