Health & Saftey Flashcards
Name the 8 H&S responsibilities for organisations under RICS
- Selection - selecting competent people for the jon
- Training - Providing knowledge and training
- Information - Providing staff info about risks and control measures
- Equipment - suitable for purpose, understanding its use and limitations
- Safe systems of work - ensure work activities are undertaken safely
- Instruction - Individuals must have clear instructions
- Supervision - Supporting staff with clear lines of communication
- PPE - appropriate PPE available
What is PPE?
Personal Protective Equipment
What are the 6 personal responsibilities regarding H&S under RICS?
- Performance - Being Competent
- Control - Being able and prepared to work within designated systems of works
- Adaptability - Recognise and adapt to changing circumstances
- Vigilance - at all times
- Awareness - Recognise own abilities and limitations
- Teamwork - Being an effective member of a team.
Define competence
Having sufficient knowledge, experience and ability to carry out duties in relation to specific tasks.
Define Risk Assessment
A systematic examination carefully examining what in your work could cause harm to people, so that you can judge whether or not you have taken enough precautions to prevent harm.
Define Hazard
Something with the potential to cause harm to someone
Define Risk
Likelihood whether high or low the hazard is to cause harm
Describe the process of a classic risk assessment
- Identify the hazards
- Decide who might be harmed and how
- Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions
- Record findings and implement them
- Review the assessment and update if necessary
- Advise all those affected of the outcome of te assessment and methods of work, or other control measures necessary to minimise or eliminate the risk.
Can you name the hierarchy to reduce risk?
- Elimination - redesign activity or remove it
- Substitution - replace materials use or proposed works process to less hazardous one
- Engineering Controls - Use work equipment or other measures to prevent hazard.
- Administrative controls - Identifying and implementing procedures needed to work safely
- PPE and clothing - Only used once all others have been tried and found ineffective.
What is a dynamic risk assessment?
It is a risk assessment that is carried out immediately prior to undertaking a work activity.
Name 5 risks that require their own assessment
- Asbestos
- Fire Safety
- First Aid
- Substances and Chemicals
- Working at height
Name 3 pieces of legislation that govern health and safety
- Health and safety at work act 1974
- Control of substances hazardous to health regulations 2002 (COSHH)
- Control of asbestos 2012
Name the 5 point PPE
- Hard hat - To include chin strap if working from height or in windy conditions, must have stamp for date of effectiveness
- High visibility vest
- Steel toe capped boots
- Gloves
- Safety Goggles
Are rigger boots allowed on construction sites?
On a lot of construction sites rigger boots are not permitted as research suggest that they lack ankle support.
What is the Health and Safety at work act?
It is an act of parliament that sets out a framework for managing workplace health and safety in the UK. It outlines the general duties for both employers and employees. Aims to promote, Stimulate and encourage better H&S from construction professionals.
What are the main principles of Health and Safety at work act 1974?
- Ensure adequate training of staff to ensure H&S procedures are understood and adhered to
- Adequate welfare provisions for staff
- Safe working environment that is maintained
- Suitable provision of relevant information, instruction and supervision
What are the DSE Regulations and what year where they amended?
The Display Screen Equipment regulations 1992 were amended in 2002
What year where the Personal Protective Equipment Regulations Published?
Can you explain the change of CDM 2015?
The construction (Design and Management) regulations were updated in 2015, due to them being perceived as a bureaucratic exercise. In 2015 regulations it removed the role of CDM co-Ordinator and introduces the Principle Designer.
What is the aim of CDM Regulations?
To ensure H&S is considered throughout the entire project process, from conception all the way through maintenance and demolition.
What are the requirements for project to be notified to HSE?
- Over 500 person days
- Over 30 Working days and over 20 operatives on site at any one time.
How do employers manage the health and safety of their employees, as per the management of health and safety at work at 1999?
- Through risk assessment and method statements
- Ensuring that employees understand their obligations relating to their H&S
What is a method statement?
A document detailing how a particular task or activity will be carried out. It will detail possible risks / dangers and methods of control established to show how it can be managed safely.
What are the three main types of asbestos? and when where they banned from the UK?
- Chrysotile - White - banned in 1999
- Amosite - Brown - banned in 1985
- Chrocidolite - Blue - banned in 1985
The RICS Surveying Safely (2nd edition) 2018 covers what?
- Personal and corporate responsibilities
- Fire Safety
- Assessing hazards and risks
- Property professionals place of work
- Occupational health
- Visiting site
- Procurement and management of contractors
Under CDM regulations what would be the role of a QS?
I would be deemed as a designer and therefore would be expected to help with the prevention of foreseeable risks when carrying out works, Maintenance of cleaning of a structure and using structure as a workplace.
What does SFARP stand for?
So far as reasonably possible
What does RIDDOR Stand for?
Reporting of injuries, Diseases / Dangerous occurrences regulations
What year was RIDDOR published?
What is purpose of RIDDOR?
Put the ownus on employers and self employed people who are in control of a work premises to report certain workplace occurrences.
What does CSCS Stand for?
Construction Skills Certification scheme.
What types of CSCS Cards are there?
Green - Labourer Red - Apprentice Blue - Skilled worker Gold - Supervisory Black - Manager
Name 3 types of asbestos surveys
Presumptive - Expert to take presumption
Sampling - Sample of building material and test it
Intrusive - Smash hell out of it and test what it is
What legislation did the CDM regulations replace?
Construction health, saftey and welfare regulations 1996
What is construction works?
- New build construction
- Alteration, fit-out, decoration, repair etc.
- Site clearance and groundworks for buildings
- Demolition works
- M&E Works including repair and mainetenacne
What is clients duties regarding health and saftey?
- Sign F10 Form
- Ensure adequate mobilisation period is given to the contractor
- Satisfy themselves that contractor has adequate welfare facilities before works commence
- Ensure competent contractor and consultants appointed
- Ensure a CDM co-ordinator is appointed and notified
- Ensure pre-construction information is prepared