Health & Safety and CDM Flashcards
What is CDM 2015?
Construction, Design and Management 2015
39 regulatons, 5 parts
What is the purpose of CDM 2015?
Improve planning and management form very start
Indentify hazards early, elimante or reduce at design and planning stage
Target effort where it can do the most good
Discourage unecessary buerocracy
What is RIDDOR 2013?
Report of injuries, diseases and dangerous occurance regulation 2013
What injuries must be reported under RIDDOR 13?
Amputation - leg down, arm down
Permanent loss of sight
Crush injuries (causing damage to organs)
Serious burn (>10%)
Unconciousness (head trauma/asphyxiation)
What does a simple caution entail?
Statement by inspector, to duty holder, accepted in writing that the duty holder has commited an offence for which there is a realistic prospect of conviction.
What does an improvement notice entail?
Species remedial action required by duty holder and gives date for completion
What does a prohibiton notice entail?
Tells duty holder to cease an activity immediatly to prevent serious personal injury. LEGAL DOC so failure to follow could lead to criminal charges.
Change s CDM 07 - 15?
Structural simplification - easier to follow
CDM co-ordinator role replaced by principle designer
Strengthen client role
Address areas of temporary/mobile construction
Part 1 - CDM 2015
Reg 1-3
Intro - Commencement, interpretation, application
Part 2 - CDM 2015
Reg 4-7
Client Duties
Part 3 - CDM 2015
Reg 8-15
Health and Safety duties and roles
Part 4 - CDM 2015
Reg 16-35
General requirements of all sites - physical safeguards to mitigate danger
Part 5 - CDM 2015
Reg 36-39
What makes a project notifiable to HSE?
Must occur before construction begins
>30 days with 20 workers simultaeneously
> 500 person days
How are HSE notified? What must be included? Who does it?
Schedule 1 of CDM outlines information required
Client submits information
F10 HSE form can be submitted online
What are dutyholders?
Those with legal duties under CDM 2015
Definition of a client?
Organisation or individual for whom a construction is carried out
What are a clients duties under CDM 2015?
Appoint other duty holders
Provided them with relevant information
Ensure sufficient time and resources allocated
Ensure principle designer and contractor carry out duties
Ensure welfare facilities are provded
Definition of a domestic client?
People who have contruction work done on own home, not connected to a business
What are a domestic clients duties?
All duties offloaded to principle contractor.
Definition of a designer?
Prepare/modify designs for a building, product or system
What are the designers duties?
Eliminate/reduce and control foreseeable risks that maya rise during construction + maintenance
Provide relevant information for other duty holders
Definition of a principle designer?
An appointed designer when there is more than one contractor working on a project
What are the principle designers duties?
Plan, manage, monitor and control helath and safety in preconstruction
Indentify, eliminate and control foreseeable risks
Provide relevant information for other duty holders (principal contractor to allow for contruction H&S)
Ensure other designers are fulfilling duties
Definition of a principle contractor?
Has to be appointed for a notifiable contract by client. To co-ordinate construction when theres more than one contractor.
What are a principle contractors duties?
Liase with client and principle designer
Prepare construction phase plan
Organising co-operation and co-ordination between contractors
Ensure suitable site inductions
Prevent unauthorised access
Workers consulted on their H&S
Welfare facilities provided
Definition of a contractor?
Those who do the actual construction work
What are the duties of a contractor?
Plan, manage and monitor construction with no risks to H&S
>1 contractor - comply with principle
= 1 contractor - prepare construction phase plan
Definiton of a worker?
Those who work under the construction company on sight
What are the workers duties?
Ensure own health and safety and actions wont put others in danger
Report anything dangerous
What is in pre construction information?
All information in clients posession about or affecting construction site and work (site boundaries, plan, service points)
Appendix 2 - CDM 2015
Most clients commission full site investigation before
What are the statutory documentations?
F10 - Notification - (client)
Pre-construction information (client)
Construction phase plan (contractor)
Health and safety file (principle designer)
WHat will a principle designer often do if there is more than one contractor on a project?
Help client with pre construction information
asses adequacy of information provided
comission surveys to fill gaps
What does an F10 Notification entail?
Schedule 1 CDM 15 outlines relevant information for notification
HSE document
F10 form not needed as long as all information there
Normally done by client
Used by HSE to create statistics and target inspections
What is in a construction phase health and safety plan?
Prepared by contractor - site rules, risk assessments, method statements, toolbox talks, training certication
Client cannot allow work to commence until this is comleted to regulation by principle contractors
Appendix 3 - CDM 2015 outlines needs
Brief project description. Management of work. Arrangements for controlling significant risks. Helath and safety file.
What is in a health and safety file?
Prep and storage of file required any project >1 contractor
As built record of all features of project - help reduce risks in any furhter development or demo
Appendix 4 - CDM 2015
Contents: Description of work done
As built drawings
Residual hazard/ous materials
Nature and location of services
What is ERIC?
E limination (designer)
R eduction (designer)
I nform (designer)
C ontrol (contractor)
What are the principles of prevention?
A) Avoid risks
B) Evaluate risks that cant be avoided
C) Combat risks at source
D) Adapt work for individuals
E) Adapt to techincal advances
F)Replace dangerous with less/not dangerous
G) Coherant overall protection policy
H) Priority of collective measures
I) Appropriate instructions for employess
Communicative Risks
SHE boxes on drawings
BIM model tagging
What are the works of particular risk and whose resposibilty are they?
Contractors responsibilty:
High voltage
Divers w air supply
Wells, underground, tunnels
Risk of burial
Chemical/biological poopyness
What are contractor responsibilities on site?
Safe workplace
Traffic routes
Good site order and security
Stability of structures
Prevention fo fire
Temperature and weather protection
What is competance and whose duty is it? Example of competance qualification?
Contractors duty
Sufficient knowledge and experience to perform taks and know limitations
CSCS - construction skills certification scheme
What are some additional health and safety regulations?
Work and Height 2005
Regulatory Reform order (fire safety) 2005
Control of Asbestos 2012
All things that must be reported under RIDDOR 2013?
Specifiec Injuries
> 7 day injuries
Injuries to non-workers
> 3 days injuries need to be RECORDED not reported
What are near misses and why should they be reported?
Hazard with potential to cause harm but no injury
Client can identify hazard
Steps to prevent future accidents
Proactive approach