Health & Safety and CDM Flashcards
What is CDM 2015?
Construction, Design and Management 2015
39 regulatons, 5 parts
What is the purpose of CDM 2015?
Improve planning and management form very start
Indentify hazards early, elimante or reduce at design and planning stage
Target effort where it can do the most good
Discourage unecessary buerocracy
What is RIDDOR 2013?
Report of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurance regulation 2013
What injuries must be reported under RIDDOR 13?
Amputation - leg down, arm down
Permanent loss of sight
Crush injuries (causing damage to organs)
Serious burn (>10%)
Unconciousness (head trauma/asphyxiation)
What does a simple caution entail?
Statement by inspector, to duty holder, accepted in writing that the duty holder has commited an offence for which there is a realistic prospect of conviction.
What does an improvement notice entail?
Species remedial action required by duty holder and gives date for completion
What does a prohibiton notice entail?
Tells duty holder to cease an activity immediatly to prevent serious personal injury. LEGAL DOC so failure to follow could lead to criminal charges.
Change s CDM 07 - 15?
Structural simplification - easier to follow
CDM co-ordinator role replaced by principle designer
Strengthen client role
Address areas of temporary/mobile construction
Part 1 - CDM 2015
Reg 1-3
Intro - Commencement, interpretation, application
Part 2 - CDM 2015
Reg 4-7
Client Duties
Part 3 - CDM 2015
Reg 8-15
Health and Safety duties and roles
Part 4 - CDM 2015
Reg 16-35
General requirements of all sites - physical safeguards to mitigate danger
Part 5 - CDM 2015
Reg 36-39
What makes a project notifiable to HSE?
Must occur before construction begins
>30 days with 20 workers simultaeneously
> 500 person days
How are HSE notified? What must be included? Who does it?
Schedule 1 of CDM outlines information required
Client submits information
F10 HSE form can be submitted online
What are dutyholders?
Those with legal duties under CDM 2015
Definition of a client?
Organisation or individual for whom a construction is carried out
What are a clients duties under CDM 2015?
Appoint other duty holders
Provided them with relevant information
Ensure sufficient time and resources allocated
Ensure principle designer and contractor carry out duties
Ensure welfare facilities are provded