Health & Safety Flashcards
Explain Surveying Safely 2018
Provides good practice principles for the management of health and safety for regulated firms and members.
- Safe Person Concept
- Ensures that individuals are responsible for their own actions and have the tools they need to do their job safely.
- Requires up-to-date personal and corporate responsibilities (incl. relevant law, employers liability insurance and public liability)
- How to address Fire Safety
Please outline a risk assessment
- Identify the hazard
- Identify those at risk
- Evaluate the risk
- Record findings
- Review the risk regularly
- Advise of precautions to minimise or eliminate the risk
How can you be a safe surveyor?
Always have regard to the RICS Surveying Safely Guidance Note 2018, paying special attention to the Safe Person Concept.
Describe a HAZARD and a RISK
Hazard = something with potential to cause harm eg a wet floor
Risk = likliehood that someone will be hurst eg slipping on the wet floor
What are the PPE Regulations 2022?
Employers have a duty to ensure a provision of appropriate PPE
in 2022, this extended to part-time staff
What is the RICS Safe Person Concept?
You are responsible for yourself, colleagues and others health and safety whilst at work.
What do you do when going on an inspection/viewing alone?
Adhere to the Samuel & Son Lone Working Policy;
- Put the appointment in the diary with all details including address of inspection and names of people I’m meeting, and ensure that all colleagues can access this information.
- Ensure phone is fully charged and inform the office of when I am due back
- Inform office when I am on my return
What is the Hackitt Review 2018?
Review of building regs and fire safety following Grenfell in June 2017 by Dame Judith Hackitt to make recommendations to ensure sufficient and robust regulation system for the future.
What is the Building Safety Act 2022?
Legislation to enhance regulations for building safely and ensuring residents have a stronger voice in building safety. Implements elements of the Hackitt Review
When was the Building Safety Act implemented?
Aprill 2022, however the vast majority of provisions won’t come into force for 12-18 months
What type of cladding is banned?
Combustable cladding on residential buildings over 18m tall
What is an External Wall System (EWS)?
EWS is made up of the outside wall of a residential buildng, including cladding, insulation, fire break systems etc
What is the EWS1 form?
For valuation use in residential buildings (such as blocks of flats, student accommodation, dormatories or assisted living) for a building owner to confirm an external wall system has been assessed for safety by suitable experts.
There is an RICS Decision Tree to assess the need for an EWS1
Why is an EWS1 process important?
- Assurance for lenders, valuers, residents, buyers and sellers
- Provides a fire risk appraisal on EWS valid for five years
- Required on residential builidngs of any height (previously only on those above 18m)
How does the Fire Safety Act impact EWS1?
The Act closes the loophole of the Regulatory Reform Order 2005 that not did not require external walls of buildings and fire doors to be assessed as a requirement for a Fire Risk Assessment (FRA). Responsible person now MUST have an EWS1
What is asbestos?
General term for a group of fibrous silicate materials, used for insulating in the 60s/70s as well as cladding, roofing and coating
What are the three main types of asbestos?
Blue, Brown and White
How is asbestos identified?
Check if the builidng is on the asbestos register. If not, it is not always obvious and so assumptions can be made as to the likelyhood of asbestos being present;
- How old is the building? Pre-2000 could be present
- In places such as attics (insulation), wood stoves/fireplaces (fire-resitance), or sheds/garages (roofing)
What should you do if you come across asbestos?
If it is disturb, vacate the builidng immediately and inform the person in control ASAP
What are the penalties for not dealing with asbestos?
Up to a £20,000 fine and up to 12 months in prison
What are the two types of asbestos survey?
Management survey and Refurbishment & Demolition survey
What is the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974?
- Primary legislation governing H&S
- Sets out duties of employers, self-employed, persons in control of premises, employees, manufacturers and suppliers
- Enforced by Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
What are the Management of H&S at Work regulations 1999?
Requires employees to carry out risk assessments, make arrangements to implement necessary measures, appoint competent people and arrange for appropriate information and training
What are the key implications of the updates to the CDM (Construction Design and Management) Regulations 2015?
- More focus on clients to ensure H&S
- Clients can no longer assign legal responsibilites to agents
- Clients are deemed ‘principal contractor’ or ‘CDM co-ordinator’
What are the key implications for cost consultants?
If they specify materials, working methods or prepare specs, they will be deemed to be designers. Therefore they must comply with the obligations for designers under the Regulations
What might you find in the pre-construction information?
- Project description
- Clients considerations and management requirements
- Environmental restrictions and existing on-site risks
- Significant design and construction hazards
- H&S File requirements
What would you find in the H&S File?
Only information that would be useful for the planning of future works/maintenance;
- A brief description of the works to be carried out
- Any residual hazards
- Key structural principles incl. safe working loads for floors and roofs
- Hazardous materials used (eg lead paint)
What does RIDDOR stand for?
Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurances Regulations 1995
What is RIDDOR 1995?
