Health Planning + Management Flashcards
must be suited to its current situation and the needs to be serviced
health services should be designed so as to meet the health needs and demands of the people
Organizational design
Skillful use of human resources
Personnel management – ergonomics
Proper methods of selection, training and motivation; division of responsibility; distribution of roles; incentive for better work; opportunities for promotion and professional advancement
Personnel management – ergonomics
functions of an information system consist of collection, classification, transmission, storage, retrieval, transformation and display of information. It provides data for monitoring and evaluation of health programmes and gives the requisite feedback to health administrators and planners at all levels
Information systems
Objectives are set forth for different units and subunits, each of which prepares its own plan of action
Management by objectives – splitting work
formal discipline used to weigh the total expected costs against the total expected benefits of one or more actions in order to choose the best or most profitable option
Cost Benefit Analysis
There must be a common unit of measurement
Cost Benefit Analysis
analysis of the project should involve ‘with action versus without action’ comparison
Cost Benefit Analysis
Double counting of benefits or costs must be avoided
Cost Benefit Analysis
Long term benefits should be considered
Cost Benefit Analysis
Helps in budgeting in health system
Cost Benefit Analysis
Helps in long term investment planning
Cost Benefit Analysis
difficult to express all the benefits in terms of monetary units, decision maker’s bias can happen
Cost Benefit Analysis
Decision maker may miss the indirect benefits/costs
Cost Benefit Analysis
Cost of program is compared with the outcome in terms of reduction of morbidity and mortality
Cost effective analysis
Helps in evaluating the activities of the health program
Cost effective analysis
Helps in identifying weak points in implementing the program
Cost effective analysis
difficult to measure all benefits in terms of effectiveness
Cost effective analysis
identification of benefits may be subjective
Cost effective analysis
certain specific techniques which can be used for the planning, management and control of projects
Network analysis