Foundational Aspects of RT Flashcards
What are 4 critical areas for one to enjoy leisure?
- ) Intrinsic Motivation
- ) Optimal state (flow)
- ) Perceived freedom & personal choice
- ) Self efficacy
What is Perceived freedom?
Creating an environment where the participant feels they have the opportunity to make and follow through with leisure choices
- We help create this environment
- Activities are freely chosen
Describe intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation
- ) Intrinsic motivation: the individual in personal/internally driven to engage in a behaviour
- They find it personally rewarding and want to participate - ) Extrinsic motivation: individual is driven by external variables to engage in certain behaviours
- External rewards, such as medals or praise
Why do they need intrinsic motivation?
They have opportunities to develop competence, self confidence, self realization and development
- They’re moved from within
What is self efficacy?
We perceive that we’re in control of our lives and the choices we make
- Greater sense of motivation, autonomy and competency
- Not forced to participate
- If someone has an external locus of control they believe their actions will contribute to their outcomes
EX. I did well on a test because I studied
- They believe it is up to chance/luck
Describe an internal locus of control
Individuals believes they’re responsible for their outcomes, based on their actions and behaviours
What is the FLOW state?
An optimal state where ones ability and the challenge match.
- To enter the flow, we must match the skill and challenge
- High skill, and low challenge = boredom
- Low skill & high challenge = anxiety
Name a few of the elements needs for an individual to enter the flow state.
- Loosing track of time
- Deep concentration
- Intriscially rewarding
- Lack of self consciousness
- Balance of challenge & skill
How can a Recreation Therapist best facilitate quality leisure experiences?
Promote a sense of self efficacy & locus of control
Balance challenge and skill based on population
Increase opportunities for personal freedom and choice
Increase chances for intrinsic motivation
Leisure experiences + Resources = …
What is the leisure experience?
Savouring leisure
Attention to positive aspects of activity, focusing on the positive emotions associated with leisure
Modifying the activity for allow for more positivity
More meaningful activities and experiences
Describe Authentic leisure?
Purposive selection of leisure involvement that is reflective of essential aspects of self
- Go through self discovery of strengths and interests. Helps promote contexts of success as well
What is the difference between MINDFUL and VIRTUOUS leisure?
Mindful leisure: clients are taught to monitor and control intrusive/anxiety thoughts, prior to and during leisure
Virtuous leisure: engaging in leisure experiences in the service of something beyond themselves
- Learning to find opportunities to contribute to their community
- Must have self awareness to do this (strength, interests and abilities)
What is FREDRICKS view on positive emotion?
JOY and positive emotions cans…
- Be increased through intentional activities
- Has enduring physical, psychological and social benefits
- Leisure is a great avenue to expand these positive emotions and lead to ones full potential
What are the 3 Bandura’s Theory of self-efficacy ?
motivation, competency and autonomy