health and wellness chapter 6-10 Flashcards
Cardiorespiratory endurance: the ability of the lungs, heart, and blood vessels to deliver adequate amounts of oxygen to the cells to meet the demands of prolonged sub-maximal physical activity.
CRE physiology
is a measure of how the pulmonary (lungs), cardiovascular (heart & blood vessels) and muscular systems work together during aerobic activities.
requires oxygen to produce the necessary energy (ATP) to carry out the activity.
does not require oxygen to produce the necessary energy (ATP) to carry out the activity.
Benefits of Aerobic Training
Higher maximal oxygen uptake Increase in the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood Decrease in resting heart rate Lower heart rate at given workloads Faster recovery
Benefits of physical assessments test
educate participants regarding their fitness levels and compare their results to health fitness and physical fitness standards
motivate individuals to participate in exercise programs
provide a starting point for individualized exercise prescription
evaluate improvements achieved through exercise programs and adjust individualized exercise
monitor over time changes in fitness
Similar training programs result in a wide variation in physiological responses due to the role of heredity
The amount of oxygen the body actually uses at maximal
Sub maximal test used to measure VO2
1.5 mile run
1.o mile walk
12 minute swim test
step test
Good maximal VO2 score for college students
male 44 - 52.9
women 39 - 48.9
systolic blood pressure
pressure exerted by blood against walls of arteries during forceful contraction of the heart
Diastolic blood pressure
Pressure exerted by the blood against the walls of the arteries during the relaxation phase of the heart
an acronym used to describe the four cardiorespiratory exercise prescription variables: frequency, intensity, type (mode) and time (duration)
Maximal Heart Rate ¹MHR = 207- (.7 x age)
Heart Rate Reserve HRR=MHR-RHR 191- 60= 131
Training intensity TI=( HRR x .__ ) + RHR
enhancing Exercise compliance
Set aside a regular time for exercise
Exercise early in the day
Select aerobic activities you enjoy
Combine different activities (cross-train)
Use proper clothing and equipment
Find a friend or group of friends to exercise with
Set goals and share them with others
Purchase a pedometer (step counter) and attempt to accumulate 10,000 steps each day
Don’t become a chronic exerciser
Exercise in different places and facilities
benefits of increased strength
Increase or maintain muscle mass and a higher resting metabolic rate. Encourages weight loss and maintenance. Lessens the risk of injury. Prevents osteoporosis. Reduces chronic low-back pain. Alleviates arthritic pain. Improves cholesterol levels. Promotes psychological well-being. Also, may help lower the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes