Health care system comparison Flashcards
what do you need to know what the performance is of health care system.
we need to know how much money went into the health care system
what is the first step of a framework to understand the health system performance?
define the boundaries of the health system ,based on the concept of health action.
within these boundaries,the concept of performance is centred around 3 fundamental goals.
- improving health
- enchancing responsiveness to the expectations of the population
- assuring fairness of financial contribution
how do you define health action
it is any set of activities whose primary intent is to improve or maintain health
what do they mean with improving health
both increasing the average health status and reducing health inequalities
how does a coherent and consistent framework should begin with
with a simple question : what are health systems for .
once the intrinsic goals of health systems have been clearly articulated ,these goals must be measured and both the concept of performance and the key factors that influence performance must be explored .
what kind of topics cover the conceptual basis for health system performance
the boundaries of the health system
the difference between intrinsic and instrumentaal goals
mapping between social systems and social goals
the main goal of a health system
the instrumental goals of a health system
the concepts of performance and efficiency
applying the concept of performance to subssystems or institutions
key factors influencing health care performances
what are the goals of the who
- monitor and evaluate attainment of critical outcomes and the efficiency of the health systems in a way that allows ccomparisons over time and between different countries
- build and evidence base on the relationship between the design of the health system and performance
- empower the public with information relevant to their well being
what are dalys
is a measure of overall disease burden, expressed as the number of years lost due to ill health,disabilitt or early death
Interpretation : 1 year in perfect health is equal to 2 years in 50% health . we have an utility weight comparing to perfect health.
which kind of goals fullfil the intrinsic goals
is it possible to raise the level of attainment of the goals ,while holding the level of other intrinsic goalss constant
raising the level of attainment of an intrinsic goal s desirable
it is possible to improve on patient experiences while holding outcomes for health constant. we want all the goals we care about in the evaluation .
what is the distribution in this framework all about
about equity
where do we look at when evaluating goals in the who framework
health improvement responsivness to expectations fairness in financial contributions average level distribution
explain the content of responsivness
the legitimate expectations of the populations.
health improvement expectations of the public is excluded because it is already fully reflected in the 1st goal : health
which 2 major components does responsivness have
respect for persons : the interaction of individuals with the health ssystems and this has important ethicala dimensions
- respect for dignity,for individual autonomy ad respect for confidentialitty
client orientation: it includes several dimensions of consumer satisfaction and is not a function of health improvement.
*prompt attention or health needs : this can lead to better outcomes ex. waiting for a diagnose
*basic amentities ; clean bed,good bed
acces to social support : allowing pets affect health outcome
* choice of provider
what does the distribution of responsivness means here.
it is important to look at the average level of responsivness but also with ineaqualities in its distribution . we are implicity interested in differences related to social,economic,demographic and other factors.
fairness in financial contribution
which of the 2 key challenges should a health system have to be fair
- ) households should not become impoverished ,or pay an excessive share of their income in obtaining needed health care
- ) poor household should pay less towards the health system then the rich household ( fair share)
what does fair share means
every household should pay a fair share towards the costs of health system. it might mean no payment at all for poor household
what are the arguments for a fair share
redistribute income ; example by providing free health services to poor households
health systems that redistribute income are likely to give more acces to the poor and thus lead to bettter health outcomes ( instrumental )
are we interested in the average level when we look at the finance contribution
no we are only interested in the distribution . the level of health financiering is a key policy choice in any society but it is not an intrinsic goal. it is always desirable to recieve a lot of health and responsivness here and it is not valuable to spend an ever increasig amount of money on the health system.
what is the most important here
that the financial burden should be fairly distributed across groups.
which concepts are related to the framwork.
- quality is a subset of overall goal attainment,not a performance of measure
- equity of the health system is broader than simple health inequalities
- efficiency how well are the socially desired mix of 5 components of the 3 goals achieved compared to the available resources.
how can we consider the whole framework
the level for health and responsivness is the overall quality of the health system because this framework is directly related to quality ,equity and efficiency.
the distribution of the 3 goals are the total equity of a health system.
how do we weight goals
when you have the 5 goals,to come up with an overall figure of the health care system we need to weight the performance of each of these goals. we weight them by asking people about their preferences and how they would attribute their weight.
is there a pareto efficiency when you look at the concept of performance between countries
a single budget for the health system is used to achieve all the goals but there can be a trade off.
some countries may perform poorly on responsivness but well on health inequality ,because more resources from the total budget are assigned to redressing inequalities then to enchancing responsiveness
what are cross system goals for the health system and give an example
goals that could be potentially important and that should be the subjext of special analysis and evaluation.
example : how much does the health system help or hinder education. on of the most important cross system is the contribution of health system to the economic production .