Health & Safety Flashcards
What is the RICS document for Health & Safety?
RICS Guidance Note ‘Surveying Safely’ 2018
What does the RICS Guidance Note Surveying Safely 2018 set out?
- Basic, good practice principals for the management of Health & Safety for RICS regulated firms and RICS members
What is the structure of RICS Guidance Note Surveying Safely 2018? (8)
- Personal responsibilities for RICS members and firms
- Assessing hazards and risks
- Workplace health & safety
- Occupational hygiene and health
- Visiting premises and sites
- Fire safety
- Residential property surveying
- Procurement and management of contractors
What must RICS regulated firms ensure to provide according to Surveying Safely 2018? (4)
- Safe working environment
- Safe work equipment
- Safe systems of work
- Competent staff
What are the key areas of advice within Surveying Safely? (4)
- Concept of a safe person
- Individuals assume responsibility for their own actions and have the tools they need to do their job
- Legal considerations and duties
- Addressing fire safety
What is the concept of a ‘safe person’?
- An individual assumes individual behavioural responsibility for their own, their colleagues and others’ health and safety while at work
What is the legislation surrounding health and safety?
Health & Safety at Work 1974
Who is the Health & Safety at Work 1974 policed by?
Health & Safety Executive (HSE)
What are some of the key points within Health & Safety at Work 1974? (5)
- ‘Duty to every employer to ensure, so far as reasonably practicable, the health, safety and welfare at work of all employees’
- Must report injuries and dangerous occurrences
- Must undertake, record, and regularly review a risk assessment
- Difference between a risk and a hazard
- Detailed H&S information to be held on-site, in the manual
What is the difference between a risk and a hazard? (2)
- A hazard refers to anything that has the potential to cause harm (e.g. a wet floor)
- A risk is the probability/likelihood that someone will be harmed (e.g. the risk of falling over on the wet floor)
What is a risk assessment?
A legal requirement for organisations employing more than 5 staff to carry out documented health and safety risk assessments of all their significant hazards
What is the outline of a risk assessment? (6)
- Identify the hazards present
- Identify the people at risk from the hazards (e.g. employee, contractor etc.)
- Evaluate the risk, considering the likelihood and severity of any accidents
- Record the findings on a suitable form
- Review the risk assessment regularly
- Advise all those affected by the outcome of the risk assessment and methods of work and precautions to minimise the risk
What is a method statement? (3)
- A document that details the way a work task or process is to be completed
- Should outline the hazards involved and include a step-by-step guide on how to do the job safely
- Must detail which control measures have been introduced to ensure the safety of anyone affected
What must be included in a written health & safety policy document? (4)
- A policy setting out the organisation’s commitment to H&S
- Details of the organisation’s H&S structure, with roles and responsibilities for organising H&S
- Risk assessment setting the risks within the workplace and the preventative measures in place
- Details of the planning, and implementation of the H&S policy and control measures
What is included in the ‘six pack’ of H&S regulations? (6)
- Management of Health & Safety at Work
- Display screen equipment
- Manual handling operations
- PPE at work
- Provision and use of work equipment
- Workplace health, safety and welfare
What are the requirements of RIDDOR? (4)
- Any injuries over 7 days of incapacitation must be reported
- Said injury must be reported to HSE within 15 days from the date of the accident
- Employers must keep a record of all 3-day plus injuries
- Kept in an accident book which must be kept fo a minimum of 3 years after injury
What are the 3 main types of asbestos? (3)
- Brown (amosite)
- Blue (crocidolite)
- White (chrysotile)
When was asbestos banned?
White was banned in 1999, other forms were banned in 1985
What is asbestos and why is it dangerous? (2)
- An insulating material that can cause serious health problems
- Left undamaged and undisturbed, it poses no risk to health, however when disturbed, it can release very small toxic fibres which can lodge to the lungs
What are the documents surrounding asbestos? (2)
- The Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012
- RICS Professional Standard, Asbestos 2021
Who are the obligations within the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 to? (2)
- Duty holder (owner of the premises if vacant or tenant if holding a repairing lease)
- Employer
What are the two types of asbestos surveys? (1+2, 1+3)
- Management survey
- To locate, assess, and advise on its management during occupation and use of premises.
- No sampling of materials or analysis is undertaken - Refurbishment/demolition survey
- Required where the premises need upgrading, refurbishment, or demolition
- Samples of materials suspected of containing asbestos are taken and analysed
- Recommendations are made regarding their management
What are the five steps to take for assessing asbestos? (5)
- The duty holder must assess whether the premises contains asbestos and if so, where it is and what condition it is
- Assess the risk and produce an asbestos management plan
- Produce an asbestos register
- Make the register available to all relevant parties who might disturb it
- Review the register regularly (HSE recommends every 6 months)
What is your company’s lone working policy?
- Company safety word
- Buddy system
- Diaries
- Mandatory CPD sessions