Health & Wellness - Intro to RT Flashcards
What do we do as RTS?
We ENRICH peoples lives!
- Facilitate friendship, cultivate creativity, open doors for new experiences, make a positive change, etc
What is Therapeutic Recreation? TRO definition*
A process that utilizes an intervention, education and recreation participation
- > > To ACQUIRE and maintain skills, knowledge and behaviours that allow one to optimally enjoy their leisure time
- Enables people with physical, mental, cognitive and/or social limitations. Not restricted to this population
- Provided by TRAINER professionals in a clinical or community environment
How does the WHO define health?
Health is a complete state of being (physical, mental, social, and emotional) and not merely the absence of disease
Name the domains of Health functioning
- Physical
- Mental
- Emotional
- Social
- Spiritual
Define quality of life from a personal level
The degree of enjoyment and satisfaction in ones everyday life, which includes their routine, work, relationships, leisure, environment, etc
Define quality of life from a community level
Defined as a set of social indicators. The nutrition, crime rates, access to clean water, health care, educational services, etc
How would you describe Wellness/wellbeing
An approach to health care that emphasizes the responsibility of wellbeing through the practice of health promoting behaviours
- Wellness is dynamic and we should always be working towards it
- Accepting self, positive relationships, purpose in life, autonomy
What are the 3 predominant models of health care
- ) Medical model
- ) Biopsychosocial model
- ) Health Promotion Model
True or False
- The medical model focuses on treating an individuals disease/illness and utilizes medicine often
- This model is outdated and does not look at the whole person
Describe the biopsychosocial model
Views an individual more holistically, not merely at the presence of disease
- The social, physical, environmental, economical, etc
- May use drugs, but open to more broad causes (ex. breathing techniques & anxiety)
What is the Health Promotion model?
It is a preventative approach and self care focused, help to avoid the need for drugs and medical interventions
EX. prenatal class
- Empowers an individual to use health as a resource
Where do we fit in there models?
Mainly the biopsychosocial model, but can be apart of health promotion as well
Why did we do the ROCKS OF LIFE exercise?
Highlights the important pieces of our lives
- Must start with the big foundations then strive towards the smaller aspects
- Time management and prioritizing
Describe the PURPOSE of recreation services
To enable individuals with disabilities/limitations to participate, develop and make choices that lead to a leisure lifestyle
- Leads to a better QOL through increase physical abilities, better emotional health, greater social connections, etc
What OUTCOME do we expect from TR services?
A satisfying leisure lifestyle
- Independent functioning through a clients choice of leisure activities and experiences
- Leads to other areas of their well being improving
Concept/Philosophy of a leisure lifestyle means…
“leisure lifestyle is the day-to-day behavioral expression of one’s leisure-related attitudes, awareness, and activities revealed within the contest and composite of the total life experience.” (Stumbo & Peterson, 2009, p. 14)
- Must reflect on a clients strengths, goals and interests
What is dementia?
A set of symptoms that includes a decline/loss of memory, judgement, language and understanding
What are the 4 IRREVERSIBLE dementia(s)?
- Alzheimer
- Lewy Body Dementia
- Vascular Dementia
- Frontal Temporal Dementia (mixed dementia)