Define what the Health Belief Model is. (simple definition)
- A psychological framework.
- Used to explain and predict health-related behaviours.
What does the Health Belief Model suggest?
- Individual perceptions WILL predict a persons adaption of health-related behaviours.
Health Belief Model definition
- A psychological framework.
- That is used to explain+predict health related behaviours.
- It suggests that individual perceptions will predict a person’s adaption of health related behaviour
How many components are there in the Health Belief Model? Can you name them?
- Percieved serverity
- Percieved susceptibility
- Percived benfits
- Percieved barriers
- Cues to action
- Self efficacy
Define percieved severity
- Refers to a persons perception of how severe consequences of contracting an illness will be.
If they don’t believe the consequences will be serious (minor illnesses) they will delay treatment.
Define percieved susceptiblity
- Refers to a persons perception of the likelihood of contracting an illness.
If they don’t belief they are at risk of serious illness they will delay seeking treatment.
Define percieved benfits
- Refers to a persons perception of the effectiveness of actions/ treatment needed to reduce the threat of illness.
If they aren’t confident the treatment will work they are more likely to delay
Define percieved barriers
- Refers to an individuals perception of potential barriers when attempting to perform health-related actions.
Give some examples of some percieved barriers
- Expense
- Effort
- Discomfort
Define cues to action
- Refers to the stimulus needed to trigger health behaviours.
A person may want to make a positive health related change, but may not do so w/out an external trigger.
Define self-efficacy
- Refers to a persons confidence in their ability to make the health related change.
someone is more likely to delay seeking treatment if they are not confident that they can go through the diagnosis or treatment process