Health inequalities Flashcards
What are the 3 core principles of the NHS
- Based on clinical need, not ability to pay
- Free at the point of access
- Meets the needs of everyone
What is health inequality
• any preventable or avoidable difference preventing access to healthcare
What is the inverse care law
• the ones who most need services have the least access to them
What is Maslows heirarchy of needs
Self actualization Esteem Love/belonging safety physiological
What is the definition of homeless
- no permanent address or fixed abode
- living with friends or family
- squatting
What causes someone to become homeless
• financial reasons • social • Main cause eviction by private landlords • unemployment • Mental illness • addiction domestic abuse poverty
Health problems in the homeless
cellulitis endocarditis mental health problems alcohol and drug abuse vitamin deficiency from poor nutrition blood borne viruses infectious - tb and hepatitis trauma- following violence or rape STIs poor condition of feet
Causes of death in the homeless
- sepsis
- suicide
- addiction - alcohol and drugs
- malnutrition
- assualt
- traffic incidents
Barriers to health care in the homeless
lack of pernmanent address for appointments
Basic hygiene
difficulty registering with GP
lack of integration with other agencies
not priotising health needs over survival needs
may not know where to find help
Services available to the homeless
Shelter Mobile clinics Specialist midwives and nurses food banks Homeless assessment and support service (HASS)
Health problems that occur in gypsies and travellers
anxiety miscarriage chronic bronchitis asthma smoking angina
What barriers are there for gypsies and travellers in accessing healthcare
reluctance of GPs to register patients and to visit sites poor reading and writing skills communication difficulties frequent movement/ transient sites mistrust of professionals
Services available for gypsies and travellers
specialist health visitors
mobile clinic that visit sites
liaison with GPs, hospitals and ante-natal clinics to facilitate access
What health problems are prevalent in the LGTBQ community
suicide and self harm
drugs and addiction problems
What barriers are there for LGTBQ patients
discomfort/feat of disclosing LGBTQ status due to real/perceived homophobia
previous negative experiences
What is an asylum seeker
a person who has made an application for refugee status
What is a refugee
a person granted asylum and refugee status. usually means leave to remain for 5 years then reapply
What is indefinite leave to remain (ILR)
when a person is granted full refugee status and given permanent residence in the UK
What is an unaccompanied asylum seeking child
Is someone who has crossed an international border in search of safety and refugee status.
Is applying for asylum in his/her own right
Is under the age of 18, or in the absence of documentary evidence appears to be under that age
Is without adult family members or guardians to turn to in this country.
What are asylum seekers entitled to
Are entitled to money- currently £35 pounds per week
Are entitled to housing- no choice dispersal
Are entitled to free NHS care
If under 18, have the services of a social services key worker and can go to school
Are NOT allowed to work and are not entitled to any other form of benefit.
What are failed asylum seekers entitled to
Are NOT entitled to any money
Are NOT housed
Are NOT entitled to full NHS care (only emergency care)
Reliant on charities
What barriers to healthcare are there for asylum seekers
Lack of knowledge of where to get help Lack of understanding how NHS works Language / Culture / Communication Frequent dispersal by Home office Not homogenous group
What health issues might asylum seekers have
Common Illness Illness Specific to Country of Origin Injuries from war and travelling No previous health surveillance / Immunisations Malnutrition Torture and Sexual Abuse Infectious disease Untreated Chronic Disease / Congenital Problems
What mental health issues might asylum seekers have
PTSD Depression: Medication/Counselling Sleep Disturbance Psychosis Self Harm Presenting as physical symptoms