Health , Human Rights and Intervention case studies Flashcards
- Civil war sonce 2014
- 80% of the population in need of humanitarian assistance
-Economic collapse within Yemen - Yemen’s GDP contracted by 6% in 2020
-Conflict has led to over 200,000 deaths
-Healthcare system collapse - Only 51% of Yemen’s healthcare systems are fully functioning
Iraq War
-Never any significant evidence of weapons of mass destruction or nuclear weapons programe found in Iraq
-Critics say war was for oil and US control of the middle East
-War could exceed 2.23 trillion by 2053
-Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein was removed from Iraq
-Promotion of democracy
-Disruption of terrorist networks
-Increased regional stability
-Loss of life - 600,000 iraqi cinvilians have died from 2003-06
-100,000 civilians killed in Iraq between 2004 and 2019
-Destabilization of the region , the rise of ISIS seized control of larges areas of territory in Syria and Iraq leading to widepsread violence , domestic and human rights abuse
Life expectancy
- In nearly all countries female life expectancy is higher than male
-In the UK LE for men is 78.4
- UNESCO estimates education is inaccessible to 60 million primary aged children
- 129 million girls who do not have access to education
- extremist groupa often prevent espically females from there right to education
Universal Decleration of human rights
Framework for foreign policy to explain economic and military intervention
Sets out 30 universal rights including :
* Everyone is born free and equal
* Everyone has tje right to marry
* Everyone has the right to an opinion
1. The UDHR has isnpired more than 80 international human rights treaties
**Saudia Arbaia and South Africa did not agree to it **