Health psychology Flashcards
What is health psychology?
Health psychology emphasises the role of psychological factors in the cause, progression and consequences of health and illness
Aims to put theory into practice by promoting healthy behaviours and preventing illness
What are the three health behaviours?
Health Behaviour
Illness Behaviour
Sick role Behaviour
What is a health behaviour?
A behaviour aimed to prevent disease (e.g. eating healthily)
What is an illness behaviour?
A behaviour aimed to seek remedy (e.g. going to the doctor)
What is a sick role behaviour?
Any activity aimed at getting well (e.g. taking prescribed medications; resting)
What are some health damaging behaviours?
Smoking , alcohol & substance abuse, risky sexual behaviour, sun exposure, driving without a seatbelt
What are some health promoting health behaviour?
Taking exercise, healthy eating , attending health checks, medication compliance, vaccinations
What are some examples of health promotion campaigns?
‘Everyone enjoys a drink, no one enjoys a drunk.’
Change 4 Life Campaign, “5 a day”
Stoptober, Movember
What are perceptions of risks influenced by?
Lack of personal experience with problem
Belief that preventable by personal action
Belief that if not happened by now, its not likely to 4. Belief that problem infrequent
What are the NICE guidance on behaviour change?
Planning interventions
- Assessing the social context
- Education and training
- Individual-level interventions
- Community-level interventions
- Population-level interventions
- Evaluating effectiveness
- Assessing cost-effectiveness
How can doctors help individuals change their health behaviours?
Work with your patient’s priorities
• Aim for easy changes over time
• Set and record goals
• Plan explicit coping strategies
• Review progress regularly (this really matters)
• Remember the public health impact of lots of you making small differences to individuals
What are some models and theories of behaviour change?
Health belief model (HBM)
- Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB)
- Stages of change /transtheoretical model (TTM)
- Social norms theory
- Motivational interviewing
- Social marketing
- Nudging (choice architecture)
- Financial incentives
In the health belief model, individuals will change if they….?
Believe they are susceptible to the condition in question (e.g. heart disease)
Believe that it has serious consequences
Believe that taking action reduces susceptibility
Believe that the benefits of taking action outweigh the costs
What is bad about the health behaviour model?
Alternative factors may predict health behaviour, such as outcome expectancy (whether the person feels they will be healthier as a result of their behaviour) and self-efficacy (the person’s belief in their ability to carry out preventative behaviour)
As a cognitively based model, HBM does not consider the influence of emotions on behaviour
HBM does not differentiate between first time and repeat behaviour
Cues to action are often missing in HBM research
In the theory of planned behaviour, intention is determined by…..?
A persons attitude to the behaviour
The perceived social pressure to undertake the behaviour,
or subjective norm
A persons appraisal of their ability to perform the
behaviour, or their perceived behavioural control