Health Care Administration in Athletic Training Flashcards
Developing a Strategic Plan
Strategic planning: involves critical self-examination to bring about organization improvement
- Why is there a need for such a program and what should the function of the program be within the total
scope of the athletics program? (answer by administrators, athletic directors, or school boards)
- To determine whether the program is consistent with the overall mission of the institution/organization
- Helps build support for the program (include many people in the planning process)
- Should be a tool for improvement, helping to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the program and
transforming it positively
Vision Statement
- A concise statement that describes the ideal state to which an organization aspires
- The provider of the service
- The actual services to be provided
- Target clients
- Quality declaration that identifies aspirations for how audiences will receive the program
Mission Statement
A written expression of an organization’s philosophy, purpose and characteristics
- Functions: 1) help the AT direct resources toward accomplishing specific tasks; 2) should inspire ATS to do a good job; 3) should be action oriented and should stimulate a change in behavior
- The particular services to be offered, the primary market for those services, and the technology to be used in delivery of those services
- The goals of the program
- The philosophy of the program and the code of behavior that applies to its organization
- The “self-concept” of the program based on evaluation of strengths and weaknesses
- The desired program image based on feedback from internal and external stakeholders
Formal recognition indicating that a program meets certain prescribed quality standards
- JCAHO: Joint commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organization
- CARF: Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities
WOTS UP Analysis
A data collection and appraisal technique designed to determine an organization’s “weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and strengths underlying planning”
Operational Planning
Defines organization activities in the short term, usually no longer than 2 years
Expresses an organization’s intended behavior relative to a specific program subfunction
- Not intended to answer detailed questions; intended as road maps (basic rules and principles)
A collection of steps designed to direct the most important tasks of an organization
- injury prevention, injury rehabilitation, injury recognition, organization and administration, etc.
provides specific directions for members of an organization to follow
- i.e. procedure for discharge from rehabilitation
the action that takes place in response to administrative problems
- i.e. procedure written that states all machines should be calibrated once a year
- practices = which vendor? What time of year? Scheduling?
PERT (Program Evaluation and Review Technique)
a method of graphically depicting the timeline for and interrelationships of different stages of a program
Gannt Charts
a graphic planning and control technique that maps discreet tasks on a calendar
prevention and care for entire year, or just competitive season? all illnesses, or just musculoskeletal?
are other persons to receive care? How should they be referred? Clinical settings for students?
will any outside groups be served by the AT staff? (take legality and insurance into consideration)
Clinical and Corporate/Industrial Setting Considerations
should only be assigned to work with those physically active; often expected to oversee preventative and rehabilitation programs (additional education)
Facility Personnel Coverage
time of coverage depends on number of staff
Sports Coverage
may be forced to decide where greatest need for coverage is (i.e. high school)
Hygiene and Sanitation
- AT must be aware of OSHA guidelines (Occupational Safety and Health Administration)
The Athletic Training Facility
- no cleated shoes or game equipment
- keep shoes off of treatment table
- athletes should shower before receiving treatment
- roughhousing and profanity should not be allowed
- no food or smokeless tobacco should be allowed
The Gymnasium
- facilities cleanliness (floors swept, bathrooms disinfected, lockers sanitized, mats cleaned)
- equipment and clothing (fitted clothing, no swapping, clothing laundered and changed frequently, wet clothing allowed to dry, proper shoe fit, protective clothing during inclement weather, clean and dry towels)
Spending-Ceiling Model
financial crisis model; requires reallocation of institutional funds, resulting in reduced spending levels for some programs (should identify areas that could be cut without serious impact)
Zero-Based Budgeting
requires justification for every budget line item without reference to previous spending patterns; requires documentation of actual program needs and development of priorities (rank each item)
Fixed Budgeting
expenditures and revenues are projected on a monthly basis, providing an estimate of cash flow; most appropriate for large, well-established sports medicine clinics during economic certainty
Variable Budgeting
requires adjustments of monthly expenditures so that they do not exceed revenues; rarely used by school-based programs (very difficult to estimate costs in advance)
Lump Sum Budgeting
allocates a fixed amount of money for an entire program without specifying how the money will be spent; gives freedom to spend where it is needed most)
Line Item Budgeting
allocates a fixed amount of money for each subfunction of a program
- expendable supplies, equipment repair, team physician services, and insurance
- easy to understand and prepare; the AT has limited flexibility in responding to midyear financial crises
Performance Budgeting
allocates funds for discreet activities; not commonly used due to expense and difficulty of analyzing specific activity costs
- prepractice and pregame team preparation, rehabilitation, injury treatment, administration, patient education, emergency first aid
Needs Assessment
procedure to set organization or programmatic priorities based on identified needs
- phase 1: exploration (identify needs, decide on info to collect for each need, where/how to collect info)
- phase 2: information gathering (collect info, prioritize needs, determine causes for needs)
- phase 3: decision making (develop alternative solutions for needs, determine budgetary implications, prioritize solutions, integrate solutions into the program budget)
Capital Improvements
- consider pool buying for a quantity discount
- tap into booster clubs, alumni, and fundraising groups
- sponsorships and endorsements
Expendable Equipment
cannot be reused (tape, bandages, hydrogen peroxide)
can be reused (compression wraps, scissors, neoprene sleeves)
Nonconsumable Capital
usually not removed from athletic training facility (ice machine, tx table, modality unit)
Consumable Capital
crutches, coolers, and kits
Request for Quotation
document that provides vendors with the specifications for the bidding on the sale of goods and services (types of products to via bidding should be consumable supplies and some types of durable equipment - don’t bid on services because quality may be reflected on lower prices)
the process of bargaining (capital equipment, medium-priced annual rebuys, lower-cost consumable supplies)
playing on vendor against another after bids have been returned is frowned upon
many schools’ fiscal years begin July 1st (order in May, take possession in June, defer billing until after July 1st - allows time to restock and prepare for fall season while not paying until next fiscal year
- implied warranty (unstated understanding that a vendor will “make good” if product is faulty);
- may negotiate for a express warranty (statement specifying the conditions, circumstances, and terms under which a vendor will replace or repair a product if found to be faulty)
payment of shipping costs and freight-on-board (FOB) point
- FOB point: point at which the title for shipped goods passes from vendor to purchaser
- clarifies cost by factoring cost of shipping into bid
- generally, AT should specify institution of clinic as FOB point
important for computers and isokinetic testing/rehabilitation devices; becomes an important factor in the overall cost during the life of the equipment
formal/informal communication used for requesting authorization to purchase goods/services
Purchase Order
a document that formalizes the terms of purchase and transmits the intentions of the buyer to purchase goods or services from the vendor
- should make the award based on the cost for each individual item (rather than on the cost of the entire order)
- only do for purchase orders over $200 (most vendors have a minimum-order policy)
process of accepting delivery of goods; should be immediately checked to make sure packing slip matches contents and to determine whether all goods specified in order were received; inspect for damage
Accounts Payable
- educational, professional or industrial settings: submit invoice to business office ASAP to take advantage of early payment discounts
- independent clinics: evaluate terms of early payment discount
Alternative Purchasing Strategies
pooled buying consortia, alumni/booster groups, external funding programs
- buy or lease capital equipment?
- -> purchasing: cost, program owns equipment (may be bad if technology becomes obsolete)
- -> leasing: possible tax advantages, lower initial cost, use capital on other things
Purchasing Services
- different from purchasing supplies/equipment
- try to get service free of charge: volunteer physicians, donate time in exchange for advertisement
- OR: try to employ cost sharing whenever possible: physician may accept only what insurance will pay
- evaluate what each provider is willing to provide/at what price