Requires the responsible person to notify any death, injury, disease or dangerous occurrence to the HSE
What incidents are reportable?
- Death, major injuries (of 7 days incapacity, and reported within 15 days of the event)
- Occupational diseases
- Dangerous occurences
- Gas incidents
What is COSHH?
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (Regulations 2002).
Aim to avoid exposure to hazardous substances, or control the exposure proportionatley to health risks.
On the project descibed in your submission, what measures did your company take to ensure H&S when undertaking the work?
- Lone Working Policy
- Appropriate PPE
What is the structure of RICS Surveying Safely 2018?
- Personal responsibilities for RICS members and firms
- Assessing hazards and risks
- Workplace health and safety
- Occupational hygiene and health
- Visiting premises and sites
- Fire safety
- Residential property surveying
- Procurment and management of contractors
What considerations should you take when inspection a site?
- Consider precautions and potential hazards (Risk Assessment)
- Signing in and out of construction sites
- Appropriate PPE/clothing (non-slip shoes, hard hats, high vis etc)
How large does an organisation have to be to carry out documented H&S Risk Assessments?
Employing more than 5 members of staff
What FOUR things must be contained within a companies H&S policy?
- Policy to set out company commitment to H&S
- Details of the company structure and roles/responsibilities
- Risk Assessment
- Details of planning and implementation of H&S policy
What does the Fire Safety Order 2005 apply to?
Non-domestic property in England and Wales
What affect did the Grenfell Tower fire have on the RICS?
- Produce an impartial Fire Safety Guide to highlight the responsibilities of landlords and tenants
- Worked with other bodies to provide advice and support to the government
- Advised member of the importance of owners, landlords and managers having robust fire assessments for their properties
- Issued guidance on exisitng high-rise buildings in fire safety in Ocotober 2017
- Provided the government with evidence to assess the effectiveness of the Fire Safety Order 2005
What advice must RICS Regulated Firms provide?
- Safe working environment
- Safe work equipment
- Safe systems of work
- Competent staff
What is the 6-pack of H&S Regulations?
- A group of 6 regulations introduced on 01/01/1993, to implement various European Directives and clarify how employers must comply with their duties under the H&S at Work Act 1974
What are the 6-pack of H&S Regulations?
- Management of H&S at Work
- Display screen equipment
- Manual handling operations
- Personal protective equipment at work
- Provision and use of work equipment
- Workplace health, safety and welfare
What is the Corporate Manslaughter and Corporate Homicide Act 2007?
Realtes to gross breaches of a duty of care by a corporate body leading to a person’s death
Penalties include unlimited fines, imprisonment and disqualification as a company director by a member of the ‘senior management team’.
What is the Fire Safety Act 2021
Reforms the Regulatory Reform Order 2005 as it relates to multi-occuiped residential buildings.
Requires all responsible persons to assess, manage and reduce the fire risks posted by the structure, EWS and any common areas
Allows the Fire Service to enforce upon those who fail to comply
What does the Fire Safety Act 2021 require?
- Regular inspection of lifts reported to fire and rescue services
- Evacuation plans regularly updated and personal evacuation plans are in place for those with special needs
- Residents provided with suitable fire safety instructions
- Individual flat entrance doors comply with current standard where the external walls have unsafe cladding
- Responsible person for multi-occupid, residential buildings must manage and reduce risk of fire
What are the CDM Regulations 2015?
Construction Design and Management Regulations
- Policed by the HSE, it is a criminal offence to breach
- H&S during the design and management of all commercial buildings projects incl. residential developments and refurbishment/maintenance
- Aims to improve management and co-ordination of H&S at all stages of a project
What statutory obligations of a residential landlord are there?
- Keeping property safe and free from health hazards
- Ensuring all gas and electrical equipment is safely installed and maintained
- Fitting and testing smoke and carbon monoxide alarms
- Following fire safety regulations in a purpose-built block or flats, or houses adapted into flats
- Providing a valid EPC
What are some other property owner obligations that could be included, but aren’t necessarily statutory
- Legionnella test certificate
- PAT Testing
- Asbestos management
- Contamination
- Waste Management
When is an example of when you have considered Surveying Safely in your work?
- Lone Working Policy at Duncans Wood
- Appropriate PPE when attending a consturction site (A27 Cycle Way)
What are the management standards used to mitigate the risk of work-place stress?
(Surveying Safely, 2018)
- Demands
- Control
- Support
- Relationships
- Role
- Change
What are some items you should consider ahead of any site visit/inspection?
- Travelling to/from the site
- Lone working
- Condition of property
- Occupation
- Activity (ie residential, agricultural, construction etc?)
- Site rules and welfare
- Roofs (is it necessary to go onto the roof, if so, is it safe?)
- High structures such as scaffolding
- Dangerous substances (asbestos)
- Diseases
- Special access?
- Special risks, such as a railway
- Access equipment
- Environmental matters eg weather conditions
- Personal matters (eg vertigo or pregnancy, lack of fitness?)