Health Disparities and the Impact of Bias and Stereotyping Flashcards
what is well being
overall life satisfaction
what is activity limitation
- reduction in ability to perform usual activities
- Personal care/hygiene, school or work, socialization
what is the average life expectancy at birth of the average american (ree of activity limitation)
consider female v male and white v hispanic/latino v black
what is considered a disability
- Disability - limited ability to participate in society due to problems with 1+ of the skills below:
- Hearing, vision, concentration, remembering/decision making, walking/climbing stairs, dressing/bathing, doing errands alone
what is the average life expectancy for a average US person who is free of disability
what is considered “good or better health”
Good or Better Health - rating self as being in good or better health for your age in terms of chronic disease, activity level, etc.
what is the average life expectancy for a average US person who is considered in good or better health
what is the average US life expectancy at birth including healthy and unhealthy years
what are the 6 determinants of health
- Social Determinants
- Physical Determinants
- Personal Behavior
- Health Services
- Biology and Genetics
- Policies and Laws
what is included in social determinants of health
- Availability of resources to meet needs (Education, jobs, wages, food)
- Social support, norms, attitudes
- Exposure to crime, violence, mass media, technology
- Quality of schools and education
- Access to healthcare
- Internet access
- General socioeconomic condition
what are the physical determinants of health
- Natural and manmade environments
- Exposure to toxic substances
- Physical hazards
what are personal behavioral determinants of health
- Diet, physical activity
- Handwashing, mask usage
- Sunscreen
- Substance use
- Alcohol, cigarettes, illegal substances, caffeine
- Vaccine status
- Compliance with treatment and care
what are the biological/genetic determinants of health
- age
- gender
- genetic
- HIV status
female: breast cancer, osteoporosis, depression, autoimmune, Alzheimer’s
male: X-linked recessive dz, AAAs, autism, substance abuse
what are the policies and laws that are included in the determinants of health
- Increasing tobacco taxes, no-smoking policies
- Increased incentive from employers for fitness
- Federally Qualified Health Centers, ACA
- Increased incidence of drug screening
what are healthcare disparities
NIH: “Differences in the incidence, prevalence, mortality, and burden of diseases and other adverse health conditions that exist among specific population groups in the United States.”
MC are CVD, DM and cancer
what is the hospital survery and construction act? when was it created, when did its effects end?
- Only federal legislation in the 20th century that permitted use of federal funds to provide racially exclusionary services
- passed in 1946
- hospital segregation later ended in 1965 when medicaire bill was signed
medicaire bill tied to Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
what are the ongoing health disparities in todays world
- Racial and ethnic minorities have poorer health outcomes than whites for many major diseases
- Rural and lower education patients have poorer health outcomes than patients with higher education/urban homes
- research shows there may be less and lower quality of care even when confounding factors are controlled
- national health disparities report showed 60-80% of core quality measures (effectiveness, patient safety,
timeliness of care) have stayed the same or worsened from 2001-2006
what is a vulnerable population
a population that experiences health disparities as a direct result of a lack of resources and/or an increased health care risk
what are examples of vulnerable populations
Immigrants and Refugees (4% of US households are in “linguistic isolation”)
Racial/Ethnic Minority
what are patient factors that could cause health disparities
- Attitudes towards health care
- Preferences for treatments / refusal of treatment
- Differences in ethnic/racial group responses to treatment
- Adherence to therapy
What causes health disparities in the clinical encounter
- Provider bias
- Clinical uncertainty due to poor communication
- Stereotyping/beliefs about minorities (Pt’s reaction to biased or stereotyped behaviors)
How do health care systems and laws contribute to healthcare disparities
- Lack of… Interpretation services, Educational services/materials, Resources for low health literacy pts)
- Where care is received
- How care is delivered
*Complexity of health care system - Quality of care in areas with high minorities
what are health system interventions that could contribute to REDUCING health disparities
- Collect and report health care access and utilization data by patient’s race/ethnicity
- Encourage the use of evidence-based guidelines and quality improvement
- Support the use of language interpretation services in the clinical setting
- Increase proportion of underrepresented minorities in the healthcare workforce
what are provider interventions that could contribute to REDUCING health disparities
- Cross-cultural education into the training of all healthcare professionals
- Incorporate teaching on the impact of race, ethnicity, and culture on clinical decision-making
- Ongoing training and education on health care disparities, vulnerable populations
what are some patient interventions that could contribute to REDUCING health desparities
- Education on navigating the healthcare system
- Encouraging patients to be more active in the medical encounter
what is bias? what are they fueled by?
- A tendency to believe that some people, ideas, etc., are better than others that usually results in treating some people unfairly. (Merriam-Webster)
- fueled by Stereotypes, Negative past experiences, Views of family, friends, society.
what is the purpose of stereotypes
- Learned from parents, peers, media
- Lets us categorize the world around us
- Helps us understand and predict the social world
- Helps us feel better about ourselves and like we belong to something
Cognitively efficient - no need to consider information about each individual person
Lets us respond more rapidly to a situation