exam review Flashcards
sedentary death syndrom
is a cause of death attribute d to a lack of physical activity
chronic diesease
illness that develop as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle and last a long time
life expectancy
number of years a person is expected to live based on the person’s birth year
a state if complete well being- not just the absence of disease or infirmity
the ability to meet the ordinary as well as the unusual demands of daily life safely and effectively without being overly fatigued and still have energy left for leisure and recreational activities
seven dimension of health and wellness
occupational environmental physical spiritual emotional social mental
6 nutrients
carbohydrates protein fat vitamin lipids water
fuel nutrients
which supplies the body with energy
regulatory nutrients
have no caloric value but are needed to maintain good health function normally
essential nutrients
nutrients your body requires include vitamins, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates, fats (essential fatty acids), water and oxygen
nonessential nutrients
Non-essential nutrients are nutrients that your body can produce internally from food sources.
6 food groups of pyramid model
oils grains fruit vegetables milk meat and beans
muscular endurance
the ability of a muscle to exert sub-maximal force repeatedly over time
muscular strength
the ability of a muscle to exert maximum force against resistance
the array of conditions that affect the heart and the blood vessels ( Cardiovascular disease)
blood vessel the feeds the brain ruptures or is clogged, leading to blood flow disruption to the brain
peripheral heart disease
narrowing of the peripheral blood vessels
coronary heart disease
condition in which the arteries that supply the heart muscle with oxygen and nutrients are narrowed by fatty deposits, such cholesterol and triglycerides
is the number of repetitions performed for a given exercise.
Similar training programs result in a wide variation in physiological responses due to the role of heredity
SMART goals
specific measurable attainable realistic time
increased strength
Increase or maintain muscle mass and a higher resting metabolic rate. Encourages weight loss and maintenance. Lessens the risk of injury. Prevents osteoporosis. Reduces chronic low-back pain. Alleviates arthritic pain. Improves cholesterol levels. Promotes psychological well-being. Also, may help lower the risk of high blood pressure and diabetes
chronological age
calender age
physiological age
the biological and functional in the field of medicine to mean biologic systems affected by physical activity and the role of activity in preventing disease
actual age
realistic age
types of physical fitness
health and skill related
health related
ability to perform activities of daily living without undue fatigue
skill related
components consists of agility, balance, coordination, reaction time, speed, and power
environmental influences of physical fitness
modern day automation and mechanics, excessive viewing of the tv, modern day architecture, weather and perceived crime
vitamin classification
water soluble(b complex and c) fat soluble( a, d, e, and k)
Vitamin A
is produce from betacarotene and found in carrots, pumpkin and sweet potatoes
Vitamin d
is found in certain foods and created when UV light from the sun transform 7 dehydrocholesterol, a compound in human skin
Minerals are crucial components of respiratory pigments, enzymes and enzyme systems.
ex. calcium, sodium, selenium, and iron
Minerals regulate muscular and nervous system impulses, blood clotting, and normal heart rhythm.
Vitamin k
created in the body by intestinal bacteria
mental, emotional, and physiological response of the body to any situation that is new, threatening, frightening or exciting
stress that prepares the organism to react to the stress- causing event
negative stress, unpleasant or harmful stress under which health and performance begin to deteriorate
type a behavior
characterizes a primarily hard-driving, overambitious, aggressive, at times hostile and overly competitive person
type b behavior
calm, casual, relaxed, easygoing individuals.
type c behavior
characterizes a person that works well under pressure without showing the signs of stress.
is- compulsive, uncontrollable behavior(s)or use of substance
a virus that you cant get rid of : HIV
bacterial STI
a virus you can get rid of : Chlamydia and gonorrhea
reducing the risk of STIS AND HIV infection
- postpone sex until you and your uninfected partner are prepared to enter into a lifetime relationship
- practice safe sex every time you have sex and dont have sexual contact with anyone who doesn’t practice safe sex.
- use methods of contraception to help prevent the infection from spreading
- know your partner and limit your sexual relationships
- dont have sex with prostitutes