health science EOC Flashcards
no fever
breathing patter with anywhere from 10-60 seconds of no breathing
decreases respiratory rate
air being expelled from the lungs
instrument used to measure blood pressure
the fee-for-service method of determining medical costs means that:
physicians set their own prices for services.
before the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, if a person had a preexisting health problem this often meant that he or she:
had difficulty purchasing health insurance.
which of the following conditions may qualify an individual for insurance coverage through Medicare?
Severe disability
which of the following allows members to choose to receive a service from a participating or nonparticipating provider?
Point of Service Plan (POS)
which of the following is an example of co-pay?
patients pay $10 every time they have a office visit.
amount paid by the customer to the insurance company in exchange for coverage.
amount patients who are covered must pay themselves for healthcare services.
group of healthcare professionals who offer benefit packages.
state administered program to pay healthcare costs for low income / disabled.
amount to be paid by insured before benefits become payable
cost sharing provision where insured pays a percentage of the costs for services.
what is believed to be the main cause of medical errors
poorly coordinated care