The type of intentional injury when one hurts themselves on purpose
The type of intentional injury when someone harms another
Classifications of Assault (4)
- commited within the family
- ” peers
- ” by other groups
- ” family, peers, or other groups
The intentional taking of one’s own life
A suicide attempt which a person does not intend to die (self harm)
An act that includes physical assault, sexual abuse, and verbal abuse. Used by one person in a relationship who tries to control the other
Domestic Violence
Unwanted, aggressive behavior. Includes imbalance in power and repitition.
A type of bullying that includes saying or writing mean things: teasing, name calling, sexual comments, taunting, and threatening
Verbal Bullying
A type of bullying also referred to as relational bullying— hurting someones reputation or relationships, including telling someone to not be friends with someone else, spreading rumors, and embarassing someone
Social Bullying
A tyoe of bullying where one hurts someones body or detroys their possesions
Physical Bullying
Verbal and social type of bullying through the use of technology and the internet.
A pattern of behavior that makes the victim feel afraid, nervous, harrased, or in danger. Includes repetitive contact, following, invasion of privacy.
The use of force or threats to force people for their possesions or favors
Defined as a relatively tough, mostly strees based group of young people who regard thenselves and may be sesn by others as a group that engages in a range of criminal activity and violence.
A group of people with similar backgrounds, occupations, interests, or tastes, usually represented with greek letters
Taking away or forcefully moving a person against their will, holding them in unjust captivity.
The use of deceit or force in porder to take someone away from their home or relatives. Usually, the victim has a sort of relation with the criminal
The use of violence for political goals and putting the public or a great number of people in fear.
Acts of terror
A category of acts of terror: States or governments can use the threat of force to terrorize citizens and achieve a political goal
State terrorism
The intentional release of toxic biological agents to harm and terrorize civilians (Anthrax, Botulism, The Plague Smallpox, etc.)
A category of acts of terrorism: the use ofninformation technology and draw attention to the terorrists cause. Terrorists can disturb or hack into networks housing importsnt info
A category of acts of terror: thebuse of violence in the interests of environmentalism. Includes destruction of property to inflict economic damage
A category of acts of terror: a number of different ways nuclear materials (bombs) can be used a terror tactic. Includes the diffusing of a radioactice materials
Nuclear Terrorism
A category of acts of terror: the use of violence by drug traffickers to influrnce governments efforts in stopping the drug trade.
A form of crueltybinvolving the use of words,bused to control, attack, or harm another person
Verbal Abuse
Sexual contact between oersons who are so closesly related (biologically) that a marriage between them is illegal.
The sexual abuse of a person byban adult for pleasure or profit. Occurs when someone objectifies another for their sexual urges
to handle, stroke, or carress lovingly or erotically
Two people touching each others sexual organs for pleasure
Mutual Masturbation
sexual intercourse involving the insertion of a penis into the anus of another
Sexual intercourse that involves the insertion of a penis into anothers vagina
explicit portrayal of children as sexual subject matter for purpose of sexual arousal
Child pornography
Children who are paid to have sex
Child Prostitution
Forced sexual intercourse including oenetration by a body part or object